NDK includes and the Android Gradle plugin version 0.7.+ - android-ndk

Version 0.7.+'s of the gradle plugin includes preliminary ndk support. I worked off the examples but I get a compilation error when trying to include a standard NDK header:
In file included from /foo/src/main/jni/Bar.h:4:0,
from /foo/src/main/jni/Bar.cpp:1:
/foo/src/main/jni/baz.h:4:25: fatal error: android/log.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Where baz.h has this line:
#include <android/log.h>
And my gradle file has:
ndk {
ldLibs "log"
Has anyone made this work?

shouldn't it be ldLibs "-llog" ?
NDK support is very unstable now... I was fighting with it for a few days - it completely broken on Windows. No easy way to disable it (but still possible). On some circumstances build process will generate wrong file path (like /foo/bar//foo/bar/source.c). So we switched back to the 0.6.+ version and monitoring https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/list?q=tools%40android.com


How to fix: "ABI filter 'arm64-v8a' is no longer supported in NDK version x"

I'm setting up an android project from another company which involves selfmade C++ cross platform libraries. For an older version of these libraries an complete app project was made in java with a jni interface to access these libraries, which are stored as their own modules with gradle.build files. The goal is to get the app compiling for arm64-v8a architecture because of the Google requirements for app update.
The project is set up with:
gradle experimental plugin 0.11.0
gradle plugin 4.1
boost 1.64.0 for armeabi-v7a (got arm64-v8a precompiled libraries as replacement)
ndk r15c
I checked all dependencies for getting a arm64 pendant, which was only needed for the boost dependencies.
I tried changing the ABI list which is used for every project to include all architectures or all seperatly. I tried using other ndk versions. What might help but i didn't accomplish was changing the experimental gradle plugin to the normal plugin but i couldn't get that right.
I expected some compiling or linking errors but it only tells me "ABI filter 'arm64-v8a' is no longer supported in NDK version r15.2.4203891.". If i try other architectures i get the same error, but instead of the 'arm64-v8a' the current selected architecture. If i give an invalid architecture it changes to "Target ABI 'hello' is not supported.", so it recognizes the architecture i think.
Stacktrace of first error:
A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
Exception thrown while executing model rule: NdkComponentModelPlugin.Rules#configureNativeLibrary(ModelMap, NdkConfig, NdkHandler, ModelMap, File, ServiceRegistry) > create(livestage) > withType()
Exception thrown while executing model rule: NdkComponentModelPlugin.Rules#configureNativeLibrary(ModelMap, NdkConfig, NdkHandler, ModelMap, File, ServiceRegistry) > create(lib-jni-cxx) > withType()
Exception thrown while executing model rule: NdkComponentModelPlugin.Rules#configureNativeBinary(BinaryContainer, ModelMap, NdkConfig, NdkHandler) > withType()
ABI filter 'arm64-v8a' is no longer supported in NDK version r15.2.4203891.
The experimental plugin hasn't been supported for years, so it's no surprise that it doesn't work. Migrate to externalNativeBuild: https://developer.android.com/studio/projects/add-native-code

Unable to build NDK project from latest Android Studio (version 2.1.2, Windows 64 bit)

I am unable to build a NDK project from the Android Studio environment but can build it manually using the command console.
I get the following error after building:
Error:Execution failed for task ':xxxxxx:compileReleaseNdk'.> com.android.ide.common.process.ProcessException: org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command 'C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Android\SDK\android-sdk\ndk-bundle\ndk-build.cmd'' finished with non-zero exit value 2
I got a similar error while invoking ndk-build.cmd manually using the console from the jni directory where my NDK project is stored.However I fixed it by modifying the following in my Application.mk file as follows:
since 4.9 is the tool chain available on my install. I suspect from the Android Studio environment, the toolchain version is being picked incorrectly, and yet I do not know where to set this option in the GUI.
The build.gradle file has the following NDK block:
moduleName "xxxxxx"
ldLibs "log"
cFlags "-std=c++11 -fexceptions"
stl "gnustl_static"
abiFilters "arm64-v8a armeabi armeabi-v7a mips mips64 x86 x86_64"
Please advise me on how to go about solving this problem.
Just out of curiosity, I moved my project directory to the desktop and tried to build that project. The build was successful.
Finally narrowed down the problem to the NDK compiler not being able to create the following intermediate object file inside my project folder:
The reason was the well known windows path cannot exceed 255 characters issue. As you can see above the NDK-Build utility tries to append a deep folder hierarchy like "C_\Users\xxxxx\GitRepos\REVIEWS\xxx\SMART-xxxx\xxxx-xxx-androidnative\xxxLibraries\xxxlibrary\src\main\jni\" which exceeds MAX_PATH.

Android NDK, CMake with other libraries

So I am trying to build and test out a CMake with the Android NDK on Android Studio. I can get my library to compile, but it doesn't seem to want to pull any third-party dependencies over. I've been reading through the toolchain and looking for better documentations, with no luck. Can someone tell me if I am missing?
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1)
set(SFML_PATH ${ANDROID_NDK}/sources/sfml)
set(SFML_LIB_SYSTEM ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-system.so)
set(SFML_LIB_AUDIO ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-audio.so)
set(SFML_LIB_GRAPHICS ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-graphics.so)
set(SFML_LIB_NETWORK ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-network.so)
set(SFML_LIB_WINDOW ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-window.so)
set(SFML_LIB_ACTIVITY ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-activity.so)
set(SFML_LIB_MAIN ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-main.a)
add_library(native-lib SHARED
target_link_libraries(native-lib log ${SFML_LIBS})
#file(COPY ${SFML_LIBS} DESTINATION ${__android_install_path})
execute_process( COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy_if_different "${SFML_LIB}" "${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/${SFML_LIB}" RESULT_VARIABLE __fileCopyProcess )
Above is my CMakeLists.txt. I have done a little hacking to get it to compile with SFML with the paths, as I have not found good documentation with CMake and Android yet.
May you add more info for:
"but it doesn't seem to want to pull any third-party dependencies over."?
this one:
has static and shared 3rd party libs, you may try it.
For the shared dependent lib, you will need to pack them into APK, that is done inside gradle, cmake will not do it.
The above example shows that, basically they need to be copied into your app/src/main/jniLibs too so they will be packed into apk, and pushed to your android phone/tablet. At runtime they could be loaded.
I have tried to put a group of libraries into one directory, and use
then just put the lib names directly into
also works. Make sure you have the right libs for the ABIs you intend to support for your app [looks like you are just building for one ABI].
The process could be little long it will depend on your android skills.
An example could be similar to this process:
Crosscompile sfml.
Create your jni bridge
Generate with cmake the project and compile
Copy your files to android studio. create java loading library code.
I guess that you have crosscompiled sfml and you know how works crosscompiling process, if I am wrong check these link below:
Source code:
Changes on your cmake:
add this file
In cmake put your SFML build directory and cmake will fills your VARIABLES
automatically for instance this variables:
set(SFML_PATH ${ANDROID_NDK}/sources/sfml)
set(SFML_LIB_SYSTEM ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-system.so)
set(SFML_LIB_AUDIO ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-audio.so)
set(SFML_LIB_GRAPHICS ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-graphics.so)
set(SFML_LIB_NETWORK ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-network.so)
set(SFML_LIB_WINDOW ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-window.so)
set(SFML_LIB_ACTIVITY ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-activity.so)
set(SFML_LIB_MAIN ${SFML_LIB_PATH}/libsfml-main.a)
There are two ways to make android studio native apps:
Easy way:
Create JNI bridge:
Crosscompile your cmake script and copy your lib to app/src/main/jniLibs
add library in execution time
Log.v(LOG_TAG, "adding your library");
catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError e)
More complete way (it allows to debug library)
Create your ndk module in gradle
android.ndk {
moduleName = "your_library"
cppFlags.add("-I" + file("src/main/jni").absolutePath)
stl = "gnustl_shared" // Which STL library to use: gnustl or stlport
ldLibs.addAll(["android", "EGL", "GLESv2", "dl", "log", "z"])
String libsDir = curDir.absolutePath + "/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi/"
ldLibs.add(libsDir + "your_native_lib.so")

How to include SimpleAudioEngine to Linux build in cocos2d-x v3.3 project?

I'm trying use SimpleAudioEngine in my project. I include the SimpleAudiEngine header to AppDelegate.
#include "SimpleAudioEngine.h"
When I build my project for Android everything compiles and build is fine. SimpleAudioEngine working is correct.
If run build for Linux, I get an error message:
fatal error: SimpleAudioEngine.h: No such file or directory
#include "SimpleAudioEngine.h"
I tried include SimpleAudioEngine to CMake file - result remains the previous.
I solved the problem by adding this line of code to CMakeLists.txt (in cocos2D version 3.4 project):
So CMakeLists.txt is somthing like this now:
hope this help.

Android Studio update 1.0 breaks NDK compilation

I just updated from 0.8.14 to 1.0 RC4 and now my NDK support seems broken.
The failing ndk-build call:
C:\Users\layer0\AppData\Local\Android\android-ndk32-r10b-windows-x86_64\ndk-build.cmd NDK_PROJECT_PATH=null APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=C:\Users\layer0\AndroidStudioProjects\GameEngine\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\Android.mk APP_PLATFORM=android-20
NDK_OUT=C:\Users\layer0\AndroidStudioProjects\GameEngine\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\obj NDK_LIBS_OUT=C:\Users\layer0\AndroidStudioProjects\GameEngine\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\lib APP_ABI=all
Error message from make:
make.exe: *** No rule to make target C:\Users\layer0\AndroidStudioProjects\GameEngine\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/my-jni/C_\Users\layer0\AndroidStudioProjects\GameEngine\app\src\main\jni',
needed by C:\Users\layer0\AndroidStudioProjects\GameEngine\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/my-jni/C_\Users\layer0\AndroidStudioProjects\GameEngine\app\src\main\jni\buffercopies.o'. Stop.
The whole project, including the JNI parts was compiling fine just hours ago before the update. I guess something changed in the configs or about the supported ABIs?
But i don't really know what to look for.
Write it down, think, try again ... find a solution. grrrr
Effect was this bug:
Issue 66937: "no rule to make target" when compiling only one .c file with ndk-build.cmd launched from gradle
Once the .so files are created the dummy.c file can be removed. I did that and forgot about the bug, so it came back after the update.
