libgdx table lays out components only in bottom right area - layout

I'm using a Table to add some Labels to a stage. For some reason it adds it to the bottom right corner instead of the top left. Any ideas about how I can lay out the components correctly?
int dialogWidth = 450;
int dialogHeight = 650;
Label label1 = new Label("MUSIC:", skin);
Label label2 = new Label("SOUND EFFECTS:", skin);
Label label3 = new Label("JUMP SPEED:", skin);
TextButton btn1 = new TextButton("whatever", skin);
final Dialog dialog = new Dialog("Properties", skin);
dialog.setSize(dialogWidth, dialogHeight);
Table t = new Table();
t.setBounds(0, 0, dialogWidth, dialogHeight);

Fix 1:
Solution: Remove the following line
t.setBounds(0, 0, dialogWidth, dialogHeight);
Reason: Don't use setBounds yourself. Let the layoutmanager handle it.
Fix 2:
Solution: Replace the following line
Reason: Dialog is itself a Table which contains 3 components viz Title, ContentTable, ButtonTable.
Your code was adding the new Table in the row of ButtonTable (last row hence at bottom) after ButtonTable (hence right).
The updated code adds it to the Content Table where it is supposed to be.
Refer to to understand reason behind
Lastly, to debug any Table related issue, consider using debug lines (explained in the same link)
Hope this helps.


Listbox resizing itself when new data is added

I am trying to add information to my Listbox and keeping it the size I state when I configure it. Here is my code for the Listbox with the scrollbar and an image of what it looks like.
Picture of the listbox.
taskList = Listbox(setBox, bg="#1B2834",fg="white")
taskScroll = Scrollbar(setBox)
taskScroll.pack(side = RIGHT, fill = BOTH)
taskList.config(yscrollcommand = taskScroll.set)
taskScroll.config(command = taskList.yview)
Now, when i click a button the command is to execute this following code:
def savetasks():
#make tasks
letters = string.ascii_uppercase
result_str = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(4))
num = str(random.randrange(0,9))
taskIDnum = num+result_str
taskIDLBL = Label(taskList, text=taskIDnum,bg="#1B2834", fg="White")
This code works fine as well, creating new labels with a random ID but it resizes the listbox to look like this...
Picture of the list box after clicking the button to execute the command.
Lastly, the scroll bar is not scrollable and when I create a lot of id's that end up going off my screen I cannot use the scroll bar to scroll down to see them, is there a way to not let the Listbox be resized and is it possible to set the Listbox with max and min-height?
If there is an easier way to do this without using a Listbox please let know, I just need to able to scroll down to see all the other id's and I didn't see any other way to use a scroll bar, that I NEEDED to use a Listbox

How to add text below/above in the middle of the polyline in osmdroid

How to add text below/above in the middle of the polyline in osmdroid? setTitle() does not work neither is setSubDescription().
And also how to add button overlays.
There is a way to do it and it's an opt in feature of the Marker class. The easiest way to find an example is with the LatLonGridOverlay. I'll reduce the logic to something simple to understand below. The key is the order of code, see the title, then set the icon to null, then add to the map. You'll have to figure out where you want the Marker to be based on the coordinates of the polyline but it does work.
Polyline p = new Polyline();
List<GeoPoint> pts = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>();
//add your points here
//add to map
Marker m = new Marker(mapView);
m.setTitle("Some text here");
//must set the icon last
m.setPosition(new GeoPoint(marker location here));
//add to map
Setting icon to null alone doesn't worked for me, I need to use setTextIcon:
distanceMarker = new Marker(mapView);
GeoPoint p3 = new GeoPoint((loc.getLatitude()+poi.getLat())/2,(loc.getLongitude()+poi.getLon())/2);

JavaFX SplitPane Divider Position Inconsistent Behaviour

I have two StackPanes (pane1 & pane2) being displayed in a SplitPane (splitPane). The SplitPane's divider position is set to .3 in the builder. The seond StackPane (pane2) contains a Button which also sets the SplitPane's divider position to .3.
Ceteris paribus, the expected behaviour would be that both actions (setting the divider position in the builder & setting the divider position through an action) either work or not.
Yet, only the latter actually works.
What changes between the construction of the SplitPane and the onAction of the Button. What hinders the placement of the divider in the builder?
StackPane pane1 = new StackPane();
StackPane pane2 = new StackPane();
final SplitPane splitPane = SplitPaneBuilder.create()
.items(pane1, pane2)
// Environment A
.dividerPositions(new double[] {.3}) // splitPane.setDividerPosition(s)(...), etc. yield same result
// The following line influences environment A outcome, though it does not fix the issue
SplitPane.setResizableWithParent(pane1, false);
.text("Divider Position")
.onAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
// Environment B
Scene primaryScene = SceneBuilder.create()
I had a problem regarding the position of the split pane and it seems similar with yours. Here it is: I have a tabpane, and whenever I add a new tab, I load the content of the tab from an fxml, in which there exists a split pane, with divider position fixed to 0.8.
When the first tab is loaded, it is ok, the divider is positioned at 0.8. When I add the second tab, exactly in the same way with the first tab via fxml, the position of the split pane in the second tab is 0.5, i.e. the default value.
I tried to programatically set the divider position with setDividerPositions method after loading the content of the tab, but it did not work. Then as in your case, if I place the setDividerPositions call in an onAction method, it successfully sets the divider position.
As I stated, my problem is not exactly same as yours, but seems similar. So I am not sure but hope my work around will help you: In my situation, placing the setDividerPositions call in Platform.runLater did the trick.
So, thanks to James D in the Oracle support forums, here is the full answer:
"The issue appears to be that the scene's size is smaller than that of its window. This causes an additional layout pass when the window is first displayed; the second layout pass counts as a "window resize" and consequently the divider position of the split pane is not respected on this pass."
Workaround 1
Set the Scene's size instead of the Stage's size:
Scene primaryScene = SceneBuilder.create()
Workaround 2
As Ramazan has correctly pointed out, another solution would be to set the divider position in Platform.runLater(...).
I have filed a bug at jira (, referencing the original bug report ( which had been marked "unresolveable". I guess the final solution would be to provide methods for the absolute positioning of the divider.

How to put 4 button in row use lwuit? At the same distance

how to put 4 button in row, as in the picture:
The distance between the elements should be changed at different resolutions
There are allot of ways to do everything in LWUIT. Its unclear from your image what your exact constraints are, I'm guessing you want the left most button to be left aligned and the right most to be right aligned. You probably also want the two other buttons to be centered.
I would implement this using a GridLayout with nested FlowLayout elements. As such:
Container c = new Container(new GridLayout(1, 4));
addButton(c, new Button("b1"), Component.LEFT);
addButton(c, new Button("b2"), Component.CENTER);
addButton(c, new Button("b3"), Component.CENTER);
addButton(c, new Button("b4"), Component.RIGHT);
private void addButton(Container c, Button b, int align) {
Container flow = new Container(new FlowLayout(align));
Play with setMargin(Component.RIGHT,x) for the first three Buttons. Set the value of x such that the Buttons are equi-partitioned in the row : you must take into account the preferredWidth of the Buttons for that. For the first Button set its margin-left to 0 ( setMargin(Component.LEFT,0) ) , and for the last Button set its right-margin to 0 ( setMargin(Component.RIGHT,0) ).
You should use use BorderLayout and add the container (described in this answer inside south)

Buttons in LinearLayout not filling entire space programmatically

So I have a LinearLayout in horizontal mode which I add buttons to at random times in code and I like them all to fill up the space equally.
This is my current code so far:
layoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
layoutParams.gravity = Gravity.FILL;
and I add it to my view here:
linearLayout.addView(button, layoutParams);
All it does is add the buttons as if it was wrap_content and not expanding their width to fill up the available space as in the buttons look left justified.
I also have tried linearLayout.setGravity(Gravity.FILL_HORIZONTAL); and
linearLayout.addView(button, layoutParams);
where layoutParams in this case is:
layoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, 1);
I also tried setting the layout width to zero per answers to other questions.
Am I missing another technique?
Edit: I figured it out, I forgot to set the width of the LinearLayout to match_parent instead of wrap_content.
Button's background has "margins" so they will always have gaps even if there's no space between buttons. You have to change background to your own image which doesn't have these margins.
EDIT: You should use weights for buttons.
LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
0, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
params.weight = 1;
for( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
Button button = new Button(this);
button.setText("Button" + (i + 1));
linearLayout.addView(button, params);
