SearchComplete with Vim - vim

SearchComplete breaks the expected functionality of {c|d|y}/pattern, effectively reducing them to /pattern.
SearchComplete breaks use of /<Up> to search history on some systems - it seems like it is specifically a problem in non-gui vim compiled as 64bit displayed within a terminal emulator. This problem results in typing `/ switching to Insert mode and inserting the letter 'A' on a new line, instead of searching the history. I tried to figure out the bug, but I couldn't. Removing SearchComplete fixes the problem.
This is an excerpt I saw from
I was wondering if there is a workaround for this problem. Because both of these features ar so useful.

The last update of that plugin is from 2002; it's probably unmaintained if the author didn't respond to the feedback on the Vim Tips Wiki page.
You can try the alternative CmdlineComplete - complete command-line (: / etc.) plugin; this works well for me.


MacVim/YADR Autocomplete Issue

I have installed MacVim, and (including all the dependencies such as zsh, etc). and I am having trouble getting auto complete to work.
When I'm typing
<tit a pink box shows up with <title>Index</title> and according to the documentation pressing tab will make it autocomplete. Which sometimes works, sometimes it just adds two spaces, however that's not really my question.
When it does auto complete it turns it into
<<title>Index</title>> notice the two < and >
How can I fix this?
Wow… 79 plugins? Really?
At a low level, your problem is that you give someone else too much power over your configuration, your toolset and your workflow.
At a higher level, you are probably misusing your config's auto-completion feature. I think that you have a conflict between the neocomplcache, delimitmate and snipmate plugins: the 1st deals with auto-completion, the 2nd automatically closes pairs of characters (<>,"",()…) while the 3rd does "tab-expansion" on the tit keyword.
Basically, I believe that you are supposed to type tit<Tab> instead of <tit<Tab> to avoid triggering delimitmate.

What is the status of Vim keybindings in MonoDevelop?

There seems to be a lot of conflicting information regarding Vim keybindings in MonoDevelop. Does anyone know whether this feature is available or what the current status is? I know there was progress being made at some point.
The basics work pretty well. It currently supports the following modes: Normal, Visual, Visual Line, Insert, Overwrite. In those modes, most of "single-key" commands are supported, and some slightly more complex commands work too, such as searching and marks.
The major limitation right now is that it does not support multi-character text operators and text objects. I started implementing support for that a while back but it isn't finished yet. Assistance would be welcome.
If you check their site, you can see that Vi Mode is a section of their TODO.

Vim: How to set up an efficient autocomplete configuration?

I've been using Vim for a while now and love it, but one thing I've noticed when I use other editors is that I've never really got autocomplete working with much efficiency. I have supertab & snipmate working, I have tags for whatever language I'm using set up, but somehow it seems a little too cumbersome to use all that much, and apart from long method names I typically just avoid autocomplete.
Does anyone have fast, comprehensive autocomplete funcitonality set up in vim? Specifically:
At the moment, I hit "tab" to autocomplete class/method/variable names & generate snippets, but Ctrl+X+O for inbuilt langauge commands. I'd rather press tab for everything.
The ordering doesn't seem to be too intelligent. Very common stuff is often hidden in the middle of a bunch of rarely-used commands.
I've set up autocomplpop to show potential autocompletes as I'm typing, but I have to hit tab twice to accept the first entry. One much rather single-tab it.
So, any tips on setting up an efficient, comprehensive autocomplete configuration in vim? I know this question is a little vague - but if anyone has an overview of how they autocomplete well, and/or a link to a guide, it would be much appreciated.
Just thought I'd come back and mention that I finally found something I like: A customised version of NeoComplCache. Nice auto popup, everything integrated pleasantly into 'tab', and with a bit of customisation plays nice with snippets.
This is very dependant on your working domain. Vim is a text editor with the ability to interface with intelligent text-aware mechanisms.
If you are using java there is eclim, which is the eclipse backend together with a vim plugin for the frontend.
For C or C++ there is the plugin OmniCppComplete
It works by scanning the headers in the paths you have set up in vim (see :h path), and works very well imo.
If you have to press Ctrl-X_Ctrl-O for omnicompleteion, then your supertab config seems a bit broken. It should try omni or filename completion first, and then fall back to word completion.
YouCompleteMe plugin by Valloric is a very decent plugins for autocomplete and suggestion.
It contains support for all the major languages and you can extend the feature with setting up different engine .
it also comes with syntax checker so u don't have to use Syntastic separately
For setup details visit this link

Interface texshop with vim

Any advice on how you would interface texshop on mac osx with vim? I'm using vim quite a lot lately for coding. I find myself now trying to use vim-commands (replace, search, pattern matching, move, etc) when writing documents for latex with texshop and they obviously don't work. However, I don't want to leave texshop altogether, because it has some pretty nice tools I use very often (maybe the most important one is the ability to click the compliled .pdf file while pressing the CMD key on my macbook to jump immediately to the corresponding place in the .tex file).
Thanks in advance!
Can't really help with the question but if you want to use vim I would highly recommend vim-latex suite. It has a lot of mappings and other latex goodness including completion of references/citations (it loads them from the bib file and gives prompts based on what you've already typed). Also it supports pdfsync forward/backward searching - I use that with Skim. There is some information here on how to get that working (and see other posts on that blog).
Are there any other texshop features you would like to reproduce in Vim?

What's the best thing you've done with vim that helped your programming?

While surfing, I came to know that somebody has done Tower of Hanoi using vim. WOW!!!
Can you people share what all cool things you have been doing in vim.
Edit: Not sure about the Tower of Hanoi solution using vim being all that useful. But I think this question should be re-opened to allow people to comment on any useful things that they've done using vim. For me? See my answer below. (-:
vim has a set of commands that integrate with development tools such as make, gcc, and ctags. You can build your project, navigate to warnings and errors, and jump to function/variable definitions without leaving the editor:
:make builds the project.
:cl lists warnings and errors.
:cc takes you to the to line in the source code that generated the current error.
:cn navigates to the next error.
:cp navigates to the previous error.
:tag name navigates to the definition of the token name. (See man ctags to generate an index of tokens; sometimes make tags will do this automatically.)
Pressing Ctrl+] navigates to the definition of the token under the cursor.
I'm using vim to syntax-color code in my blog and lecture notes. A single Perl line
system "$vimrt\\gvim.exe", qq{
-c "edit /tmp/tmpcode.$ext "
-c "source $vimrt/syntax/2html.vim"
-c "write! /tmp/tmpcode.html"
-c "qa!"};
converts the code into nicely-colored HTML. I know there are stand-alone tools for doing this, but vim is already installed on my system, so this is one less tool to install.
I found myself struggling to be more efficient in vim compared to other non-modal text editors until I learned about "text-objects". Understanding this concept really improved my productivity and also gave me a new way of looking at text which in turn made it easier to deeply understand other vim concepts that I had only understood ephemerally before.
:help text-objects
I was working on a system that had massive log files. We're talking 30,000 10MB logs.
Per day!
Distinguishing between log messages that were coming from the middleware (same company but custom rolled) and our application was getting tedious.
That is until I wrote some custom vim syntax parsing so that anything vim displayed in green was from the middleware (done by the guys in Sophia Antipolis near Cannes) as opposed to anything vim displayed in blue that was from our application software that sat over the top of the SA code.
I also added highlighting to really make exceptions stand out with white lettering on a read background!
Made life so much easier! And it wasn't that hard to do!
Thanks vim!
I couple of months ago I wrote a vim script to save a complete history of all my edits, so I could inspect and measure my programming performance.
I'm using vim a lot recently to edit XML files. I got the xmledit plugin for vim working. Now vim creates closing tags for me, I can enclose highlighted text in an XML tag, and jump to balancing XML tags. It saves a lot of repetitive typing, reduces mistakes, and increases my productivity.
