Cannot capture javafx CheckBoxTableCell CellEditEvent - javafx-2

I have defined a CheckBoc TableColumn as
#FXML private TableColumn<Batch, Boolean> sltd;
And have defined the CellValueFactory & CellFactory
sltd.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Batch, Boolean>("pr"));
My problem is i am not able to capture the edit column event for the checkbox. I use the following code:
sltd.setOnEditStart(new EventHandler<TableColumn.CellEditEvent<Batch, Boolean>>() {
public void handle(TableColumn.CellEditEvent<Batch, Boolean> t) {
//System.out.println("CheckBox clicked.");

I don't think the check boxes in the CheckBoxTableCell invoke the startEdit(...) method on the table.
The only thing that can happen in an edit is that the boolean property of one of the items in the table changes from true to false, or vice versa. So you can check for this just by listening directly to those boolean properties.
If you want a single listener that will catch changes to any of the properties, you can create an observableList with an "extractor" and register a list change listener with the list. This looks like:
ObservableList<Batch> items = FXCollections.observableArrayList(new Callback<Batch, Observable[]>() {
public Observable[] call(Batch batch) {
return new Observable[] { batch.prProperty() } ;
// populate items
items.addListener(new ListChangeListener<Batch>() {
public void onChanged(Change<? extends Batch> change) {
while (change.hasNext()) {
if (change.wasUpdated()) {
System.out.println("Item at "+change.getFrom()+" changed value");


Javafx: Automatic update of table cell using Thread

I have a Trade class which contains a property currentPrice, which downloads price data from a website using getPricedata() method. The Trade object will show up as a table row in TableView. Now, my task: is to
use the getPricedata() method to grab data from internet, populate the currentPrice cell, whenever the object is created.
relaunch the getPricedata() method to every 1 minute after the object has been created and update table cell.
Below is the basic structure of my code. But I have no idea how to implement this ?
Which package do I need ? Task ? Service ? ScheduledService ?
public class Trade{
private DoubleProperty currentPrice;
// need thread here
public double getPricedata(){
Use a ScheduledService<Number>, whose Task<Number>'s call() method retrieves and returns the value. Then you can either register an onSucceeded handler with the service, or just bind the Trade's currentPrice to service.lastValue(). Call setPeriod(..) on the service (once) to configure it to run every minute.
Since the currentPrice is being set from the service, you should only expose a ReadOnlyDoubleProperty from your Trade class (otherwise you might try to call currentPriceProperty().set(...) or setCurrentPrice(...), which would fail as it's bound).
I would do something like
public class Trade {
private final ReadOnlyDoubleWrapper currentPrice ;
private final ScheduledService<Number> priceService = new ScheduledService<Number>() {
public Task<Number> createTask() {
return new Task<Number>() {
public Number call() {
return getPriceData();
public Trade() {
// in case of errors running service:
priceService.setOnFailed(e -> priceService.getException().printStackTrace());
currentPrice = new ReadOnlyDoubleWrapper(0);
public final void startMonitoring() {
public final void stopMonitoring() {
public ReadOnlyDoubleProperty currentPriceProperty() {
return currentPrice.getReadOnlyProperty();
public final double getCurrentPrice() {
return currentPriceProperty().get();
private double getPriceData() {
// do actual retrieval work here...
(Code just typed in here without testing, but it should give you the idea.)

Parent Table View Updation From child fxml

I have a parent window called EditClientDeatils.fxml and have a TableView on this. I am editing these row result by creating another window named UserDetails.fxml and populating the row data to this FXML fields, now after editing from my second window , If I save I need to update the parent table with latest data.I tried something like below and not refreshing the table at all. But when I debugged my table list is updated with latest Data and not showing that in Window.
So How can I update my table view from different controller ?
In Child Window I am loading the parent like this.
FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("EditClientDetails.fxml"));
EditClientDetailsController fooController = (EditClientDetailsController) fxmlLoader.getController();
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(NewUserController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
And in my parent class initialize method having below code:
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
new PropertyValueFactory<AtUser, String>("clientFirstName"));
new PropertyValueFactory<AtUser, String>("clientLastName"));
new PropertyValueFactory<AtUser, String>("clientAddress"));
new PropertyValueFactory<AtUser, String>("clientMobileNumber"));
new PropertyValueFactory<AtUser, String>("clientEmailID"));
new PropertyValueFactory<AtUser, String>("clientTypeCode"));
new PropertyValueFactory<AtUser, String>("gender"));
new Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<AtUser, Boolean>,
ObservableValue<Boolean>>() {
public ObservableValue<Boolean> call(TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<AtUser, Boolean> p) {
return new SimpleBooleanProperty(p.getValue() != null);
new Callback<TableColumn<AtUser, Boolean>, TableCell<AtUser, Boolean>>() {
public TableCell<AtUser, Boolean> call(TableColumn<AtUser, Boolean> p) {
return new ClientButtonCell(customerTable);
// Add filtered data to the table
// Listen for text changes in the filter text field
filterField.textProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<String>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends String> observable,
String oldValue, String newValue) {
When I am debugging
this filteredData is containing my required data but not coming on Window.
please point out if I missed anything.
I had the same issue, and found this work arround it, to force it to refresh.
After modifing the table items list.

How to do per-keystroke validation of TextFieldTableCell?

I am trying to do per-keystroke validation in a JavaFX TextFieldTableCell but I do not know how to capture the text-changed events from the embedded TextField control.
If the object in question were simply a TextField, then textField.textProperty().addListener(myChangeListener) would do the trick. TextFieldTableCell also exposes textProperty(), but this property behaves quite differently on TextFieldTableCell. It does not generate change events on a per-keystroke basis. Rather, I see lots of events when the TableView is first displayed, and I see one event each time I begin editing in a cell.
First of all, about textProperty().
Look here to see :
TextProperty() is a property of labeled parent class, you will learn nothing from it, because it is not used. It is tricky thing : cell - inheritant of labeled control. TextField, which you see, when start editing, it is a graphic node of cell (graphicProperty()) (as far as I remember documentation).
And, this graphic node is assigned by a text field, only when editing starts.
AFAIK, there is no direct access to editable node.
The way to solve the issue - implement editable cell by your self.
Let me talk to developer, to learn more...
Supposing, you have DataItem class, which contains String, and supposing that TableView has encapsulated data type DataItem, and the only column has the same encapsulated data type, you may use this implementation as basis :
public class TextFieldTableCell extends TableCell<DataItem, DataItem> {
private TextField textField;
public TextFieldTableCell() {
public void startEdit() {
if (isEmpty()) {
if (textField == null) {
} else {
textField.setText(new CellCustomStringConverter().toString(getItem()));
public void cancelEdit() {
public void updateItem(DataItem item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (!isEmpty()) {
if (textField != null) {
textField.setText(new CellCustomStringConverter().toString(item));
private void createTextBox() {
textField = new TextField(new CellCustomStringConverter().toString(getItem()));
textField.setOnKeyReleased(new EventHandler<KeyEvent>() {
public void handle(KeyEvent t) {
if (t.getCode() == KeyCode.ENTER) {
commitEdit(new DataItem(textField.getText()));
} else if (t.getCode() == KeyCode.ESCAPE) {

SmartGWT - Cannot change configuration property "x" after the component created

From this example , I started to implement my own tree structure dynamically (TreeGrid). When I try to render it, I get this error (title).
public class ProjectTreeGridScreen extends Screen {
Tree tree;
protected void onLoad() {
TreeGrid treeGrid = new TreeGrid();
TreeGridField projectTree = new TreeGridField("ProjectName", "Project Tree");
TreeGridField projectPath = new TreeGridField("ProjectPath", "Complete path");
TreeGridField projectDescription = new TreeGridField("ProjectDescription", "Description");
TreeGridField projectInfo = new TreeGridField("ProjectInfo", "Information");
treeGrid.setFields(projectTree, projectPath, projectDescription, projectInfo);
protected void onInitUI() {
tree = new Tree();
protected void populateProjects() {
new ScreenLoadCallback<List<Project>>(this) {
public void preDisplay(final List<Project> result) {
what do you mean by "x"? Normally, If a component has been drawn on the window (implicit or explicit call to draw), you cannot change it's properties values. So the only possible solution is to recreate the object with the new X value each time it is changing.

How to ticker List elements when they are Commands?

If I create a List based on an array of Commands, and the text of some Commands are not entirely shown in the List, although the List preferredWidth is set to the Form preferredWidth, how to ticker them ?
Thank you very much
Add the below class in your midlet class or create a new class file for that:
class TickerRenderer extends DefaultListCellRenderer {
private DefaultListCellRenderer selectedRenderer = new DefaultListCellRenderer(false);
private List parentList;
public TickerRenderer() {
public boolean animate() {
if (parentList != null && parentList.getComponentForm() != null) {
if (selectedRenderer.isTickerRunning()) {
if (selectedRenderer.animate()) {
return super.animate();
public Component getListCellRendererComponent(List list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected) {
if (isSelected) {
selectedRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, index, isSelected);
// sometimes the list asks for a dummy selected value for size calculations and this might
// break the tickering state
if (index == list.getSelectedIndex()) {
if (selectedRenderer.shouldTickerStart()) {
if (!selectedRenderer.isTickerRunning()) {
parentList = list;
selectedRenderer.startTicker(UIManager.getInstance().getLookAndFeel().getTickerSpeed(), true);
} else {
if (selectedRenderer.isTickerRunning()) {
return selectedRenderer;
} else {
return super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, index, isSelected);
Use it like this:
List cmdList = new List(cmds);
cmdList.setListCellRenderer(new TickerRenderer());
Try this code, it will show list in dialog box on clicking "Show list" command and will also enable ticker initially. Below is the code which shows how to use the above mentioned class to see ticker in list when list is contained in dialog.
Don't forget to make your list final so that it can be used in inner classes.
form.addCommand(new Command("Show list") { // add command in form and override its actionPerformed method
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
Dialog d = new Dialog() { // create an instance of dialog and make it an inner class so that you can override onShow() method and set focus on list when dialog gets initialized and also can set its index to ur preferred one (here it's 0)
protected void onShow() { // overriding of onShow() method
list.requestFocus(); // set focus on list
list.setSelectedIndex(0); // set selected index to 0
d.addComponent(list); // add list in dialog; // show dialog
This code shows my list in dialog and starts ticker initially. If it doesn't help, post your code, i will try to see it.
