how to remove SF Visual Search banners by - google-chrome-extension

I have some boring SF_VISUAL_SEARCH (by banners into my Google Chrome. They only appear in e-shops offering similar products to those that I'm looking at.
No estensions and no software installed. Maybe some other extensions have the superfish banners's call. How to remove them?

Open a console (F12 or CTRL+SHIFT+J) into a simple page (that is not chrome store or start page). Go in the network tab of the console and start disabling extensions one by one then refresh the page where you have the console opened.


Disable notifications of a Chrome Extension that you don't control

I'm using a Chrome Extension, which I like a lot, but it shows notifications, which I find distracting. I want to disable those notifications. I'm using Linux Mint, and the notifications are shown in the panel (at the bottom of the screen).
I've checked API, but haven't found anything related to disabling notifications. Also googling didn't provide any results.
The only way I can think of is installing the same
extension via Developer mode, creating a system script that would be watching the original Chrome Extension folder for changes, and on every change, copy the content to the Developer Mode folder (modified), modify it after each update to remove the notifications permission, and then reload the Developer Mode extension inside Chrome via a shortcut, for example.
I'm wondering if there is any simpler way to accomplish this.

Chrome Extension "Go to Home"

I have to show a web project through a touch screen using Chrome in fullscreen and in Kiosk Mode.
People will be able to navigate a website in all its pages also pointing to external links. Since I don't want people to use a keyboard, I'd like to add a sticky button that points back to the home of the project and that is present in ALL the webpages that people open.
Can I do it with a Chrome Extension?
Do you know any existing solution that could solve my problem?
Many thanks! <3

Instead of running the action, chrome extension menu appears when clicking a page action

I have a Chrome Extension (page action). The extension is loaded in developer mode (not from the store).
The extension is used in two sites, both of which URLs are in the manifest.
When I go to one of the sites, the page icon is enabled and when I click it, it runs fine.
When I go to the other site, the extension icon is also enabled but when I click on the extension, instead of running the action, the extension menu appears (as if I had right-clicked the icon instead of clicked it).
When I hover the page action icon, in both sites I get the text "Has access to this site".
Which are possible causes for this behavior?
Something definitely changed with the manifest.json handling of the most recent Chrome update. (In my case, "Version 72.0.3626.96 (Official Build) (64-bit)" on Windows.) My extension stopped working in a way similar to what you describe.
The solution to my problem was to remove the specific url permissions I had specified in the "permissions" section, and replace them with <all_urls>. I tried tightening them back up again, but the only other thing that worked for me was https://*/*.
I tested this on several machines that had the previous version of Chrome and they had the same behavior... successful operation before the Chrome update, no response after. The icon displayed properly and showed "Has access to this site", but my background page refused to run.
Good luck! Hopefully this helps!

How is the panel displayed when launching Chrome Hangout extension made to be always on top and pinned?

When launching the Chrome Extension Google-Hangouts, a panel initially appears that lists members and a link/button to create a new Hangout.
This panel is initially pinned to the bottom right of the browser window. When pinned like this, it remains always on top as a browser navigation session continues: users can go to different URLs, change tabs, etc. and that panel stays at the bottom right and stays on top of all other windows (or at least on top of the main browser window).
Once it's unpinned, you can drag it around the window, but it no longer stays always on top.
My question is, how was that achieved - what code, or what functions, do i need to call to create that window/panel so that it stays initially pinned and always on top? Is there some binding to some native code that's involved? Some other approach?
If anyone know and can show or explain, i would be hugely grateful as this feature is key to an extension i'm trying to build.
Thanks a lot!
This may not be an answer but to get a clue of what is happening I extracted the crx file to view its content there are a few OS specific files : ace.dll , and ace. After researching a bit i found this. This is a plugin. Hangouts extension is using ace plugin which is actually running on your desktop(i'm not sure about this). You can check this article
I found this related post: How to build an chrome extension like Google Hangouts
ACE is actually not what makes the window, Chrome has that capability built in, apparently. Even if you don't enable panels, extensions from Google can still make them, provided your OS is capable.

How to control "Browser mode" in Internet Explorer 9 by commandline

I still haven't been able to find a solution to this problem. We have an application that launches a browser window but the underlying third party addin that we are using doesn't support IE9 yet. I know that I can switch to Browser mode for IE8 by tapping F12 and select this.
Is there a way to control this on the startup in the command line? Cause as it is now we have problem when running the application when it opens new windows and automatically tries to execute this third party addin that is required.
And no we haven't an option, we are forced to use this third party addin but would like to support that installation of IE9 as well.
I don't know if you have any control over the content being rendered in the browser, but if you do, IE lets you use META tags to force the browser into a rendering mode of a specific IE version. More info at MSDN right here
Also, further down the page there are instructions on how to set up your web server to tell IE which mode to use when it's requesting the page. (If that is of any use to you)
Unfortunately all information I can find on the subject (and I did a comprehensive search for my own project) indicates that there is no such option, or at least not in the general release
of IE.
Here's Microsoft's "official"
list of currently supported IE command line options
