Adding facelet taglib to Adf application - jsf

In my Adf application I need to use a javascript component called ckeditor ( Ideally I would like to use it on a facelet page (not a jsp page). It seems like this can be achieved by using ck-jsf-editor ( The problem is that I can't figure out how to add this library/taglib to my Adf application.
Anyone knows the best way to do this?

In JDeveloper, you need to add the JAR that contains the JSF component to the project properties under the JSP tag libraries section.
If you are on JDeveloper 11.1.2 or 12c then your ADF application can already use facelets.


Custom component in IceFaces?

Who knows how to create a custom component in an old version of IceFaces 1.6.2? I didn't find anything in the web about that, just some materials about custom components for JSF 1.1. Please, show me simple "Hello World" custom component with file name and directory declaration.
Please look at
JSF Tutorial. You do not need special example for IceFaces 1.6.2, you can use IceFaces component within you own jsf component.

Migrating from Java Page Flow to JSF

I am currently working on a project that uses WebLogic Portal and Apache Beehive Page Flow Controller.
The team would like to remove WebLogic Portal and the Page Flow Controllers with JSF. Currently we have not found a way to manage the workflow with JSF as with PFC.
With Spring MVC it would be easy because we only remove Beehive annotations using Spring MVC Annotations but we would like to go directly with JSF so later we can start using icefaces.
Any suggestions of where I can find information about what we want to do?
Thank you very much in advance.

Integration of JSF and Ext GWT

I am enhancing an existing JSF app. There I need to add ExtGWT component to the existing JSF based GUI. Is it possible to integrate JSF and Ext GWT? If not do I have any alternatives?
It should be possible ExtJS GWT with JSF?(haven't tried myself..)
INMO if you want to enrich you current JSF application you better look at JSF Component library's like PrimeFaces <- this is example of their table...
also there is this project Integrating the Google Web Toolkit with JSF using G4jsf , not sure how active it is

Using reCaptcha

I want to use reCaptcha on my project with JSF. Corresponding primefaces component doesn't want to work properly inside wizard component. I decided to try to use the code from example for JSP I can not understand how best to remake it to JSF. The problem is in java code injection into JSP and result validation via FacesValidator.
Can someone have any ideas?
Take a look at tomahawk t:captcha on MyFaces SVN. The code only use the standard JSF API (it was updated to use JSF 2.0 ResourceHandler API), so it can help you to build your own using recaptcha.

How to add jsf components to taglib programmatically

I was wondering if it's possible to add JSF components to the tag library programmatically?
I'm implementing a plug-in mechanism in our application. And now, if I create a JSF component in the plug-in, I need to change the components taglib xml file in the main application, which is not the goal.
I'd rather like to put a components taglib xml file inside a plug-in which is then handled by the main application. Is there any way to do that?
The reason why I'm asking this is the following:
In our application, we send secure messages through a web interface. The messages are created by filling out forms, which are, in most cases, generated. But some forms have special behavior and we don't want to release the whole application if a new 'special form' is implemented, so we decided to put these in plug-ins.
Thanks for any help.
