Integration of JSF and Ext GWT - jsf

I am enhancing an existing JSF app. There I need to add ExtGWT component to the existing JSF based GUI. Is it possible to integrate JSF and Ext GWT? If not do I have any alternatives?

It should be possible ExtJS GWT with JSF?(haven't tried myself..)
INMO if you want to enrich you current JSF application you better look at JSF Component library's like PrimeFaces <- this is example of their table...
also there is this project Integrating the Google Web Toolkit with JSF using G4jsf , not sure how active it is


Do I need to create a new taglib.xml file when migrating JSF 1.1 to JSF 2.0 while keeping JSP as view technology

Hi I have an application that needs to be migrated from jsf1.1 to jsf2.0. I have read the answers posted in Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0 by BalusC.
I have thought not to go ahead converting JSP to facelets.Retain the JSP2.x as the view technology.
I would request someone to clarify couple of my doubts.
As a part of migrating the custom components is it a must to create a new custom-taglib.xml file ? Can't I retain .tld files as it is.
Since JSF implementations like JSF 2.0 provides backward compatibility with older versions, Is it necessary to change the custom compoent code, for the deprecated methods and replace it with the appropriate methods from JSF 2.0? because we are not migrating it completely to facelets.
Do I need to create a new taglib.xml file when migrating JSF 1.1 to JSF 2.0 while keeping JSP as view technology?
No. The *.taglib.xml files are for Facelets what *.tld files are for JSP.

Migrating from Java Page Flow to JSF

I am currently working on a project that uses WebLogic Portal and Apache Beehive Page Flow Controller.
The team would like to remove WebLogic Portal and the Page Flow Controllers with JSF. Currently we have not found a way to manage the workflow with JSF as with PFC.
With Spring MVC it would be easy because we only remove Beehive annotations using Spring MVC Annotations but we would like to go directly with JSF so later we can start using icefaces.
Any suggestions of where I can find information about what we want to do?
Thank you very much in advance.

Is there a way to use Struts 2.0 and JSF togather in a web application?

I've been using Struts 1.x for more than 1 year now, and I've been learning about JSF recently. I know both JSF and Struts are different frameworks but I wanted to use Struts as Action framework and JSF as Component framework in my web application. I'm not sure if we can do that, and couldn't find any materials online regarding this.
Suggestions and links are welcome, Thanks in advance
Struts and JSF can be used in a web application, some(or no) changes might be required in the back end but as both the frameworks follow MVC, the "VIEW" tier would be much similar.
As JSF and Struts both have their own advantages, we can use the advantagesof of each combinedly, like ValidationFramework in Struts and JSF components (html components in Struts)
All this I would just only if you have an existing Struts application, can find more detailed information here
though the link talks about older versions, i hope it gives basic information

Using reCaptcha

I want to use reCaptcha on my project with JSF. Corresponding primefaces component doesn't want to work properly inside wizard component. I decided to try to use the code from example for JSP I can not understand how best to remake it to JSF. The problem is in java code injection into JSP and result validation via FacesValidator.
Can someone have any ideas?
Take a look at tomahawk t:captcha on MyFaces SVN. The code only use the standard JSF API (it was updated to use JSF 2.0 ResourceHandler API), so it can help you to build your own using recaptcha.

jsf and page fragment caching

Does jsf 2.0 + facelets supports page fragment caching, something similar to aps page framgent caching
(example this tutorial
The answer on your question actually depends on the view technology in question. JSF is a component based MVC framework, not a view technology. JSF usually runs on either JSP or Facelets as view technology.
Both view technologies however doesn't provide an OutputCache like facility out of the box. You would need to create a custom tag/component for this. JBoss Seam has a similar component in the toolbox, the <s:cache>.
