How to insert QPushButton into a QLabel (PyQt4)? - pyqt4

I want to add buttons into a text on pyqt4. But I don't find any solution or an example codes.

There is no way to do this, because Qt's rich-text only supports a limited subset of html, which does not include buttons.
Probably the best compromise is to use links within the text, and connect to the label's linkActivated signal. This signal sends the url of the link, so if each link is given a href "name", it will allow you to identify which one was clicked.


Options of message box in Excel

We would like to change the font, color and size of the text displayed in message boxes.
Can/how do you VBA this?
Nothing tried, we are not finding any help in online manuals, including the Microsoft help site.
We would like to make the message box big, bold and loud.
Easy answer: You can't.
That's why you can't find anything about it in the official documentation of the MsgBox function.
A workaround can be to create your own UserForm where you are free in how to style it.
Add a UserForm in your workbook's code module, and configure it with as many Label and CommandButton controls as needed.
If the label text will be static, you can configure these all through the Properties window in the IDE:
Labels, Command Buttons, etc., are accessible Controls on the UserForm, and can be altered dynamically during runtime if needed, e.g., during the form's Initialize or Activate or any other event handlers. Controls on the form can even alter other controls, for example you could leverage the command button's Click event handler to modify the text associated with Label1 control, etc.
You can even add (or remove) controls (labels and such) dynamically, too, and fully control their appearance/formatting/etc.

How to create a user-impaired accessible website: surfing without a mouse?

I have created a webpage using Backbone.js and Marionette.js that mostly consists of a bootstrap accordion view that displays a list of items when the accordion header is clicked. Each item can also be clicked, which will show a hidden div of detailed information that pertains to that particular item.
I would like to make this site accessible to people who might not be using a mouse (Maybe they're visually impaired and using a screen reader? Maybe they just don't like clicking things? Either way.) I'm thinking that this would mean being able to press the Tab key to get to the accordion, pressing Space or Enter to open the accordion, Tabbing down (or down arrow key?) through the list items, and then using Space or Enter to show the selected item's hidden div.
I'm finding it difficult to find information on how to add a feature like this, since searches like "How to make an accessible website that can be used without a mouse" mostly turns up blogs on what a developer should do to add accessibility to a page, and not much on how to do it.
Currently, the page doesn't really respond to any keyboard buttons. Any tips or resources you could share would be extremely appreciated. I've been fiddling with ARIA role tags, but I'm either not doing it right or it's not the answer here.
You have to use tabindex
Screen readers automatically read whatever element is the activeElement

TextArea without Scrollbars

I have a TextArea in my application that actually takes no interactions from the user.
Is there a way to either
Remove the scrollbar entirely and let me handle what happens when the scrollbar would appear?
Use a different object to display text to the screen? I need to be able to append text, but I don't need it to be highlight-able or take any user input.
According to your needs, you need to use label.
If you need TextArea, to remove scrollBars, you can do the next :
Use lookupAll(java.lang.String selector) method to find scrollBars, and
call scrollBar.setOpacity(0.0) for each found scrollBar.
2a. Don't call setVisible(false), as visible property (I believe) is used to TextArea to control scrollBar visibility.

Qt text editor on picture

I haven't found an exact question on this.
I have a picture, it could be blank for the sake of the example, or contain something that I want to add a fancy caption to. I want to add text editing means (akin to Photoshop) on top of the picture.
I'm thinking about subclassing QGraphicsScene and placing a subclassed QTextEdit object on the scene upon pressing a text placement button. Then, when you click on this object, in addition to editing the text, additional text editing tools become available - so you can set parts of text to bold, italic, modify color, size, etc. And then you would be able to change the object's position - and I think that's available in QGraphicsScene by default. And for the background QBrush, there would be a background picture.
Is this a reasonable solution?
Maybe there are any ready-available examples of this, but I haven't found them yet.
My solution
Text item:
For the text item, I used QGraphicsScene with a subclassed QGraphicsTextItem. For the background picture, I used a QGraphicsRectItem with a QBrush and a loaded picture using QImage methods.
To edit parts of the selected text in this subclassed QGraphicsTextItem:
QTextCharFormat applied to my subclassed QGraphicsTextItem using QGraphicsTextItem::textCursor().mergeCharFormat(...). This way I can change formatting, such as boldness, italics, etc. on the selection only.
Some more thingies:
To pan and zoom around the scene, I used an excellent guide by Vpicaver complete with source code from

In J2me lWUIT Library how to arrange long text on Label?

I am using LWUIT Library. I want to add same long information of project on AboutUS FORM. I'm using label but information become lost. If I am not using TextArea then what is another Solution?
My Another Question is,
In Login Form, what should be used TextField or TextArea?
Label is not good for showing long information. because its not allow to show multiple lines. Better you can use with TextArea and set the editable mode to false. If you dont want to use TextArea means just start the ticker on the Label.
Use TextField for login page.
