download images with exif informations from flickr - flickr

i use the FlickR REST-API to download some images.
For this, i call:
the problem is that the downloaded file doesn't include exif data.
Is there a option to get the image with exif (For example date/time)?

You can get a photo's EXIF info using this method
Retrieves a list of EXIF/TIFF/GPS tags for a given photo. The calling user must have permission to view the photo
Then just use the info you need.


Name of original file in API

The API reference says, when requesting album images, it returs an image object for each image ( About the name of the file uploaded, it says:
name string OPTIONAL, the original filename, if you're logged in as the image owner
There are differences when you upload the image via the web, mobile web, or the application; my question is related to uploading images via the web. When the image is a video (.mp4) the name is never available. When the image is a jpeg file, the name is always available (in my experience).
Is there a reason for this? It would be nice to have the file name in the video uploading case.

Insert protected image in Jodit

I'm using Jodit 3.18.9 with
ace 1.4.12
js-beautify 1.13.0
with uploader configs allowing to upload images separately from text into DB.
Once the image is uploaded, we use .insertImage(xxx) to add images into jodit editor. In this case, if we want to protect uploaded files, we may need to generate and attach a temp token to the url.
My question is, without doing some custom implementations (such as doing http requests for each image to get contents, and replace links with their base64 contents), is there some 'official' supports to do a get (image) query with jwt token or not ?
thanks a lot

Posts text and image to pdf in react

I'm trying to create a blog post website where anyone can post anything. And also any user can download any post in one click. So is it possible to implement a button for download whole specific post content except side menus and comment in react.
I assume you want to give the user the ability to download a blog post (react component) as pdf.
Check out this tutorial by Robin Wieruch
What you basically do is create a ref for your component and then convert it to a canvas with html2canvas npm package, then to image data.
The image data is added to a pdf with pdfjs npm package and downloaded.
See the link for details.

Flickr API batch download

I was wondering if it's possible to use the Flickr API to get a batch of images (by doing a REST call and defining multiple tags), and providing a download button for the end user which allows him to download a zip file of the photos? I can get a list of all the image urls in JSON format, but not a whole batch.
I can't seem to find it in the Flickr documentation but was hoping someone could give me confirmation.

Instagram API get most recent images around the world

I am using the Instagram API to fetch photos not tagged with a certain hashtag or from a certain location. I just like to fetch constantly the most recent uploaded images around the world.
How can I do that?
use this api url
will be got response in json would contains all most media like image, video. if you want images only from this response data you can parser only image data from this response data using field 'type:image'
