how to compile Intellij IDEA from Source to Executive file - linux

i download Intellij Idea 13 (ideaIC-13.tar.gz) from and i want to install it on ubuntu 13.10.
i'm not prefer to run intellij with terminal commands everytime i wanna use it, it's gonna be great if i can open it like another applications we install from ubuntu software center.
so i searched over the internet and found out i should compile it to .deb file to do that. i tried several ways to compile but i got error every time.
can anyone help me solve this problem?
thanks in advance
edit :
i tried "Create Desktop Entry" to make shortcut for it, but i got this error.
there is another warning about "native file watcher". how can i solve them?:|

the problem was my Ubuntu installation or lack of my ubuntu dependencies.
now i use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Intellij Idea Works Properly! i just run the .sh file with bash command.
and Create Desktop Entry worked fine.


VB.Net development in Ubuntu - Build error in Monodevelop

I want to start coding in VB.Net but I have a Linux machine ATM i don't want to switch to Windows.
I installed MonoDevelop on my Ubuntu 16.04 by following the steps from their page: Everything is fine until I try to run the program I get the following error:
/home/user/Projects/Project/Project/Project.vbproj: Error: Target named 'Build' not found in the project.
I searched around for a solution but didn't find any. Didn't mess with any of the settings just created the project and tried to compile. Is there anything extra i had to install/set maybe?
Thanks in advance!

Odoo Mac OSX installation get error "Could not execute command lessc" in PyCharm Community Edition

I installed Odoo 9 on Mac OSX using Homebrew virtual environment.
I installed npm, less and less-plugin-clean-css.
Finally if I launch Odoo from the Mac Terminal, using the appropriate parameters, everything goes well and I can enter my odoo with localhost:8069.
I then setup PyCharm Community Edition for odoo development, but when I run odoo from within PyCharm I get the error:
"Could not execute command lessc"
and obviously the web layout is totally wrong.
I saw here NodeJS plugin in IntelliJ Community Edition does not work that you cannot use NodeJS plugin with PyCharm CE.
My question then is: "How to enable PyCharm CE to use less and get rid of the error?".
If you are in Pycharm in getting error Could not execute command lessc and you have installed less which you can check by entering lessc command in terminal
If you are using virtualenv then activate virtualenv from terminal and restart the server again from terminal, this time it won't give any error.
If you are not using virutalenv then you can just run from terminal server without any problems
I'm not sure why this problem is specific to PyCharm.
I had the same issue from PyCharm Professional, but I solve this issue with this way
When i finish installing the PyCharm pro ,then i set the environment variables in the 'run/debug configuraition'
which value(path) i found is using command "which lessc" in the terminal
Then I think the PyCharm can find lessc, and finnally I get rid of this nightmare
`Could not execute command 'lessc'
For me, updating the node was the solution. It was version 0.10.33. Now it's 6.1.12.
Check out this answer. You must uninstall node and reinstall it in a certain order:
At least that is what worked for me.

Install Scratch 2 under Linux Ubuntu 14.04

I tried to install Scratch 2 under Linux for Education at school. I followed these good instructions to install Adobe Air - everything works fine. But if I execute the Air-Installfile for Scratch I will be asked for the root password. In the little Pop-Up-Window it's not working so I tried to start the Air-File with these:
/opt/Adobe\ AIR/Versions/1.0/Adobe\ AIR\ Application\ Installer /{absolute path to downloadfolder}/Scratch.air
It works fine, but I get an error saying error that my Scratch-Install-File is broken... I re-loaded again but nothing changed. Does someone has an helpful idea?
Look at your file size. The download have maybe been interupted before it was complete. It happened to me so I downloaded it again with a download manager like JDownloader and installed it successfully but only with sudo
sudo /opt/Adobe\ AIR/Versions/1.0/Adobe\ AIR\ Application\ Installer /{absolute path to downloadfolder}/Scratch.air
The problem is that you can't launch it directly when you installed it with sudo rights. I'm looking for a solution but this is another problem.

Is it possible to install Cobos in Eclipse Indigo, running on Linux?

I have Ubuntu 12 installed on my laptop and I want to have an IDE that allows me to develop both in Java and COBOL. The only version of eclipse available in the Ubuntu Software Center is Indigo.
The problem is that, until now, what I read about COBOS, the open source COBOL IDE perfect for the job, is supposed to run only in Eclipse Helios, and Windows.
My question is if anyone has come across this problem and how did you solve it. Is there anyway I could install COBOS in Eclipse?
I've downloaded COBOS 2.3.2.
Thank you in advance!

org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles - after installing ibus

I needed to install ibus on Ubuntu 19.04 LTS and shortly after doing so I started getting this error when trying any file in Eclipse 2019.
org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles
I tried installing the newest version thinking something broke in Eclipse, but I couldn't even install because I got the same error in the installer.
I didn't realize right away that ibus was the cause because I didn't try using Eclipse for several hours after installing it.
After a lot of searching and trying just about everything, the answer turned out to be the need to set the GTK mode before launching Eclipse.
export GTK_IM_MODULE="ibus"
To make my life easier in the future, I created a script file to do this any time I started Eclipse. This is a simple text file with the executable flag set.
export GTK_IM_MODULE="ibus"
I hope this saves others a great deal of searching.
