Change value in a cell based on value in another cell - excel

Searched for this but could not find a way to do it.
I would like to be able to transform a value in one cell to another value in a different cell like this:
When cells in Column A contain Y set same number cells in Column B to Male or when cells in Column A contains N set same number cells in Column B value to Female.
For instance:
A2 = Y then B2 = Male
A2 = N then B2 = Female


by typing yes it wont charge taxes, by typing no it will charge taxes.

If you want to do something like the following example, you'd have to use nested ifs.
If percentage is greater than or equal to 93%, then corresponding value in B should be 4 and if the percentage is greater than or equal to 90% and less than 92%, then corresponding value in B to be 3.7, etc.
Here's how you'd do it:
=IF(A2>=93%, 4, IF(A2>=90%, 3.7,IF(A2>=87%,3.3,0)))


Formula to get crossed values

I am trying to get values from other column, based on some logic, crossed logic, but I didn't get any result with the only thing I know: IF or VLOOKUP.
The table is in this way:
So basically there are groups divided by blank row, and in column D I want to add the value from column B, but according with other letter that the one from the row ( C is from Credit, D is from Debtor). So in first D5 I have C on the same row in A5, so I need to take value from D, which is 2, according to B6.
So sorry if this question is too easy or stupid, but I don't know much about excel formulas, other that the basic one.
I'd say the fastest way with formula takes two columns. The first one (let's say column C) will use this formula to define the blocks:
It's meant for cell C5.
The second column will give back the actual result:
It's meant for cell D5.
Place them accordingly and drag them down to cover your list.
Then again: if you are looking just for the number and not for its sum (and therefore assuming all numbers are equal for each letter in each block), just use this one in cell D5 instead of the previous one:
Now if you were to use only IF and VLOOKUP functions, a possible solution could be this one:
Block index
What to search
What is

Auto Increment the value of a cell based on an adjacent sell value plus search last number increment by 1

Ok I have 2 excel columns
1st column A "Workstream", is a data list with three numbers as a dropdown. 1,2,3
2nd column B "ID", would like to auto-populate based on the selection made from the left adjacent cell + perform a lookup to get the MAX number in the current column and ADD by 1.
For Example:
So when a user selects from the drop-down in column A then Column B auto-populates with something like this
However, in order to complete the value, it needs to do the following:
="W"&A:1&"-" Search for the Max Record in Column B that starts with 1 or whatever value was entered into Column A, then include the next number based on the MAX value selected in Column A
So in the above example, let's say I Enter "2" in column A, then the value that auto-populates in column B would be
| 2 | W2-003
or if I selected 1 from column A given where we left off then the value that would auto-populate in column B would be:
| 1 | W1-006
If I am understanding correctly and you want the format to be "W" followed by number of the workstream (as inferred from the text of your question) try:
="W"&A2&"-"&TEXT(COUNTIF(A$2:A2, B2), "000")
If instead you want the output exactly as shown in the picture you provided, it's even easier:
="W1-"&TEXT(COUNTIF(A$2:A2, B2), "000")
EDIT: You might consider pre-dragging the formula to all the rows that you think have the possibility of being impacted so that you don't have to drag the formula each time you add a row. In that case, try:
=IF(A2="","", "W"&A2&"-"&TEXT(COUNTIF(A$2:A2, B2), "000"))

Input data into a 2nd cell, based on the value of a 3rd cell? (Like "conditional formatting")

B1 is a checkbox. If checked B1=1. A1 can range from 0 to 10. If B1 is checked I want A1 to automatically = 10. Exactly like conditional formatting would turn it green. I cant put the formula =IF(B1=1,10,"") into A1 though because I need to be able to input other values in A1 without erasing the formula. I need to be able to reuse the sheet multiple times.
1 10 x
2 9
3 10 x
4 4
As Scott commented, you'd need to use VBA to do exactly what you're asking. A work-around, though, would be to add a third column with:
In this case, Column A would be the user-inputted number, Column B would be your "x", and Column C would give the final output: 10 if B has "x", and the number from A otherwise.

If column A matches column C input column D into column B

I have a sales tracking sheet where column A contains the profit margin of a particular job (i.e.33%), Column C is the profit margin range(i.e. 31-40%), and Column D is the corresponding commission to that specific range identified in Column C (i.e. 31-40% = 3% commission).
What I want is a formula that will automatically pull the Commission from Column D into Column B when I enter the profit margin of that particular job in Column A.
Any ideas/does that make sense?
Assuming that the values in column A are formatted as percentage, you could use something like this:
And press Ctrl+Shift+Enter after entering the formula instead of Enter alone.
This will return a value from range D$1:D$10 where the value from A1 (multiplied by 100 to remove the decimals) is less than the lower bound of the margin range in range C$1:C$10.
Change the ranges accordingly.
In B1, put:
You can obviously change row numbers to work as needed.
The IF statement has 3 parts, the condition:
Here I'm testing to see if the expression is TRUE or FALSE. I can do anything I want here, as long as it evaluates to either a True or False condition.
Next, we specify the "True" result, and the "false" result, which are, respectively, what happens when those conditions are met. For the TRUE condition, we just want to use the value in cell D:
For the FALSE condition, I don't know what you want, so I just put in a 0.
Note that all 3 parts of the IF statement are separated by commas - play around, you can do a LOT of different things!
EDIT: Just noticed that column C is a range, while A is a singular value. You're going to need to do something like #Jerry did with parsing out the range string.
I am assuming that columns A and B will be indefinitely long just based on how much data is collected, whereas columns C and D are just a reference table with 10 rows each for the 10 ranges (0 - 10%, 11 - 20%, 21 - 30%, etc.). Is this correct?
As an alternative to storing the profit margin range and corresponding commission in columns C and D as you now do, you could incorporate them directly into an IF statement that you use in column B. For example if 91-100% corresponds to 8% commission, 81-90% is 7% commission and so on, then you could insert this formula:
=IF(A2>90,0.08,IF(A2>80,0.07,IF(A2>70,0.06,IF(A2>60,0.05, ...
The advantage to this compared to using and index-match combination which references numbers extracted from the text ("11-20%"), is that you don't run the risk of losing data when the text ranges are altered in some way. (I.e. userproof.)

Issues with VLOOKUP in Excel

I have a tax table in one sheet that has a list of tax values. For example:
Sheet1: Tax Tables
1 Min Max Taxed
2 50 100 10
3 100 200 20
4 200 300 30
In another sheet I have a gross income value of say 120 in cell A1. What I want to do is have a vlookup (I'm assuming that's what I should use) that checks cell A1 to see if it's between the Min and Max and then outputs the taxed amount in B1.
Sheet2: Income
1 Gross FedTax
2 120 Value from Column C goes here
I already have the sheet in Tax Tables set up with named spaces A:C=Min and B:C=Max
I tried doing this:
But not even close...
I just want to check column A in the first sheet to see if it's less than the the value in the second sheet, and check column B in the first sheet against the value in the second for if its more, then put the value in column C in the first sheet into the cell next to the value in the second sheet.
To use a VLOOKUP, put your maximums and minimums in the same column.
Then use the TRUE argument, which means it looks for the next value that matches. Assuming the value you're looking up in D2, you'd put a formula like this in E2:
First of all it is unclear what you would apply when the amount is exactly 50/100/200/300/... So i decided to include the lower limit in the interval and exclude the upper limit.
For this problem I would use a sumifs like this (you have to decide on which side to put the equal sign:
This would only take those elements in column C that have a value in column A smaller than or equal to 120 and a value in column B greater than 120
