How to use ObjectContext.LoadProperty with EnablePlanCaching disabled? - entity-framework-5

On an ObjectContext object, I'm using code like this to load navigation properties.
context.LoadProperty(entity, navigationProperty,
I would like to disable plan caching on queries that will be generated with this kind of call ?
Is it possible ?
Is there an alternative by wrapping the context with a DBContext ?
Thanks in advance.

I solved the problem by using a DBContext.
DbContext dbc = new DbContext(context, false);
with DisablePlanCaching extension method (inspired from the one found here) as :
public static IQueryable<T> DisablePlanCaching<T>(this IQueryable<T> query)
ObjectQuery<T> q = query as ObjectQuery<T>;
if ( q == null )
throw new InvalidOperationException(#"IQueryable<T> is not of type ObjectQuery<T>");
q.EnablePlanCaching = false;
return query;


Filtering out soft deletes with AutoQuery

I'm using ServiceStack with OrmLite, and having great success with it so far. I'm looking for a way to filter out 'soft deleted' records when using AutoQuery. I've seen this suggestion to use a SqlExpression, but I'm not sure where you would place that. In the AppHost when the application starts? I did that, but the deleted records still return. My QueryDb request object in this case is as follows:
public class QueryableStore : QueryDb<StoreDto>
Other SqlExpressions I've used are in the repository class itself, but being that I'm using QueryDb and only the message itself (not leveraging my repository class) I don't have any other code in place to handle these messages and filter out the 'deleted' ones.
I've also tried using a custom service base as suggested by this approach as well, using the following:
public abstract class MyCustomServiceBase : AutoQueryServiceBase
private const string IsDeleted = "F_isdeleted";
public override object Exec<From>(IQueryDb<From> dto)
var q = AutoQuery.CreateQuery(dto, Request);
q.And("{0} = {1}", IsDeleted, 0);
return AutoQuery.Execute(dto, q);
public override object Exec<From, Into>(IQueryDb<From, Into> dto)
var q = AutoQuery.CreateQuery(dto, Request);
q.And("{0} = {1}", IsDeleted, 0);
return AutoQuery.Execute(dto, q);
This code gets called, but when the Execute call happens I get an error:
System.ArgumentException: 'Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'F_isdeleted' to data type int.'
The F_isdeleted column is a 'bit' in SQL Server, and represented as a bool in my POCO.
Any ideas on what would work here? I'm kind of at a loss that this seems this difficult to do, yet the docs make it look pretty simple.
The {0} are placeholders for db parameters, so your SQL should only be using placeholders for DB parameters, e.g:
var q = AutoQuery.CreateQuery(dto, Request);
q.And(IsDeleted + " = {0}", false);
Otherwise if you want to use SQL Server-specific syntax you can use:
q.And(IsDeleted + " = 0");

Authenticate Attribute for MVC: ExecuteServiceStackFiltersAttribute: SessionFeature not present in time to set AuthSession?

I'm trying to create a simple Credentials Auth using OrmLiteAuthRepository(Postgres) and Memcached as caching layer on Mono 3.2.x / Ubuntu 12.04 in an MVC Application - I am using ServiceStack libraries version 4.0x
I am using a custom session object, adapted from ServiceStack's SocialBootstrap example
What works perfectly:
Getting the session inside a controller action, such as:
var currentSession = base.SessionAs<MyCustomUserSession>();
However, I don't want to check / validate the session and what may or may not be inside it in the action code, I would like to use an attribute, and this leads me to:
What does not work: Using the Authenticate attribute above the action name:
My problem (null AuthSession) shows up when trying to utilize the [Authenticate] attribute on an MVC action.
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
I have managed to narrow it down to the fact that ExecuteServiceStackFiltersAttribute executes this code, but it appears the AuthSession has not yet been made available by the SessionFeature - so the AuthSession will always be null at this point:
var authAttrs = GetActionAndControllerAttributes<AuthenticateAttribute>(filterContext);
if (authAttrs.Count > 0 && ( ssController.AuthSession==null || !ssController.AuthSession.IsAuthenticated))
filterContext.Result = ssController.AuthenticationErrorResult;
If, for example I override the AuthenticationErrorResult and try to throw an exception if I manually initialize the session from the SessionFeature, it will throw the "there is life in the session" exception (of course, when I logged in with a valid user):
public override ActionResult AuthenticationErrorResult
if (AuthSession == null)
// the Authenticate filter is triggered by ExecuteServiceStackFilters attribute
// which seems to always have AuthSession null
var session = SessionFeature.GetOrCreateSession<MyCustomUserSession>(AuthService.Cache);
if (session == null || (session != null && session.IsAuthenticated == false))
throw new Exception("Hmmm...dead as a dodo");
throw new Exception("there is life in the session:" + session.UserName);
var returnUrl = HttpContext.Request.Url.PathAndQuery;
return new RedirectResult(LoginRedirectUrl.Fmt(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(returnUrl)));
Aside from creating my custom attributes / filters, is there a solution I should try (properties to set) with the incumbent ServiceStack codebase? If I'm missing something, please let me know.
My regards for a great project in any case.
My problem (null AuthSession) shows up when trying to utilize the [Authenticate] attribute on an MVC action.
Are you getting an Exception or are you just getting redirected to the 'Login' page? If you are not getting an Exception and just be redirected because you're not authenticated, the below may work. Also, are you implementing your own Custom Authentication Provider? If so, could you post a sample of it?
I don't think you have it in your code samples but I think your MVC Controller code is probably something like...
public class SomeController : ServiceStackController
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
Can you try adding your custom MyCustomUserSession to the Type of the ServiceStackController making it...
public class SomeController : ServiceStackController<MyCustomUserSession>
public ActionResult Index()
return View();

Customs binding cross views in mvvmcross

I need a custom binding and I know when and where but I don't know how I can do it. This is the relation of the view in my custom binding. Think about the *Views like controls.
I have the connections from ViewModel->ContainerView->FirstView but I can't connect it with the TableView. To connect the ContainerView to FirstView I did a custom binding (in one direction for now). And in the setvalue method I call the firstview's method SetBinding (where I want to do the binding)
I tried a few option but nothing happens, the last one looks like this:
public GolferList CurrentGolferList { get; set; }
public void SetBinding(GolferList golferList){
this.CurrentGolferList = golferList;
TableSource = new TableSourcePlayers(TableViewPlayers);
var bindingDescription = new[]{
new MvxBindingDescription {TargetName = "ItemsSource",SourcePropertyPath = "CurrentGolferList"} ,
Binder.Bind(this,TableSource, bindingDescription);
TableViewPlayers.Source = TableSource;
I would be grateful if you could tell me another way to handle it.
I followed Stuart's link and now it works fine, thanks a lot Stuart!
Actually, in my scheme the TableView is a MvxSimpleBindableTableViewSource and I want to bind the data there. So in order to make it work, I used the code below (SetBinding needs some external refactor):
private List<IMvxUpdateableBinding> bindings;
private string BindingText = "{'ItemsSource':{'Path':'CurrentGolfers'}}";
public object DataContext {
get { return dataContext; }
set { dataContext = value;
if (bindings == null)
bindings = this.GetService<IMvxBinder>().Bind(dataContext, TableSource, BindingText).ToList();
bindings.ForEach(b => b.DataContext = dataContext);
public void SetBinding(GolferList golferList){
this.DataContext = PlayViewModel;
tableView.Source = TableSource;
Note that BindingText points to the table, not to the view itself.
Update 2
Now in V3 it's a bit different. First, the view must implement IMvxBindable and this members:
public object DataContext
get { return BindingContext.DataContext; }
set { BindingContext.DataContext = value; }
public IMvxBindingContext BindingContext { get; set; }
(Don't forget dispose calling BindingContext.ClearAllBindings() and also call to CreateBindingContext() in the viewload )
And then you'll be able to bind in your class. In my case:
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<FirstPlayViewController, PlayViewModel>();
set.Bind(source).To(vm => vm.CurrentGolfers).Apply(); //I love the new fluent api :)
I think what you want to do is actual a data-bound View, rather than a custom binding.
This is covered in this question - Custom bindable control in a MvvmCross Touch project
Basically what you need to do is to add a collection of 'Bindings' and the 'DataContext' property to your FirstView.
If you do that then you should be able to databind (to DataContext) within FirstView just like you do within any normal MvvmCross view.
Note - this will be much easier to do in v3 as we've added a 'BindingContext' object to assist with exactly this type of operation

Storing a reference to an object to be

I don't know if this is possible at all so this is a shot in the dark.
Consider having the following model:
Class Model
public List<string> TheList = null;
The List is set to null on purpose.
var model = new Model();
command.RegisterInData( model => model.TheList ); // TheList is null at this point
model.TheList = new List<string>();
model.TheList.Add("A value here");
command.Execute(); // <-- Here I want to access the new list somehow
As said, I don't know if anything like this is possible but I would like a push in the right direction.
The function desired: I would like to tell the command where to put the result before I have a concrete object.
Thanks in advance
This seems quite doable. Here is a variation with an even simpler accessor:
class Command
private Func<List<string>> listAccessor;
public void RegisterInData(Func<List<string>> listAccessor)
this.listAccessor = listAccessor;
public void Execute()
var list = this.listAccessor();
foreach (string s in list)
// Elsewhere
var model = new Model();
command.RegisterInData(() => model.TheList);
model.TheList = new List<string>();
model.TheList.Add("A value here");
You'll probably want error handling for the case where RegisterInData is not called before Execute, but you get the idea.
You simply have to delay calling the delegate passed to RegisterInData and call it (I guess) at Execute.
Could Lazy be of use here?

Feature Event has 'null' objects

public class Feature1EventReceiver : SPFeatureReceiver
public override void FeatureInstalled(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
string sContextNull = (SPContext.Current == null) ? "Context is NULL" : "Context is OK";
string sFeatureNull = (properties.Feature == null) ? "Feature is NULL" : "Feature is OK";
// Some code here
The feature has successfully installed (without error in logs). My problem is that sContextNull always returns "Context is NULL". And sFeatureNull always returns "Feature is NULL" too. Is there a way to get not null values of SPContext.Current and properties.Feature?
Another method FeatureActivated returns Context is NULL and Feature is OK. WTF?
Gets the context of the current HTTP request in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
SPFeatureReceiver.FeatureInstalled is executing when a feature is installed into a farm, which is done with a deploy/install command from stsadm or powershell, which then usually triggers the timer job to do the work. At this point there is no HTTP request, so SPContext.Current returns null.
Probably properties.Feature in method FeatureInstalled is a bug. I have tried the next code and it works for me:
public class Feature1EventReceiver : SPFeatureReceiver
public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
string sFeatureNull = (properties.Feature == null) ? "Feature is NULL" : "Feature is OK";
// Some code here
this method return Feature is OK.
Please avoid using properties.Feature in the method FeatureInstalled and FeatureUninstalling!!!
I think you need to get the web which contains this feature so try to use
(properties.Feature.Parent as SPWeb)
It works fine with me
Note:Try to cast it to SPSite if the feature scope is site
