Iferror/Vlookup using variables - excel

I have recorded an Excel function (Iferror/Vlookup) which I need to modify to inpput variables to make it more dynamic (Allow for columns moving). Below is a brief outline of what I want to do. The First section is the recorded Function and the variables I want to add. The second section is my proposed solution. My problem is I need to drop the function into excel and copy it down over 50,000 rows. So my error handling solution won't work here. Is it possilbe to make the original recorded function dynamic using iferror/Vlookup. Any help appreciated.
Dim Lookup1 As Long
Dim LookupOffset As Long
Dim LRange As Range
Lookup1 = -99
LookupOffset = 28
Set LRange = Column("CU:CV")
With Worksheets("consolidated")
.Cells(2, 99).FormulaR1C1 = _
.Cells(2, 99).Copy Range(.Cells(2, 99), .Cells(glLastRow, 99))
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
' Proposed Solution
Dim Res As Variant
On Error Resume Next
Res = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Lookup1 - LookupOffset, LRange, 2, False)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
' Value found by VLookup. Continue normal execution.
' Value NOT found by VLookup. Error handling code here.
End If

Try this one:
Sub LookUpMod()
Dim wSht As Worksheet: Set wSht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Consolidated")
With wSht
On Error Resume Next
.Cells(2, 99).Formula = "=XCV34-IFERROR(VLOOKUP(XFC34,$I:$J,2,FALSE),0)"
.Range(Cells(2, 99), Cells(glLastRow, 99)).FillDown
On Error GoTo 0
End With
End Sub
Just noticed, though, that you don't have glLastRow instantiated properly. Let us know if this helps.
As per chat with OP:
Function LookUpMod(Str As Variant, Rng As Range, OffsetToRight As Long)
LookUpMod = Rng.Cells.Find(What:=Str).Offset(0, OffsetToRight).Value
End Function
A simple flexible lookup is what is needed.


SOLVED - ]Read data and copy to current workbook

With below code, no errors are displayed, the read file opens but it seems not data is copied.
I am trying to copy only a number of columns, but it seems nothing is been copied to current workbook.
Any help would be appreciated as I am very new with VBA
Sub ReadDataFromCloseFile()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
'stop screen update
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim src As Workbook
Dim sTheSourceFile As String
sTheSourceFile = "C:\Users\grmn\Desktop\testreadfile.xlsx"
Set src = Workbooks.Open(sTheSourceFile, True, True)
Dim iRowsCount As Long
'source of data
With src.Worksheets("Sheet1")
iRowsCount = .Range("A1:A" & .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Rows.Count
End With
Dim iCnt As Long
'destination sheet thisWorkbook.sheet("rapport")
For iCnt = 1 To iRowsCount
Worksheets("rapport").Range("A" & iCnt).Formula = src.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & iCnt).Formula
Worksheets("rapport").Range("F" & iCnt).Formula = src.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & iCnt).Formula
Next iCnt
'close but not overide source file (src).
src.Close False
Set src = Nothing
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
No worries being new, we all were at some point.
The first part of your code 'source of data doesn't work as intended. iRowsCount is an Integer and not an Array. To make use of an array, as you seemingly tried to do, you should use
Dim iRowsCount(8) As Long
With src.Worksheets("Sheet")
iRowsCount(1) = .Range("A1:A" & .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Rows.Count
' ...
End With
' ...
If you use an Integer only the last row will be assigned. So if "AT", for some reason, has 5 rows, iRowsCount will be 5. Nothing else. Not accounting for "AQ" or "AS".
But in your case, Integer/Long would probably suffice if all rows have the exact same count. One assignment would be enough then.
Regarding .Formula - are you really trying to write formulas? Have you tried .value instead?
And, what may be the crux of the matter, try Worksheets("rapport").Save or Worksheets("rapport").SaveAs at the end of your function.
(Haven't tested it on my end so far.)
Additionally, please remember to set Exit Sub (or Exit Function respectively, if a Function) to avoid executing ErrHandler if no error occurs.
(Sorry, I'm new to Stackoverflow, so I can't write comments as of yet.)
(Edit: Thanks for the reminder, #FunThomas, Integer is only -32768 to 32767. Long is 8 bytes.)

Is there a way to reassign a Range variable to a different range?

I am very new to VBA, having started programming it yesterday. I am writing a data processing program which requires keeping track of two cells, one on each spreadsheet. The code which reproduces the errors I am experiencing is below. When I call the sub moveCell() in sub Processor(), nothing happens to DIRow and DIColumn, and the code spits out error 1004 at the line indicated. I have tried using DICell = DICell.Offset(), but it returns the same error.
How can I redefine a Range variable to be a different cell?
'<<Main Processor Code>>'
Sub Processor()
Dim PDRow As Integer
Dim PDColumn As Integer
Dim DIRow As Integer
Dim DIColumn As Integer
PDRow = 1
PDColumn = 1
DIRow = 1
DIColumn = 1
Dim PDCell As Range
Dim DICell As Range
Set PDCell = Worksheets("Processed Data").Cells(PDRow, PDColumn)
Set DICell = Worksheets("Data Input").Cells(DIRow, DIColumn)
Call moveCell(2, 0, "Data Input")
End Sub
'<<Function which moves the cell which defines the range>>'
Sub moveCell(r As Integer, c As Integer, sheet As String)
If sheet = "Processed Data" Then
PDRow = PDRow + r
PDColumn = PDColumn + c
Set PDCell = Worksheets("Data Input").Cells(PDRow, PDColumn)
ElseIf sheet = "Data Input" Then
DIRow = DIRow + r '<<<<<<This line does nothing to DIRow's value
DIColumn = DIColumn + c
Set DICell = Worksheets("Data Input").Cells(DIRow, DIColumn) '<<<<<<This line causes error 1004
End If
End Sub
As far as I can tell, you could instead use a quick Function instead. There doesn't seem to be any difference in your If statement results in the moveCell() function, except which worksheet you're using.
We can make this simpler by referring to the Range you're passing to moveCell.
Option Explicit ' forces you to declare all variables
Sub something()
Dim PDCell As Range
Set PDCell = Worksheets("Processed Data").Cells(1, 1)
Dim DICell As Range
Set DICell = Worksheets("Data Input").Cells(1, 1)
PDCell.Select ' can remove
Set PDCell = moveCell(2, 0, PDCell, PDCell.Worksheet.Name)
PDCell.Select ' can remove
Worksheets(DICell.Worksheet.Name).Activate ' can remove
DICell.Select ' can remove
Set DICell = moveCell(5, 0, DICell, DICell.Worksheet.Name)
DICell.Select ' can remove
End Sub
Function moveCell(rowsToMove As Long, colsToMove As Long, cel As Range, ws As String) As Range
Set moveCell = Worksheets(ws).Cells(cel.Row + rowsToMove, cel.Column + colsToMove)
End Function
I've included some rows you don't need (which I've marked with a comment afterwards), but that will show you how the routine works. You can step through with F8 to help see it step-by-step.
Edit: Although, you don't need a separate function at all. Just use OFFSET().
Set PDCell = ...whatever originally
Set PDCell = PDCell.Offset([rows],[cols])

Excel VBA: `range.find()` does not find values which are displayed as `####`

I'm trying to find a specific value in a specific column. For example the value 100000 in the column B. The following code only works if the column is wide enough to display the full number:
Dim rngSearchRange As Range
Set rngSearchRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Columns(2)
Dim searchTerm As Variant
searchTerm = 100000
Dim rngResultRange As Range
Set rngResultRange = rngSearchRange.Find(What:=searchTerm, lookin:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
As soon as the column gets to narrow, so Excel only displays ##### instead of 100000 in the specific cell the find-method returns Nothing.
Is there a way to use the find-method based on the actual values and not on the display of the values? If not, are there any alternatives to For Each cell In rng.Cells? Eventually, I'm looing the method which usees up the least resources.
Note: the searchRange is only one column, the searchValue either doesn't exist or only exists once.
Note: there is a followup question on using match()
Note: from time to time it seems to work although neither data nor code changes. Unfortunately, I can not reproduce the change. This whole thing might be a bug indeed
Can reproduce the Find failing if the column width is too narrow.
Match doesn't have this problem.
Sub dural()
Dim rngSearchRange As Range
Set rngSearchRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Columns(2)
Dim searchTerm As Variant
searchTerm = 100000
Dim rngResultRange As Range
Dim found As Variant
found = Application.Match(searchTerm, rngSearchRange, 0)
If Not IsError(found) Then
Set rngResultRange = rngSearchRange.Cells(found)
MsgBox rngResultRange.Address
End If
End Sub
Depending on your use case, this may be an option, or if not, maybe Range.AutoFit? Though with "I'm trying to find a specific value in a specific column," it sounds like this could be an option.
You could either get the range into an array and loop the array, or just use MATCH:
Sub test()
Dim rngSearchRange, rngResultRange As Range
Dim searchTerm As Variant
Dim vRow As Variant
Set rngSearchRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Columns(2)
searchTerm = 10000
vRow = Application.Match(searchTerm, rngSearchRange, 0)
If Not IsError(vRow) Then
Set rngResultRange = rngSearchRange.Resize(1, 1).Offset(vRow - 1, 0)
MsgBox "Not Found"
End If
End Sub
Try this:
Sub test()
Dim rngSearchRange, rngResultRange As Range
Dim searchTerm As Variant
Set rngSearchRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Columns(2)
searchTerm = 10000
Set rngResultRange = rngSearchRange.Find(what:=searchTerm, LookIn:=xlValues)
End Sub
The issue with find is that it only looks for displayed values for some reason, identical to the behaviour of the search box you get pressing crtl+F or clicking the "Find & Select" option on your "Home" ribbon. There is currently no known way to fix this (looking in xlValues and the like as the comments pointed out)
As there are various ways to get around this, the (slowest) but most reliable one would be to use a foreach loop as so:
For Each cel In rngSearchRange
If cel.Value = searchTerm Then
Set rngResultRange = cel
exit for '<-If you want the first result, leave this. If you want the last result, omit. Using the first result could be significantly quicker as it will stop looping right away.
End If
Next cel
Just make sure you set your range as definite value like Range("A1:B87") instead of Columns(2) as this will throw a type mismatch error. If you want to search column B, use Range("B:B") instead.
This is a cheating-version: It will copy the range to a temporary Worksheet, converting Formulas to Values, and do the lookup there.
Public Function FindValueInRange(ByVal RangeToSearch As Range, ByVal ValueToFind As Variant) As Range
Dim WasActive As Worksheet, ScreenUpdating As Boolean, Calculation As XlCalculation
'Store current position
Set WasActive = ActiveSheet
ScreenUpdating = Application.ScreenUpdating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Calculation = Application.Calculation
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'Let's get to work!
Set FindValueInRange = Nothing 'Default to Nothing
On Error GoTo FunctionError
Dim TempSheet As Worksheet, FoundCell As Range, DisplayAlerts As Boolean
'Create Temp Sheet
Set TempSheet = Worksheets.Add
'Copy data to Temp Sheet, in the same location
TempSheet.Range(RangeToSearch.Address(True, True, xlA1, False)).Value = RangeToSearch.Value
'Column Width to Maximum!
TempSheet.Range(RangeToSearch.Address(True, True, xlA1, False)).EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 255
'Search the cells in the Temp Sheet
Set FoundCell = TempSheet.Range(RangeToSearch.Address(True, True, xlA1, False)).Find(ValueToFind, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole)
'Return the found cell, but on the original Worksheet
If Not (FoundCell Is Nothing) Then Set FindValueInRange = RangeToSearch.Worksheet.Range(FoundCell.Address(True, True, xlA1, False))
'Remove the Temp Sheet
DisplayAlerts = Application.DisplayAlerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = DisplayAlerts
Set TempSheet = Nothing
On Error GoTo -1 'Reset the error buffer
'Restore previous position
Application.Calculation = Calculation
Application.ScreenUpdating = ScreenUpdating
End Function
This would then be used like so:
Set rngResultRange = FindValueInRange(rngSearchRange, searchTerm)

Using application.inputbox() defensively

I've got the following:
Private Sub cmdColumnLetter_Click()
Dim colRange As Range
Set colRange = Excel.Application.InputBox( _
Prompt:="Please Select Any Cell In ""Splitter"" Column", _
Title:="Column", _
Default:=fTableRange.Columns(1).Column, Type:=8)
fColNumber = colRange.Column
TxBoxColumnNum = fColNumber
End Sub
If the user hits cancel then Set colRange = fails as it is looking to assign an object to this variable. Do I have to use an On Error structure to defend against this error or is there a more elegant approach?
Different syntax for assigning objects and values is, IMO, one drawback of VBA.
As such, functions as InputBox returning objects or values cause errors.
However, function arguments passing syntax is same.
Exploring this, I purpose and alternative solution, indeed not better then error handling solution:
Function SetObject(v, ByVal ExpectedTypeName As String) As Object
If TypeName(v) = ExpectedTypeName Then Set SetObject = v
End Function
Private Sub cmdColumnLetter_Click()
Dim colRange As Range
Set colRange = SetObject(Excel.Application.InputBox("input", Type:=8), "Range")
If Not colRange Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "..."
End If
End Sub
SetObject accepts either an object or a value, but always retuns given object if typename matchs expected one or Nothing if doesn't match.
Yes, you will have to OERN
Sub Test()
Dim colRange As Range
Dim fColNumber As Long, TxBoxColumnNum As Long
On Error Resume Next
Set colRange = Excel.Application.InputBox( _
Prompt:="Please Select Any Cell In ""Splitter"" Column", _
Title:="Column", Default:=fTableRange.Columns(1).Column, Type:=8)
On Error GoTo 0
If colRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
fColNumber = colRange.Column
TxBoxColumnNum = fColNumber
End Sub

Tracing precedents in external spreadsheets using Excel VBA

I'm currently trying to trace the dependencies of a complex set of Excel spreadsheets. My ideal end goal would be a tree structure, starting with my first spreadsheet. However, I don't want to include all of the dependencies of the child spreadsheets, just the ones of the cells referenced by the original spreadsheet. For example:
In cell A1 of my first workbook:
I want to look at cell C2 in sheet 1 of somebook.xls for its (external) dependencies, and then recurse.
At the moment I'm using LinkInfo to get a list of external dependencies, searching using Find, and I'm struggling with vbscript's primitive regex capabilities to try and extract the address out of the cells I find. This is not a brilliant way of doing things.
Does anyone know if Excel will tell you which cells in an external spreadsheet are being referenced? If not, any other tools that might help?
This answer is based off Bill Manville's macro from many years back. The macro still works, but I broke it out into functions allowing for more flexibility and reusability. The main addition by me is the ability to find external dependencies only, and the extension to both precedents and dependents. I also added a call to a custom macro called unhideAll; this was necessary for me as dependencies were not being found in hidden worksheets.
'Module for examining depedencies to/from a sheet from/to other sheets
Option Explicit
Sub showExternalDependents()
Dim deps As Collection
Set deps = findExternalDependents(ActiveCell)
Call showDents(deps, True, "External Dependents: ")
End Sub
Sub showExternalPrecedents()
Dim precs As Collection
Set precs = findExternalPrecedents(ActiveCell)
Call showDents(precs, True, "External Precedents: ")
End Sub
'external determines whether or not to print out the absolute address including workbook & worksheet
Sub showDents(dents As Collection, external As Boolean, header As String)
Dim dent As Variant
Dim stMsg As String
stMsg = ""
For Each dent In dents
stMsg = stMsg & vbNewLine & dent.Address(external:=external)
Next dent
MsgBox header & stMsg
End Sub
Function findPrecedents(rng As Range) As Collection
Set findPrecedents = findDents(rng, True)
End Function
Function findDependents(rng As Range) As Collection
Set findDependents = findDents(rng, False)
End Function
Function findExternalPrecedents(rng As Range) As Collection
Set findExternalPrecedents = findExternalDents(rng, True)
End Function
Function findExternalDependents(rng As Range) As Collection
Set findExternalDependents = findExternalDents(rng, False)
End Function
'Gives back only the dependencies that are not on the same sheet as rng
Function findExternalDents(rng As Range, precDir As Boolean) As Collection
Dim dents As New Collection
Dim dent As Range
Dim d As Variant
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = rng.Worksheet
For Each d In findDents(rng, precDir)
Set dent = d
With dent
If Not (.Worksheet.Name = ws.Name And .Worksheet.Parent.Name = ws.Parent.Name) Then _
dents.Add Item:=dent
End With
Next d
Set findExternalDents = dents
End Function
'this procedure finds the cells which are the direct precedents/dependents of the active cell
'If precDir is true, then we look for precedents, else we look for dependents
Function findDents(rng As Range, precDir As Boolean) As Collection
'Need to unhide sheets for external dependencies or the navigate arrow won't work
Call mUnhideAll
Dim rLast As Range, iLinkNum As Integer, iArrowNum As Integer
Dim dents As New Collection
Dim bNewArrow As Boolean
'Appliciation.ScreenUpdating = False
If precDir Then
End If
Set rLast = rng
iArrowNum = 1
iLinkNum = 1
bNewArrow = True
Application.Goto rLast
On Error Resume Next
ActiveCell.NavigateArrow TowardPrecedent:=precDir, ArrowNumber:=iArrowNum, LinkNumber:=iLinkNum
If Err.Number > 0 Then Exit Do
On Error GoTo 0
If rLast.Address(external:=True) = ActiveCell.Address(external:=True) Then Exit Do
bNewArrow = False
dents.Add Item:=Selection
iLinkNum = iLinkNum + 1 ' try another link
If bNewArrow Then Exit Do
iLinkNum = 1
bNewArrow = True
iArrowNum = iArrowNum + 1 'try another arrow
Application.Goto rLast
Set findDents = dents
End Function
Sub mUnhideAll()
' mUnhideAll Macro
' Unhide All
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Worksheets
ws.Visible = True
'Sheets("Sprint Schedule Worksheet").Visible = False
End Sub
Excel's built in support, as you're finding, is limited and can be extremely frustrating.
In my experience, I've found a couple of tools from http://www.aivosto.com/ to be useful; Visustin v6 is especially useful for code related auditting/processing.
Here's a simpler version of Colm Bhandal's findDents and findExternalDents. It assumes all worksheets were made visible and arrows were cleared before use.
Function findDents(rCell As Range, bPrec As Boolean) As Collection
'Return all direct precedents (bPrec=True) or dependents (bPrec=False) of rCell
Dim sAddr As String, nLink As Integer, nArrow As Integer
Const bAbs As Boolean = False, bExt As Boolean = True
Set findDents = New Collection
If bPrec Then
rCell.showPrecedents ' even if rCell has no formula
End If
On Error Resume Next ' ignore errors
sAddr = rCell.Address(bAbs, bAbs, xlA1, bExt)
nArrow = 1
nLink = 1
rCell.NavigateArrow bPrec, nArrow, nLink
If ActiveCell.Address(bAbs, bAbs, xlA1, bExt) = sAddr Then Exit Do
findDents.Add Selection ' possibly more than one cell
nLink = nLink + 1
If nLink = 1 Then Exit Do
nArrow = nArrow + 1
On Error GoTo 0
If bPrec Then
rCell.showPrecedents Remove:=True
rCell.showDependents Remove:=True
End If
End Function
Function findExternalDents(rCell As Range, bPrec As Boolean) As Collection
'Return ...Dents that are NOT in the same workbook and worksheet as rCell
Dim rDent As Range, wsName As String, wbName As String
With rCell.Worksheet: wsName = .Name: wbName = .Parent.Name: End With
Set findExternalDents = New Collection
For Each rDent In findDents(rCell, bPrec)
If rDent.Worksheet.Name <> wsName Or rDent.Worksheet.Parent.Name <> wbName Then findExternalDents.Add Item:=rDent
Next rDent
End Function
You might want to modify this to use a SortedList instead of a Collection. In that case, change
findDents.Add Selection
findDents.Add Selection.Address(bAbs, bAbs, xlA1, bExt), Null
