Linux version of a .cmd file - linux

I am creating a terminal program and cannot find out what the ending is for Linux. I know in windows it is .cmd. Any help would be great.
Thank you.

Yes, you can remove the .sh at the end and it should work, generally using ./cmd will get it to run. this goes for C programs as well. You do not need to give an extension for the object file, You could then add a path to your bash file and then you can execute it as a normal command.
Look here.

You don't need a file extension on Linux, though typically, people use .sh (sh being short for 'shell').
You can run it one of two ways:
or you can make the script itself executable and run it directly:
chmod a+x # make it executable
./ # run it
Linux scripts' first line is typically #!/bin/bash which is the path to the specific shell used to run the script with the second method.


How to execute a file without .sh extension in shell

I want to execute a file in bash without the .sh extension.
Example: I have file "" which I can execute directly (as I have added #!/bin/bash as the first line) but I want the filename to be just "abc"
If the file is already executable as, then all you need to do is
mv abc
(assuming you are in the directory where the file lives)
In a Linux or Unix shell, file extension doesn't affect whether it will execute or not.
In Linux you use ./filename too run a script. And you need execute permission:
chmod 755 filename
But you still need the "Shebang":
From here I got this:
If you did not put the scripts directory in your PATH, and . (the
current directory) is not in the PATH either, you can activate the
script like this:
A script can also explicitly be executed by a given shell, but
generally we only do this if we want to obtain special behavior, such
as checking if the script works with another shell or printing traces
for debugging:
bash -x
What are the permissions on the file? To make it executable with doing something like ./ it needs to have EXECUTABLE rights.
You can always do bash
Linux permissions overview
Filename in Linux doesn't mean anything in terms of execution capabilities, you can call the file myfile.something.something and it can still be executable. You can name it abc but it has to have EXECUTABLE rights for the user,group,other.
To add that permission you can do chmod +x <filename> but you should look at the link above for a better understanding.

Why does a bash script require an execute bit if a windows batch script can just be executed?

Yesterday I ran into the git execute bit bash script quirk - the one that requires:
git update-index --add --chmod=+x
and it seemed strange to me that it was even possible to get stuck in this situation. (Ie having created a script file that you don't have permission to run).
If I have created a shell script - surely I can run it under the permissions of the shell execute permissions. Why would it need it's own execute permission bit?
My question is: Why does a bash script require an execute bit if a windows batch script can just be executed?
To run a script you have two options in unix like systems. First Option is to use a direct interpreter call with the script as parameter.
# run a bash script
# run a python scripts
The second option is mark your file as executable, with the execute bit and after a call like this ...
# sample bash
# sample python
... your system tries to find the right interpreter for you. For this the first line 'shebang' of the script is used.
Bash example:
# points to the installed bash interpreter - bash example
Python example:
# points to the installed python interpreter
To your question windows only use the file extension to detect a executable file.
Well, Linux is not Windows. Linux/Unix file systems support the executable bit to distinguish executable from pure data files, and to control exec permissions for user|group|others. You can still run the script if you prefix it with the name of the shell/binary you want to start it with, but if you want to do ./ or execute it from the path it needs to be flagged as executable for you as the onwer|a group member|some other user, and for scripts usually the shebang in the first line that defines the interpreter to start the script with: #!/bin/bash.

How to create an executable for a shell script in Ubuntu?

I have written a simple Shell script named that decreases my screen brightness by a bit every time I run it. However, I do not want to open the terminal and execute bash every single time.
Instead, I want to create some kind of executable file that I can place on my Desktop, which will run my script when it is double-clicked. One answer I found here on the askUbuntu forums did not work for me.
Is there some other way to do it?
I am using Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)
An executable in linux is a file with the executable bit on. Thus you simply modify it with chmod:
chmod +x
Then you can run it with:
You can also run it by double-clicking in many graphical linux distributions.
You also better provide a "Shebang": the first line of your script should specify the "interpreter":
Or any other interpreter (at the first line of your file).

Making perl scripts executable... can I do away with the preceding 'perl' statement?

This is a pretty simple one... I just want to make a perl script executable without the preceding perl command, and instead let the environment deduce the interpreter from the shebang line. Here is my sample script called test:
print "Hey there\n";
I then use chmod 775 test to make the script executable. If I use the command perl test, I get the output Hey there.
However, if I just type test, I get no output. What's the deal? Why isn't my shebang line making the environment realize this is perl? Can someone please help me?
Don't name your script test. This is a built-in command in most shells, so they don't go looking for an external program.
Also, to run a program in your current directory, you should type ./programname. It's generally a bad idea to have . in your $PATH, which would be necessary to execute it without the directory prefix.
To run something from the current directory you need to prefix "./" to tell it "this directory" ie ./testprogram.
If you type just test it will look in standard install directories like /bin. This is why when you run cp or rm it knows where the executable is.
As mentioned by others, naming scripts test is not allowed with most shells.

Default file ending in Mac, Linux and Windows to run executable in the shell/terminal

I created executables of a python script (via pyinstaller) for Mac, Windows and Linux. For Linux and Mac, I am running them in the shell since it doesn't have an own interface: just open a shell and type the name of the program.
I am wondering if there is a way to use certain file ending so if the user clicks on the program, it will be automatically executed in the shell or terminal. Alternatively, I would appreciate any other ideas of how to do this.
The way to do this is not to append a certain file ending, but, as pointed out in the comment, make the file executable (chmod +x <file>) and add the magic bytes to the beginning of the file that tell the system how to execute it.
The magic bytes are #! and are followed by the path to executable. So for a python script you would put something like the following at the top of the file:
#!/usr/bin/env python
Okay, now I finally found out the solution to my question. All you have to do to execute the program upon clicking on it in the file browser is to add the ending .command and make it executable
E.g., exampleprogram.command. Clicking on it will execute the program in the shell
