Extract and count value from standard .gz log files on an hourly basis - linux

I'm trying to count the number of occurrences of a particular string from a bunch of .gz logfiles on an hourly basis. Each logfile statement starts with the following time format:
For example, to be more clear, find the count of occurrences of string "abc" between 8am to 9am, then 9am to 10am and so on. Any ideas on how to do it?

Since you just want to count occurrences, you may simply zcat the contents of the file, grep the portion that describes what you're looking for -- words/time intervals --, and finally sort/count (sort | uniq -c) the entries. The following would probably suffice:
zcat *.gz | grep <word> | grep -oP "^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2};\d{2}" | sort | uniq -c
The above command shall find the lines in your logfile that contains the <word> you're looking for, extract both date and hour from such entries, and later count the occurrences.
In case you don't want to take into account days/months/years, you may use:
zcat *.gz | grep <word> | grep -oP "^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2};\K\d{2}" | sort | uniq -c
The \K added in the grep expression is a flag for look-behind in PCRE -- Perl Compatible Regular Expression.

Try this :
zgrep -c '2013-11-21;0[89]:.*abc' file.gz

Or awk (gawk in linux) will work:
zcat *.gz | awk -F'[\.;:]' '{arr[$2]++} END{for(i in arr){print i, arr[i]} }' 2>/dev/null
the redirection is there because some awks, notably gawk, will complain about . not being a metacharacter


Using STDIN from pipe in sed command to replace value in a file

I've got a command to perform a series of commands that produce a variable output string such as 123456. I want to pipe that to a sed command replacing a known string in a csv file that looks like this:
However, the command below does not work and I haven't found any other references to using pipe values as the variable for a replace.
How does this code change if the values in the csv are in a random order and I always want to change the second value?
Example code:
find / -iname awk 2>/dev/null | sha256sum | cut -c1-10 > test.txt |
sed -i -e '/Wilma/ r test.txt' -e 's/Wilma//' input.csv
Contents of input.csv should become: Fred,0d522cd316,Betty,Barney
Okay, in
find / -iname awk 2>/dev/null | sha256sum | cut -c1-10 > test.txt | sed -i -e '/Wilma/ r test.txt' -e 's/Wilma//' input.csv
you have a bug. That "> test.txt" after cut is going to eat your stdin on sed, so things go weird with that pipe afterwards taking stdin. You don't want a pipe there, or you don't want to redirect to a file.
The way to take piped stdin and use it as a parameter in a command is through xargs.
find / -iname awk 2>/dev/null | sha256sum | cut -c1-10 | xargs --replace=INSERTED -- sed -i -e 's/Wilma/INSERTED/' input.csv
(...though that find|shasum is suspect too, in that the order of files is random(ish) and it matters for a reliable sum. You prpobably mean to "|sort" after find.)
(Some would sed -i -e "s/Wilma/$(find|sort|shasum|cut)" f, but I ain't among them. Animals.)
For replacing a fixed string like "Wilma", try:
sed -i 's/Wilma/'"$(find / -iname awk 2>/dev/null |
sha256sum | cut -c1-10)"'/' input.csv
To replace the 2nd field no matter what's in it, try:
sed -i 's/[^,]*/'"$(find / -iname awk 2>/dev/null |
sha256sum | cut -c1-10)"'/2' input.csv

Optimizing search in linux

I have a huge log file close to 3GB in size.
My task is to generate some reporting based on # of times something is being logged.
I need to find the number of time StringA , StringB , StringC is being called separately.
What I am doing right now is:
grep "StringA" server.log | wc -l
grep "StringB" server.log | wc -l
grep "StringC" server.log | wc -l
This is a long process and my script takes close to 10 minutes to complete. What I want to know is that whether this can be optimized or not ? Is is possible to run one grep command and find out the number of time StringA, StringB and StringC has been called individually ?
You can use grep -c instead of wc -l:
grep -c "StringA" server.log
grep can't report count of individual strings. You can use awk:
out=$(awk '/StringA/{a++;} /StringB/{b++;} /StringC/{c++;} END{print a, b, c}' server.log)
Then you can extract each count with a simple bash array:
echo "StringA="${arr[0]}
echo "StringA="${arr[1]}
echo "StringA="${arr[2]}
This (grep without wc) is certainly going to be faster and possibly awk solution is also faster. But I haven't measured any.
Certainly this approach could be optimized since grep doesn't perform any text indexing. I would use a text indexing engine like one of those from this review or this stackexchange QA . Also you may consider using journald from systemd which stores logs in a structured and indexed format so lookups are more effective.
So many greps so little time... :-)
According to David Lyness, a straight grep search is about 7 times as fast as an awk in large file searches.
If that is the case, the current approach could be optimized by changing grep to fgrep, but only if the patterns being searched for are not regular expressions. fgrep is optimized for fixed patterns.
If the number of instances is relatively small compared to the original log file entries, it may be an improvement to use the egrep version of grep to create a temporary file filled with all three instances:
egrep "StringA|StringB|StringC" server.log > tmp.log
grep "StringA" tmp.log | wc -c
grep "StringB" tmp.log | wc -c
grep "StringC" tmp.log | wc -c
The egrep variant of grep allows for a | (vertical bar/pipe) character to be used between two or more separate search strings so that you can find multiple strings in statement. You can use grep -E to do the same thing.
Full documentation is in the man grep page and information about the Extended Regular Expressions that egrep uses from the man 7 re_format command.

Bash exclude a line from ouput if the line matches a certain text

I am looking to create a cronjob that will alert us if a certain directory has sent out a certain amount of emails from scanning a log file. The one liner I am using is:
awk '$3 ~ /^cwd/{print $3}' /var/log/exim_mainlog | sort | uniq -c | sed "s|^ *||g" | sort -nr | head --lines 5
before I get any further, I need to exclude some locations from the output, example:
50992 cwd=/var/spool/exim
21960 cwd=/home/USER1/public_html/wp-content/cache/object/000000/746
2717 cwd=/etc/csf
2063 cwd=/home/USER2
1072 cwd=/
I need to exclude:
1072 cwd=/
2717 cwd=/etc/csf
50992 cwd=/var/spool/exim
Would I need to append the output to a txt file then use SED or is there an easier method?
Pipe through grep -v to exclude matches:
egrep -v ' cwd=(/$|/etc/csf|/var/spool/exim)'

grep a particular content before a period

I am trying to read/grep a particular word or content that is before a period (.).
e.g. file1 has abinaya.ashok and I want to grep whatever is before the period (.) without hardcoding anything.
if I try
grep \.\ file1
it gives abinaya.ashok.
I've tried: grep\*\.\ file1
it doesn't give anything.Can we find it using grep commands or should we do it only using awk command? Any thoughts?
Using GNU grep for PCRE regex (for non-greedy and positive look-ahead), you can do:
echo 'abinaya.ashok' | grep -oP '.*?(?=\.)'
Using awk:
echo 'abinaya.ashok' | awk -F\. '{print $1}'
Check the following simple examples.
Including the dot:
$ echo abinaya.ashok | grep -o '.*[.]'
Without the dot:
$ echo abinaya.ashok | grep -o '^[^.]\+'
Hope I understand you correctly:
sed -n 's/\..*//p' file1 | grep whatever
sed expression will print only part before dot (lines without dot are not printed).
Now use grep to search what you need.

How to grep within a grep

I have a bunch of massive text files, about 100MB each.
I want to grep to find entries that have 'INDIANA JONES' in it:
$ grep -ir 'INDIANA JONES' ./
Then, I would like to find the entries where there is the word PORTUGAL within 5,000 characters of the INDIANA JONES term. How would I do this?
# in pseudocode
grep -ir 'INDIANA JONES' ./ | grep 'PORTUGAL' within 5000 char
Use grep's -o flag to output the 5000 characters surround the match, then search those characters for the second string. For example:
grep -ioE ".{5000}INDIANA JONES.{5000}" file.txt | grep "PORTUGAL"
If you need the original match, add the -n flag to the second grep and pipe into:
cut -f1 -d: > line_numbers.txt
then you could use awk to print those lines:
awk 'FNR==NR { a[$0]; next } FNR in a' line_numbers.txt file.txt
To avoid the temporary file, this could be written like:
awk 'FNR==NR { a[$0]; next } FNR in a' <(grep -ioE ".{50000}INDIANA JONES.{50000}" file.txt | grep -n "PORTUGAL" | cut -f1 -d:) file.txt
For multiple files, use find and a bash loop:
for i in $(find . -type f); do
awk 'FNR==NR { a[$0]; next } FNR in a' <(grep -ioE ".{50000}INDIANA JONES.{50000}" "$i" | grep -n "PORTUGAL" | cut -f1 -d:) "$i"
One way to deal with this is with gawk. You could set the record separator to either INDIANA JONES or PORTUGAL and then perform a length check on the record (after stripping newlines, assuming newlines do not count towards the limit of 5000). You may have to resort to find to run this recursively within a directory
awk -v RS='INDIANA JONES|PORTUGAL' '{a = $0;
gsub("\n", "", a)};
((RT ~ /IND/ && prevRT ~/POR/) || (RT ~ /POR/ && prevRT ~/IND/)) && length(a) < 5000{found=1};
END{if (found) print FILENAME}' file.txt
Consider installing ack-grep.
sudo apt-get install ack-grep
ack-grep is a more powerful version of grep.
There's no trivial solution to your question (that i can think of) outside of a full batch script, but you can use the -A and -B flags on ack-grep to specify a number of trailing or leading lines to output, resp.
This may not be a number of chars, but is a step further in that direction.
While this may not be a solution, it might give you some idea as to how to do this. Lookup filters like ack, awk, sed, etc. and see if you can find one with a flag for this kind of behaviour.
The ack-grep manual:
I think the sad news is, what you might think you're looking for is something like:
grep "\(INDIANA JONES\).\{1,5000\}PORTUGAL" filename
The problem is, even on a small file, querying this is going to be impossible time-wise.
I got this one to work with a different number. it's a size problem.
For such a large set of files, you'll need to do this in more than one step.
A Solution:
The only solution I know of is the leading and trailing output from ack-grep.
Step 1: how long are your lines?
If you knew how many lines out you had to go
(and you could estimate/calculate this a few ways) then you'd be able to grep the output of the first grep. Depending on what's in your file, you should be able to get a decent upper bound as to how many lines is 5000 chars (if a line has 100 chars average, 50+ lines should cover you, but if it has 10 chars, you'll need 500+).
You've got to determine the maximum number of lines that could be 5000 chars. You could guess or pick a high range if you like, but that'll be up to you. It's your data.
With that, call: (if you needed 100 lines for 5000 chars)
ack-grep -ira "PORTUGAL" -A 100 -B 100 filename
ack-grep -ira "INDIANA JONES" -A 100 -B 100 filename
replace the 100s with what you need.
Step 2: parse the output
you'll need to take the matches that ack-grep returns and parse them, looking for any matches again, within these sub-ranges.
Look for INDIANA JONES in the first PORTUGAL ack-grep match output, and look for PORTUGAL in the second set of matches.
This should take a bit more work, likely involving a bash script (I might see if I can get one working this week), but it solves your massive-data problem, by breaking it down into more manageable chunks.
grep 'INDIANA JONES' . -iR -l | while read filename; do head -c 5000 "$filename" | grep -n PORTUGAL -H --label="$filename" ; done
This works as follows:
grep 'INDIANA JONES' . -iR -l. Search for all files in or below the current directory. Case insensitive (-i). And only print the names of the files that match (-l), don't print any content.
| while read filename; do ...|...|...; done for each line of input, store it in variable $filename and execute the pipeline.
Now, for each file that matched 'INDIANA JONES', we do
head -c 5000 "$filename" - extract the first 5000 characters
grep ... - search for PORTUGAL. Print the filename (-H), but where we tell us the 'filename' we want to use with --label="$filename". Print line numbers too, -n.
