How long is the limitation of the length of the file `/proc/{processId}/cmdline`? - linux

I have a java process and its classpath includes many jars, so the startup command is very long.
Assume that the process id is 110101, when I check the command by command cat /proc/110101/cmdline, I find the command is incomplete, it only contains about 4000 characters.
Is there any other method to show the original startup command?

man proc
This holds the complete command line for the process, unless
the process is a zombie. In the latter case, there is nothing
in this file: that is, a read on this file will return 0
characters. The command-line arguments appear in this file as
a set of strings separated by null bytes ('\0'), with a
further null byte after the last string.
It may not give you all args by cat the file.


How to add newline into error messages from "exec" command in tcl

I am trying to execute a binary file (generated by C code) through TCL "exec" command. This binary throws exception after executing some code and printing some output. I want to see those error messages printed by binary, but all the error messages are coming into one single line after deleting newline charecter.
I have already tried -keepnewline and -ignorestderr switches in exec commands but nothing comes to rescue.
This is how I am executing the binary
exec abc.out
I have tried
exec -keepnewline -ignorestderr abc.out
C file (from which binary is generated) contains some 100 printf statements, each followed by newline characters. But all newline characters are deleted by exec and all 100 lines are coming in one single line. I guess all messages are going into std error, while deletes newline characters, but not sure. Is there a way by which I can have all messages in different line.
You might want to redirect stdout and stderr of the child process to the parent (Tcl) process:
exec ># stdout 2># stderr abc.out

Prevent script running with same arguments twice

We are looking into building a logcheck script that will tail a given log file and email when the given arguments are found. I am having trouble accurately determining if another version of this script is running with at least one of the same arguments against the same file. Script can take the following:
logcheck -i <filename(s)> <searchCriterion> <optionalEmailAddresses>
I have tried to use ps aux with a series of grep, sed, and cut, but it always ends up being more code than the script itself and seldom works very efficiently. Is there an efficient way to tell if another version of this script is running with the same filename and search criteria? A few examples of input:
EX1 .\logcheck -i file1,file2,file3 "foo string 0123"
EX2 .\logcheck -s file1 Hello,World,Foo
EX3 .\logcheck -i file3 foo,
In this case 3 should not run because 1 is already running with parameters file3 and foo.
There are many solutions for your problem, I would recommend creating a lock file, with the following format:
arg1Ex1 PID#(Ex1)
arg2Ex1 PID#(Ex1)
arg3Ex1 PID#(Ex1)
arg4Ex1 PID#(Ex1)
arg1Ex2 PID#(Ex2)
arg2Ex2 PID#(Ex2)
arg3Ex2 PID#(Ex2)
arg4Ex2 PID#(Ex2)
when your script starts:
It will search in the file for all the arguments it has received (awk command or grep)
If one of the arguments is present in the list, fetch the process PID (awk 'print $2' for example) to check if it is still running (ps) (double check for concurrency and in case of process ended abnormally previously garbage might remain inside the file)
If the PID is still there, the script will not run
Else append the arguments to the lock file with the current process PID and run the script.
At the end, of the execution you remove the lines that contains the arguments that have been used by the script, or remove all lines with its PID.

How do I implement "file -s <file>" on Linux in pure Go?

Does Go have the functionality (package or otherwise) to perform a special file stat on Linux akin to the command file -s <path>
[root#localhost ~]# file /proc/uptime
/proc/uptime: empty
[root#localhost ~]# file -s /proc/uptime
/proc/uptime: ASCII text
Use Case:
I have a fileglob of files in /proc/* that I need to very quickly detect if they are truly empty instead of appearing to be empty.
Using The os Package:
result,_ := os.Stat("/proc/uptime")
fmt.Println("Name:",result.Name()," Size:",result.Size()," Mode:",int(result.Mode()))
Name: uptime Size: 0 Mode: 292
&{"uptime" '\x00' 'Ĥ' {%!q(int64=63606896088) %!q(int32=413685520) %!q(*time.Location=&{ [] [] 0 0 <nil>})} {'\x03' %!q(uint64=4026532071) '\x01' '脤' '\x00' '\x00' '\x00' '\x00' '\x00' 'Ѐ' '\x00' {%!q(int64=1471299288) %!q(int64=413685520)} {%!q(int64=1471299288) %!q(int64=413685520)} {%!q(int64=1471299288) %!q(int64=413685520)} ['\x00' '\x00' '\x00']}}
Obvious Workaround:
There is the obvious workaround of the following. But it's a little over the top to need to call in a bash shell in order to get file stats.
output,_ := exec.Command("bash","-c","file -s","/proc/uptime").Output()
//parse output etc...
Quickly determining which files are zero size without needing to read each one of them first.
file -s /cgroup/memory/lsf/<cluster>/*/tasks | <clean up commands> | uniq -c
6 /cgroup/memory/lsf/<cluster>/<jobid>/tasks: ASCII text
805 /cgroup/memory/lsf/<cluster>/<jobid>/tasks: empty
So in this case, I know that only those 6 jobs are running and the rest (805) have terminated. Reading the file works like this:
# cat /cgroup/memory/lsf/<cluster>/<jobid>/tasks
# cat /cgroup/memory/lsf/<cluster>/<jobid>/tasks
I'm afraid you might be confusing matters here: file is special in precisely a way it "knows" a set of heuristics to carry out its tasks.
To my knowledge, Go does not have anything like this in its standard library, and I've not came across a 3rd-party package implementing a file-like functionality (though I invite you to search by relevant keywords on
On the other hand, Go provides full access to the syscall interface of the underlying OS so when it comes to querying the OS in a way file does it, there's nothing you could not do in plain Go.
So I suggest you to just fetch the source code of file, learn what it does in its mode turned on by the "-s" command-line option and implement that in your Go code.
We'll try to have you with specific problems doing that — should you have any.
Looks like I've managed to grasp the OP is struggling with: a simple check:
$ stat -c %s /proc/$$/status && wc -c < $_
That is, the stat call on a file under /proc shows it has no contents but actually reading from that file returns that contents.
OK, so the solution is simple: instead of doing a call to os.Stat() while traversing the subtree of the filesystem one should instead merely attempt to read a single byte from the file, like in:
var buf [1]byte
f, err := os.Open(fname)
if err != nil {
// do something, or maybe ignore.
// A not existing file is OK to ignore
// (the POSIX error code will be ENOENT)
// because after the `path/filepath.Walk()` fetched an entry for
// this file from its directory, the file might well have gone.
_, err = f.Read(buf[:])
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
// OK, we failed to read 1 byte, so the file is empty.
// Otherwise, deal with the error
You might try to be more clever and first obtain the stat information
(using a call to os.Stat()) to see if the file is a regular file—to
not attempt reading from sockets etc.
I have a fileglob of files in /proc/* that I need to very quickly
detect if they are truly empty instead of appearing to be empty.
They are truly empty in some sense (eg. they occupy no space on file system). If you want to check whether any data can be read from them, try reading from them - that's what file -s does:
-s, --special-files
Normally, file only attempts to read and
determine the type of argument files which stat(2) reports are
ordinary files. This prevents problems, because reading special files
may have peculiar consequences. Specifying the -s option causes file
to also read argument files which are block or character special
files. This is useful for determining the filesystem types of the
data in raw disk partitions, which are block special files. This
option also causes file to disregard the file size as reported by
stat(2) since on some systems it reports a zero size for raw disk

How to change core pattern only for a particular application?

My application requires the core file to be generated in a specific pattern.
How do I do this without affecting other processes?
And how do I do this when /proc is read-only?
man core tells us:
Piping core dumps to a program
Since kernel 2.6.19, Linux supports an alternate syntax for the
/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern file. If the first character of this
file is a pipe symbol (|), then the remainder of the line is
interpreted as a program to be executed. Instead of being written to
a disk file, the core dump is given as standard input to the program.
Note the following points:
The program must be specified using an absolute pathname (or a
pathname relative to the root directory, /), and must immediately
follow the '|' character.
The process created to run the program runs as user and group
Command-line arguments can be supplied to the program (since Linux
2.6.24), delimited by white space (up to a total line length of
128 bytes).
The command-line arguments can include any of the % specifiers
listed above. For example, to pass the PID of the process that is
being dumped, specify %p in an argument.
You can put a script there, like e.g.
| /path/to/myscript %p %s %c
You can detect which process is triggering the coredump: (man core):
%% a single % character
%p PID of dumped process
%u (numeric) real UID of dumped process
%g (numeric) real GID of dumped process
%s number of signal causing dump
%t time of dump, expressed as seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01
00:00:00 +0000 (UTC)
%h hostname (same as nodename returned by uname(2))
%e executable filename (without path prefix)
%E pathname of executable, with slashes ('/') replaced by exclama‐
tion marks ('!').
%c core file size soft resource limit of crashing process (since
Linux 2.6.24)
Now all you have to do is "do the default thing" for other processes than your own

How do I increase the /proc/pid/cmdline 4096 byte limit?

For my Java apps with very long classpaths, I cannot see the main class specified near the end of the arg list when using ps. I think this stems from my Ubuntu system's size limit on /proc/pid/cmdline. How can I increase this limit?
For looking at Java processes jps is very useful.
This will give you the main class and jvm args:
jps -vl | grep <pid>
You can't change this dynamically, the limit is hard-coded in the kernel to PAGE_SIZE in fs/proc/base.c:
274 int res = 0;
275 unsigned int len;
276 struct mm_struct *mm = get_task_mm(task);
277 if (!mm)
278 goto out;
279 if (!mm->arg_end)
280 goto out_mm; /* Shh! No looking before we're done */
282 len = mm->arg_end - mm->arg_start;
284 if (len > PAGE_SIZE)
285 len = PAGE_SIZE;
287 res = access_process_vm(task, mm->arg_start, buffer, len, 0);
I temporarily get around the 4096 character command line argument limitation of ps (or rather /proc/PID/cmdline) is by using a small script to replace the java command.
During development, I always use an unpacked JDK version from SUN and never use the installed JRE or JDK of the OS no matter if Linux or Windows (eg. download the bin versus the rpm.bin).
I do not recommend changing the script for your default Java installation (e.g. because it might break updates or get overwritten or create problems or ...)
So assuming the java command is in /x/jdks/jdk1.6.0_16_x32/bin/java
first move the actual binary away:
mv /x/jdks/jdk1.6.0_16_x32/bin/java /x/jdks/jdk1.6.0_16_x32/bin/java.orig
then create a script /x/jdks/jdk1.6.0_16_x32/bin/java like e.g.:
echo "$#" > /tmp/java.$$.cmdline
/x/jdks/jdk1.6.0_16_x32/bin/java.orig $#
and then make the script runnable
chmod a+x /x/jdks/jdk1.6.0_16_x32/bin/java
in case of copy and pasting the above, you should make sure that there are not extra spaces in /x/jdks/jdk1.6.0_16_x32/bin/java and #!/bin/bash is the first line
The complete command line ends up in e.g. /tmp/java.26835.cmdline where 26835 is the PID of the shell script.
I think there is also some shell limit on the number of command line arguments, cannot remember but it was possibly 64K characters.
you can change the script to remove the command line text from /tmp/java.PROCESS_ID.cmdline
at the end
After I got the commandline, I always move the script to something like "java.script" and copy (cp -a) the actual binary java.orig back to java. I only use the script when I hit the 4K limit.
There might be problems with escaped characters and maybe even spaces in paths or such, but it works fine for me.
You can use jconsole to get access to the original command line without all the length limits.
It is possible to use newer linux distributions, where this limit was removed, for example RHEL 6.8 or later
"The /proc/pid/cmdline file length limit for the ps command was previously hard-coded in the kernel to 4096 characters. This update makes sure the length of /proc/pid/cmdline is unlimited, which is especially useful for listing processes with long command line arguments. (BZ#1100069)"
For Java based programs where you are just interested in inspecting the command line args your main class got, you can run:
jps -m
I'm pretty sure that if you're actually seeing the arguments truncated in /proc/$pid/cmdline then you're actually exceeding the maximum argument length supported by the OS. As far as I can tell, in Linux, the size is limited to the memory page size. See "ps ww" length restriction for reference.
The only way to get around that would be to recompile the kernel. If you're interested in going that far to resolve this then you may find this post useful: "Argument list too long": Beyond Arguments and Limitations
Additional reference:
ARG_MAX, maximum length of arguments for a new process
Perhaps the 'w' parameter to ps is what you want. Add two 'w' for greater output. It tells ps to ignore the line width of the terminal.
