How to handle 1000 of tables in one scene in javafx without hang? - javafx-2

I am working on Project on which around 1000 table view on a single page is exit.I had given a scroll bar for it but it is not as smooth as intended to be.So Some how can I draw the table which fits within the screen or window. Then when user wants to scroll down it will draw the other table.I donot want to use pagination provided by javafx .I prefer to have a scroll bar but in the beginning instead of displaying all the table it will display 10 or 15 tables whichever fits within the screen.Any help on this will be appreciated..

You may use Pagination instead. Each page will create it's own table every time it's opened. When you provide a page index to the page factory then retrieve the necessary data according to that index. Only one istance of Table View will exist in the memory.


Yii2 Kartik Pagination BUG

Need an advice.
It appears that ANY setting of filters on one report -- even something as simple as records per page -- disrupts how other reports appear in a rather buggy looking way.
For example:
Go into my page > some view
Set Page Size to 13 and click Apply.
Now it's showing 13 records per page. BUT this simple setting has now trashed nearly every other pages view, which now only displays those fields that were in the view personalised. Other records are hidden.
What can I do in this case?

UITableView too slow on main thread

I was wondering if there is any way to accelerate/speed up the UItableView/[reload data].
Even though I reload the data on the main thread using:
> [self.tableview performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(reloadData) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:No]
I still think the results is quite slow (2 to 3 seconds to refresh each time the table is being reloaded, making a bad user experience if the user keep refreshing the table).
For a bit of background here is how it works at the moment.
1) I create my UITableView from data coming from the database on apple starting (until here no problem and I am fine if its taking few seconds).
2) I click on one of the item of the table view, which opens a new screen to modify the elements.
3) Once the elements is modified, I change the database of my table view so that the elements I changed comes at the top of my table view.
4) When I press the back button on the screen to change my elements, I implements the ViewWillAppear of my UITableView and I reload the data on the main thread.
5) What I observer is a latency of about 2/3 seconds to go from one screen to another. Removing the reload data line from my code, make the transition instantaneous. So the problem is really in the reload data.
Each row of my UITableView has the following elements inside:
A background color coming from a file (this is basically a gradient, the file is about 20Ko, it is a PNG, the file is store on the phone)
1 or 2 UIImageView (depending on the status of what I display) (about 5Ko each, very small PNG icons, the file is store on the phone)
3 UILabel
1 UIButton (inside this PNG, there is a picture, the original size of the picture may vary from 200 to 300ko, the original source is coming from internet. I use SDWebImage to load it/cache it)
I would think I may have too much information on each of my cell, as I can see a big difference in loading time when I only have one row, versus having 10rows.
Would like to have some input from the community to see if anything can be done to improve. The best would be to be able to update the UI in the background, so for example, when I am modifying my elements, I do reloaddata in the background, so that when I come back to the previous screen that shows the UITableView my view is already refreshed,
Ok I foudn the solution on this website:
20) Optimize Your Table Views
Table views need to scroll quickly — when they don’t, users really notice the lag.
To keep your table views scrolling smoothly, ensure that you’ve implemented all of the suggestions below:
Reuse cells by setting the correct reuseIdentifier.
Make as many views opaque as possible, including the cell itself.
Avoid gradients, image scaling, and offscreen drawing.
Cache the height of any rows if they aren’t always the same.
If the cell shows content that comes from the web, be sure to make those calls asynchronously and cache the responses. (Personnal note on this one as it was my issue: look at this other website that explains how to use SDWebImage in a UITableView. Very useful.
Use shadowPath to set up shadows.
Reduce the number of subviews.
Do as little work as possible in cellForRowAtIndexPath:. If you need to do some work, do it only once and cache the results.
Use the appropriate data structure to hold the information you need. Different structures have different costs for different operations.
Use rowHeight, sectionFooterHeight and sectionHeaderHeight to set constant heights instead of asking the delegate.
You say "A background color coming from a file" - this alerts me that you're doing IO work, which is generally time-consuming, I'm curious if you remmed out the loading a colour from a file if you get a significant speed increase?

Kendo Grid Page Persistence

This is a more conceptual question, so I'm not initially submitting any code for it unless someone requests it.
On a current website of mine, I am using a Kendo UI grid to display a table of multiple pages. I also have a (Kendo UI) drop down list, allowing the user to filter rows by class (it reloads the page and makes the necessary edits through the controller).
My problem is this: when the user pages through the Kendo UI grid, it loads a new page and the filtering preferences do not persist. How can I make it either not reload the page(and do everything on the same page instead), or make the drop down box's value persist? Thanks, and tell me if there's any information that would be helpful for me to add!
CLARIFICATION: The functionality is all fine, the only issue is that the dropdownlist does not visually persist.
Actually you can bind both dropdownlist and grid to a single external datasource. This datasource will actually place a ajax call and get the records when the value in drop down changes. As the new records appear in datasource the grid can be refreshed or will automatically refresh without the page reload. Page reload doesn't look like a clean way to filter the grid.

xPages dataTable page

I have a data table on my xPage that shows e.g. 10 rows (repeat limit, rows="10").
How do I know what's the current page number when I navigate through the records by using pager?
After switching between pages I'd like to return back and open dataTable exactly on same page I left:
getComponent("dataTable1").gotoPage(<page number I save>)
I think the best route to get the behavior you want is to use the <xe:pagerSaveState/> control from the ExtLib, which does the job of storing the state of a given pager and restoring it when you go back to the page. Brad Balassaitis has an example of how to use it here:

Dynamically add / remove editable area to custom control embedded in XPage

Okay... this is a little difficult to explain but I will try my best.
In Custom Control while adding properties in Property Definition we can set "Allow multiple instances" which allows us to add multiple instances of that property when the control is embedded in XPage.
Similarly, I need to know whether it is possible to add (and remove) Editable Areas in a custom control when it is embedded in XPage? What I plan is that I would have a repeat control inside my custom control and I would be able to put the contents in each editable area in every loop of that repeat.
Is this the right way to go about or am I looking at this problem incorrectly? Any solution not involving editable areas is also welcome :)
Update 4 Apr 2013:
A use case context I am looking for is a simple carousel where contents of each screen in carousel can have different contents. These contents would be put into each (dynamically added) editable area. The contents can be very different from each other with one screen containing only text, other only image and another both image and text.
Look at the table walker example in the 26 original exercises. It does mostly what you are looking for (conceptually). You won't need multiple editable areas. Whatever is inside the repeat gets repeated.
What you want to do is to give the control a custom property "boolean editMode" so you can render that one line to be edited - if that's the UI pattern you want to follow.
You also could consider a dojo table with Ajax which allows for a familiar spreadsheet UI
