atomic compare_exchange_weak having an atomic expected value - multithreading

I am trying to determine what the best way is to do a CAS with atomics in c++.
My example:
atomic<int> foo(0), bar(1);
while(!foo.compare_exchange_weak(bar, 2)) {}
gives error:
no matching function for call to ‘std::atomic::compare_exchange_weak(std::atomic< int >&, int)
Essentially, what I want to do, is to have the old value of foo stored in bar, which is itself an atomic type. A solution to the above error is:
atomic<int> foo(0), bar;
int tmp = 1;
bar = tmp;
while(!foo.compare_exchange_weak(tmp, 2));
Which respects the contract for compare_exchange_weak, and exits the loop only when bar has the value of foo at the moment that foo becomes is set to 2.
Yet, I am unsure if this is the best way to go about it. It seems to me that the first thing I wanted to do is the correct approach. Any comments on what is suitable, and if the second solution is OK?

I realize this question has been up a while, but I had the same error today.
The first example is failing to compile because you are using an atomic<int> instead of just an int as an argument to compare_exchange_weak. The following compiles and runs on my pc:
atomic<int> foo(0);
int bar(1);
while(!foo.compare_exchange_weak(bar, 2)) {}
I think in the example you provided, both loops are equivalent. The problem lies in the type of the argument, not in the logic.


How to know if returning an l-value when using `FALLBACK`?

How can I know if I actually need to return an l-value when using FALLBACK?
I'm using return-rw but I'd like to only use return where possible. I want to track if I've actually modified %!attrs or have only just read the value when FALLBACK was called.
Or (alternate plan B) can I attach a callback or something similar to my %!attrs to monitor for changes?
class Foo {
has %.attrs;
submethod BUILD { %!attrs{'bar'} = 'bar' }
# multi method FALLBACK(Str:D $name, *#rest) {
# say 'read-only';
# return %!attrs{$name} if %!attrs«$name»:exists;
# }
multi method FALLBACK(Str:D $name, *#rest) {
say 'read-write';
return-rw %!attrs{$name} if %!attrs«$name»:exists;
my $foo =;
say $;
$ = 'baz';
say $;
This feels a bit like a X-Y question, so let's simplify the example, and see if that answers helps in your decisions.
First of all: if you return the "value" of a non-existing key in a hash, you are in fact returning a container that will auto-vivify the key in the hash when assigned to:
my %hash;
sub get($key) { return-rw %hash{$key} }
get("foo") = 42;
dd %hash; # Hash %hash = {:foo(42)}
Please note that you need to use return-rw here to ensure the actual container is returned, rather than just the value in the container. Alternately, you can use the is raw trait, which allows you to just set the last value:
my %hash;
sub get($key) is raw { %hash{$key} }
get("foo") = 42;
dd %hash; # Hash %hash = {:foo(42)}
Note that you should not use return in that case, as that will still de-containerize again.
To get back to your question:
I want to track if I've actually modified %!attrs or have only just read the value when FALLBACK was called.
class Foo {
has %!attrs;
has %!unexpected;
method TWEAK() { %!attrs<bar> = 'bar' }
method FALLBACK(Str:D $name, *#rest) is raw {
if %!attrs{$name}:exists {
else {
This would either return the container found in the hash, or record the access to the unknown key and return an immutable Any.
Regarding plan B, recording changes: for that you could use a Proxy object for that.
Hope this helps in your quest.
Liz's answer is full of useful info and you've accepted it but I thought the following might still be of interest.
How to know if returning an l-value ... ?
Let's start by ignoring the FALLBACK clause.
You would have to test the value. To deal with Scalars, you must test the .VAR of the value. (For non-Scalar values the .VAR acts like a "no op".) I think (but don't quote me) that Scalar|Array|Hash covers all the l-value super-types:
my \value = 42; # Int is an l-value is False
my \l-value-one = $; # Scalar is an l-value is True
my \l-value-too = #; # Array is an l-value is True
say "{.VAR.^name} is an l-value is {.VAR ~~ Scalar|Array|Hash}"
for value, l-value-one, l-value-too
How to know if returning an l-value when using FALLBACK?
Adding "when using FALLBACK" makes no difference to the answer.
How can I know if I actually need to return an l-value ... ?
Again, let's start by ignoring the FALLBACK clause.
This is a completely different question than "How to know if returning an l-value ... ?". I think it's the core of your question.
Afaik, the answer is, you need to anticipate how the returned value will be used. If there's any chance it'll be used as an l-value, and you want that usage to work, then you need to return an l-value. The language/compiler can't (or at least doesn't) help you make that decision.
Consider some related scenarios:
my $baz :=;
... (100s of lines of code) ...
$baz = 42;
Unless the first line returns an l-value, the second line will fail.
But the situation is actually much more immediate than that:
routine-foo = 42;
routine-foo is evaluated first, in its entirety, before the lhs = rhs expression is evaluated.
Unless the compiler's resolution of the routine-foo call somehow incorporated the fact that the very next thing to happen would be that the lhs will be assigned to, then there would be no way for a singly or multiply dispatched routine-foo to know whether it can safely return an r-value or must return an l-value.
And the compiler's resolution does not incorporate that. Thus, for example:
multi term:<bar> is rw { ... }
multi term:<bar> { ... }
bar = 99; # Ambiguous call to 'term:<bar>(...)'
I can imagine this one day (N years from now) being solved by a combination of allowing = to be an overloadable operator, robust macros that allow overloading of = being available, and routine resolution being modified so the above ambiguous call could do something equivalent to resolving to the is rw multi. But I doubt it will actually come to pass even with N=10. Perhaps there is another way but I can't think of one at the moment.
How can I know if I actually need to return an l-value when using FALLBACK?
Again, adding "when using FALLBACK" makes no difference to the answer.
I want to track if I've actually modified %!attrs or have only just read the value when FALLBACK was called.
When FALLBACK is called it doesn't know what context it's being called in -- r-value or l-value. Any modification comes after it has already returned.
In other words, whatever solution you come up with will being nothing to do per se with FALLBACK (even if you have to use it to implement some other aspect of whatever it is you're trying to do).
(Even if it were, I suspect trying to solve it via FALLBACK itself would just make matters worse. One can imagine writing two FALLBACK multis, one with an is rw trait, but, as explained above, my imagination doesn't stretch to that making any difference any time soon, if ever, and could only happen if the above imaginary things happened (the macros etc.) and the compiler was also modified to pay attention to the two FALLBACK multi variants, and I'm not at all meaning to suggest that that even makes sense.)
Plan B
Or (alternate plan B) can I attach a callback or something similar to my %!attrs to monitor for changes?
As Lizmat notes, that's the realm of Proxys. And thus your next SO question... :)

Inconsistencies when using UnsafeMutablePointer with String or Character types

I'm currently trying to implement my own DynamicArray data type in Swift. To do so I'm using pointers a bit. As my root I'm using an UnsafeMutablePointer of a generic type T:
struct DynamicArray<T> {
private var root: UnsafeMutablePointer<T> = nil
private var capacity = 0 {
didSet {
init(capacity: Int) {
root = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.alloc(capacity)
self.capacity = capacity
init(count: Int, repeatedValue: T) {
self.init(capacity: count)
for index in 0..<count {
(root + index).memory = repeatedValue
self.count = count
Now as you can see I've also implemented a capacity property which tells me how much memory is currently allocated for root. Accordingly one can create an instance of DynamicArray using the init(capacity:) initializer, which allocates the appropriate amount of memory, and sets the capacity property.
But then I also implemented the init(count:repeatedValue:) initializer, which first allocates the needed memory using init(capacity: count). It then sets each segment in that part of memory to the repeatedValue.
When using the init(count:repeatedValue:) initializer with number types like Int, Double, or Float it works perfectly fine. Then using Character, or String though it crashes. It doesn't crash consistently though, but actually works sometimes, as can be seen here, by compiling a few times.
var a = DynamicArray<Character>(count: 5, repeatedValue: "A")
println(a.description) //prints [A, A, A, A, A]
//crashes most of the time
var b = DynamicArray<Int>(count: 5, repeatedValue: 1)
println(a.description) //prints [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
//works consistently
Why is this happening? Does it have to do with String and Character holding values of different length?
Update #1:
Now #AirspeedVelocity addressed the problem with init(count:repeatedValue:). The DynamicArray contains another initializer though, which at first worked in a similar fashion as init(count:repeatedValue:). I changed it to work, as #AirspeedVelocity described for init(count:repeatedValue:) though:
init<C: CollectionType where C.Generator.Element == T, C.Index.Distance == Int>(collection: C) {
let collectionCount = countElements(collection)
self.init(capacity: collectionCount)
count = collectionCount
I'm using the initializeFrom(source:) method as described here. And since collection conforms to CollectionType it should work fine.
I'm now getting this error though:
<stdin>:144:29: error: missing argument for parameter 'count' in call
Is this just a misleading error message again?
Yes, chances are this doesn’t crash with basic inert types like integers but does with strings or arrays because they are more complex and allocate memory for themselves on creation/destruction.
The reason it’s crashing is that UnsafeMutablePointer memory needs to be initialized before it’s used (and similarly, needs to de-inited with destroy before it is deallocated).
So instead of assigning to the memory property, you should use the initialize method:
for index in 0..<count {
(root + index).initialize(repeatedValue)
Since initializing from another collection of values is so common, there’s another version of initialize that takes one. You could use that in conjunction with another helper struct, Repeat, that is a collection of the same value repeated multiple times:
init(count: Int, repeatedValue: T) {
self.init(capacity: count)
root.initializeFrom(Repeat(count: count, repeatedValue: repeatedValue))
self.count = count
However, there’s something else you need to be aware of which is that this code is currently inevitably going to leak memory. The reason being, you will need to destroy the contents and dealloc the pointed-to memory at some point before your DynamicArray struct is destroyed, otherwise you’ll leak. Since you can’t have a deinit in a struct, only a class, this won’t be possible to do automatically (this is assuming you aren’t expecting users of your array to do this themselves manually before it goes out of scope).
Additionally, if you want to implement value semantics (as with Array and String) via copy-on-write, you’ll also need a way of detecting if your internal buffer is being referenced multiple times. Take a look at ManagedBufferPointer to see a class that handles this for you.

Is good to call function in other function parameter?

I suppose this:
public static string abc()
return "abc";
Is better to call this function in this way:
string call = abc();
Than this?
is there any reason to prefer one to the other?
Both are valid. However, out of experience I have concluded that the first option is more suitable for readability and ease of maintenance. I can't count how many times I have changed from the "compact" style to the first one as a help for a debugging session.
For example, this style makes it easy to check the correctness intermediate of an intermediate result:
string call = abc();
assert(!call.empty()); // Just an example.
Also, it helps to make the code more robust later, adding a conditional check before the subsequent action that checks call's value, for example if the design does not guarantee that the condition of the previous assert holds but you still need to check it.
string call = abc();
if (!call.empty())
Note also that with this style you will be able to easily inspect the value of call in your debugger.
Given your exact example (one parameter, value not used elsewhere, no side effects), it's just a matter of style. However, it gets more interesting if there are multiple parameters and the methods have side effects. For example:
int counter;
int Inc() { counter += 1; return counter }
void Foo(int a, int b) { Console.WriteLine(a + " " + b); }
void Bar()
Foo(Inc(), Inc());
What would you expect Foo to print here? Depending on the language there might not even be a predictable result. In this situation, assigning the values to a variable first should cause the compiler (depending on language) to evaluate the calls in a predictable order.
Actually I don't see a difference if you don't have any error checking.
This would make a difference
string call = abc();
# if call is not empty
The above method could avoid empty string being written.

What is wrong with this usage of std::find_if?

I get the following error when compiling the std::find_if function:
error C2451: conditional expression of type 'overloaded-function' is illegal
The code looks like this:
typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<node> >::iterator nodes_iterator;
nodes_iterator node_iter = std::find_if(_request->begin(), _request->end(), boost::bind(&RequestValues::is_parameter, this));
bool RequestValues::is_parameter(nodes_iterator iter)
return ((*iter)->"parameter") == 0);
It seems to have something to do with the predicate function passed to the std::find_if, however I cannot figure out what is wrong, can anybody help?
node is a struct containing some values.
You should use _1, not this when binding, and take a value_type as an argument of your function.
If this is a class or struct member function, then bind(func, this, _1) maybe? But if it is a class member function it should probably be static because it needn't state.
The comparison function you provide to find_if should not take in an iterator, but rather the value that the iterator is pointing at (or even better, a const reference to it). For example, when writing a predicate for find_if over a range of ints, the comparison should take in an int rather than vector<int>::iterator. Changing your comparison function to work on shared_ptr<node>s might not fix all your errors, but it should at least account for some of them.
That function's signature should be
bool RequestValues::is_parameter(boost::shared_ptr<node>);
i.e., it doesn't take an iterator, but the iterator's value_type.

What (are there any) languages with only pass-by-reference?

I was wondering. Are there languages that use only pass-by-reference as their eval strategy?
I don't know what an "eval strategy" is, but Perl subroutine calls are pass-by-reference only.
sub change {
$_[0] = 10;
$x = 5;
print $x; # prints "10"
change(0); # raises "Modification of a read-only value attempted" error
VB (pre .net), VBA & VBS default to ByRef although it can be overriden when calling/defining the sub or function.
FORTRAN does; well, preceding such concepts as pass-by-reference, one should probably say that it uses pass-by-address; a FORTRAN function like:
will have a C-style prototype of:
extern int MULTIPLY_TWO_INTS(int *A, int *B);
and you could call it via something like:
int result, a = 1, b = 100;
result = MULTIPLY_TWO_INTS(&a, &b);
Another example are languages that do not know function arguments as such but use stacks. An example would be Forth and its derivatives, where a function can change the variable space (stack) in whichever way it wants, modifying existing elements as well as adding/removing elements. "prototype comments" in Forth usually look something like
(argument list -- return value list)
and that means the function takes/processes a certain, not necessarily constant, number of arguments and returns, again, not necessarily a constant, number of elements. I.e. you can have a function that takes a number N as argument and returns N elements - preallocating an array, if you so like.
How about Brainfuck?
