Do not want a barcode on the expanded view, but would like the card number to be displayed as large as possible, for manual keying by a store clerk - android-pay

From what I can see in the Google Wallet Objects API documentation, there are two loyalty templates from which to choose. One has the barcode section, and the other has an image instead. Is there any way to configure or otherwise create a third option, where a text string could be displayed in place of either a barcode or image?

We currently provide two templates, loyalty1 and loyalty2.
You can use loyalty1 template that provides a barcode. For the barcode type, select textOnly. For more information on the types of barcode provided please look at the API Reference


Can DocuSign add signature pages dynamically?

I am trying to write a DocuSign integration where a customer uploads a PDF file and sends it to a list of signees. The customer should not have to place the right amount of anchors in the document. Instead, a new page (or several pages if necessary) for signatures should be added to the document automatically, with one signature box per signee. I want to avoid modifying the PDF myself. Is there any way DocuSign can do this for me?
The easiest and best way to do this would be to utilize anchor strings, which you've mentioned above that you would rather not do. Normally under these circumstances I'd recommend using a template, however you've indicated that you want the customer to be able to upload the PDF, correct?
The issue there comes down to document dimensions. If you were using a template, the coordinates for a tab would be stored in the template and be applied automatically. If your customer is supplying a PDF, you don't have a guarantee on how small or large the page dimensions will be. IE: An image taken with a Retina display vs. a 6MP camera would be like a Post-It Note vs. a calendar. The remaining option would be to find a standard set of coordinates that would work. For example, when a customer upload a new PDF always have a signature or initial tab applied at x/y: 0,0 so it will always appear at the top left.
Alternatively, what we would normally recommend is that the customer add in a unique identifier like /signer1signature/, then apply the tab via anchor string where it will be applied at every instance, even if it's a single instance hidden on the signature line.

How to show list of products in google assistant without selecting any of them?

Currently i am building a chatbot where i need to display list of products with its description. I tried Carousel, Browsable Carousel and List but they all allow to select any options from the list.
I want to display the products but do not allow to select any of them.
I am using dialogflow as NLP and sending fulfillment using action-on-google's dialogflow node.js library.
Can anyone help me implementing this ?
You can try sending a single Basic Card with an image, if that is suitable for the response. You can also look into using a Table Card, however it doesn't allow for images in the cells - just a single image for the table.
There is no way to prevent a List or Carousel item from being selected, but you can certainly handle the response by ignoring what they've selected and re-prompting them with whatever you've prompted them with after showing the carousel/list. (Or even just re-showing the list and re-prompting them.)
However, it really isn't clear why the items are for information only and that speaking them isn't intended to continue the conversation. Would it make sense that, if a user selected one, you might provide additional information that can be useful? What would a user expect?

CRM 2011: Lookup in HTML Web Resource

Can a lookup be used in an HTML web resource?
I have replaced the command of the "Convert to Case" button on the email entity.
It now opens up an html web resource on click.
I need to show lookup fields to Customer and Subject.
Is there an alternative to a lookup for this situation?
Adding lookups to your own page is definitely a pain since they don't 'provide' you with a control to add it to your HTML resources. I am also not aware of any toolkits that are readily available.
A possible solution for displaying subjects (assuming you don't have too many) would be to use a HTML select element and populate it with the possible values.
As far as the customer goes, it will most likely take some creativity or elbow grease to replace since most likely you have too many accounts/contacts to display in a HTML select. One thought is you are most likely converting an e-mail with a contact or account already in the e-mail (from or regarding fields). You can try and pull all the accounts and contacts from the e-mail fields and allow the user to select one of those via radio, select, etc.
If something like that doesn't work then most likely you will need to create your own lookup, or something similar like a text box with an inline grid that gets filtered like a lookup so you don't have to recreate the entire dialog experience.
Hope that helps.

How do I store this external data in SharePoint?

I am using Visual Studio 2010, SharePoint 2010 with custom document content types and forms. And plan to also use jquery to build the document add/edit/view forms.
I am developing a solution where I want to have a document library where each document uploaded also has a number of external data elements added as metadata.
The tricky part I'm trying to figure out is I want the user to be able to specify and add a multiple number of those same external data elements.
I'm trying to figure out how I represent the data internally in SharePoint. My initial thought is to programmaticly add hidden external fields as the users adds those external selections. But then I also think of simply storing those external elements as non-external text fields but have my own code which performs the external data lookup and validation.
I'm not adverse to significant custom coding, as I'm probably going to need to do a lot anyway since even the user interface is going to be a jquery tabbed form to enable all the external data the user will be able to associate with each SP document.
I've made an attempt to hopefully further explain what I'm trying to do and included that image. Essentially I'm wanting to add 1+ external data relationships to each document, as desired by the user.
It uses just example data. I'll actually have 4-7 different complex relationships much like the example. And the user is permitted to drilldown and select 1, 2 or all 3 of the dropdowns.
Think of it as similar to how here on Experts-Exchange we can add multiple zones to a question.
An example illustration is here:
Could you simply add a multi-line text column and have the user input the metadata with comma's, then use your code to seperate the data and do what you want with it?
You said you were not adverse to significant custom coding :)
One solution is to use SharePoint content types. The trick is that not all items in a list need to have the same content type.
Therefore, you can do the following:
As the user is selecting the fields he wants to use you generate or select a content type that matchs those fields.
You then add your document to the document list using the content template
You then have all your information strongly typed in SharePoint lists.
We have previously built a system where we generate content types based on xsd files, this worked very well.

Sharepoint: Image field with a link

I would like to add a field to a list with displays an Image, but acts as a hyperlink. In other words like the "Hyperlink or Picture" column, but "Hyperlink AND Picture" instead.
Where the two fields you input would be the URL to the image to display, and the URL of the hyperlink.
This must be possible. I notice that the Type (in a document library) column does just that, and also includes the views that are currently being used (in the case of a folder).
Is it possible to duplicate the computed Type field in a document library to read two other fields in the list (which will act as the image url, and the redirect link)? What would the CAML be?
Thanks in advance if anyone could offer any insight.
This can be done but you would need to develop a custom field type. As you have found, SharePoint's default rendering for pictures is without the hyperlink. You need to change how the rendering behaves in Display mode in your own custom field. Check Patterns in Custom Field Rendering for more info.
There are also several examples of creating custom field types on the web. The MSDN articles give a lot of detail about how it all works but don't let that put you off as it's not too tricky.
