Iterative deepening search : Is it recursive? - search

I've searched the internet about the IDS algorithm and I keep finding some example but they are all with recursion, and as I understood iterative is not recursive..
So can you please give me some examples for IDS algorithm ?(implementation would be great and without recursion)
Thanks in advance! you will be a life saver!

The iterative part is not recursive: at the top it is more or less:
int limit = 0;
Solution sol;
do {
sol = search(problem,limit);
} while(sol == null);
//do something with the solution.
This said, in most cases searching for a solution is indeed implemented recursively:
Solution search(Problem problem, int limit) {
return search(problem,0,limit);
Solution search (Problem problem, int price, int limit) {
if(problem.solved) {
return problem.getSolution();
for(int value = 0; value < valuerange; value++) {
int newprice = price + problem.price();
if(price < limit) {
Solution solution = search(problem,newprice,limit);
if(s != null) {
return solution;
return null;
But there exists an automatic procedure to turn any recursive program into a non-recursive one.

If you are thinking in algorithm terms (not just implementation), this would mean applying iteration at all nodes of the search tree, instead of just at the root node.
In the case of chess programs, this does have some bennefits. It improves move ordering, even in the case where a branch that was previously pruned by alpha-beta is later included. The cost of the extra search is kept low by using a transposition table.


why word ladder problem works different on GFG and leetcode?

In this question we have to print the all minimum size string to reach the target word. When i solve this question on GFG, it runs fine but not on LeetCode.
Here is my code:
class Solution {
vector<vector<string>> findSequences(string beginWord, string endWord, vector<string>& wordList) {
unordered_set<string> st(wordList.begin(), wordList.end());
queue<vector<string>> p;
vector<string> usedOnLevel;
int level = 0;
vector<vector<string>> ans;
while (!p.empty()) {
vector<string> vec = p.front();
if (vec.size() > level) {
for (auto it : usedOnLevel) {
string word = vec.back();
if (word == endWord) {
if (ans.size() == 0) {
} else if (ans.size() > 0 && ans[0].size() == vec.size()) {
for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
char original = word[i];
for (char ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++) {
word[i] = ch;
if (st.find(word) != st.end()) {
word[i] = original;
return ans;
The difference is that leetcode throws bigger problems at you, and so correct code with poor performance is going to break. And your code has poor performance.
Why? Well, for a start, for each word you find a path to, for each possible substitution, you're looking through all words to find yours. So suppose I start with all of the 5 letter words in the official Scrabble dictionary. There are about 9000 of those. For each word you find you're going to come up with 26*5 = 130 possible new words, then search the entire 9000 word list for that for 1_170_000_000 word comparisons, mostly to find nothing. Your algorithm wanted to do more than just that, but it has already timed out.
How could you make that faster? Here is one idea. Create a data structure to answer the following question:
by position of the deleted letter:
by the resulting string:
list of words that matched
For the entire Scrabble dictionary this data structure only has around 45_000 entries. And makes it easy to find all words next to a given word in the word ladder.
OK, great! Is that enough? Well...probably not. You're starting from startWord and finding all chains of words you can find from there. Most of which are going nowhere near endWord and represent wasted work. If the minimum length chain is fairly long, this can easily be an exponential amount of wasted effort. How can we avoid it?
The answer is to do a breadth-first search from endWord to find out how far away each word is from endWord. In this search we can also record for each word which words moved you closer. Again, even for all of the Scrabble dictionary, this data structure will be of manageable size. And you can break it off as soon as you've found how to get to startWord.
But now with this pre-processing, it is easy to start with startWord and recursively find all solutions. Because all of the work you'll be doing is enumerating paths that you already know will work.

Longest common prefix - comparing time complexity of two algorithms

If you comparing these two solutions the time complexity of the first solution is O(array-len*sortest-string-len) that you may shorten it to O(n*m) or even O(n^2). And the second one seems O(n * log n) as it has a sort method and then comparing the first and the last item so it would be O(n) and don't have any effect on the O.
But, what happens to the comparing the strings item in the list. Sorting a list of integer values is O(n * log n) but don't we need to compare the characters in the strings to be able to sort them? So, am I wrong if I say the time complexity of the second solution is O(n * log n * longest-string-len)?
Also, as it does not check the prefixes while it is sorting it would do the sorting (the majority of the times) anyway so its best case is far worse than the other option? Also, for the worst-case scenario if you consider the point I mentioned it would still be worse than the first solution?
public string longestCommonPrefix(List<string> input) {
if(input.Count == 0) return "";
if(input.Count == 1) return input[0];
var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
for(var charIndex = 0; charIndex < input[0].Length; charIndex++)
for(var itemIndex = 1; itemIndex < input.Count; itemIndex++)
if(input[itemIndex].Length > charIndex)
return sb.ToString();
if(input[0][charIndex] != input[itemIndex][charIndex])
return sb.ToString();
return sb.ToString();
static string longestCommonPrefix(String[] a)
int size = a.Length;
/* if size is 0, return empty string */
if (size == 0)
return "";
if (size == 1)
return a[0];
/* sort the array of strings */
/* find the minimum length from first
and last string */
int end = Math.Min(a[0].Length,
/* find the common prefix between the
first and last string */
int i = 0;
while (i < end && a[0][i] == a[size-1][i] )
string pre = a[0].Substring(0, i);
return pre;
First of all, unless I am missing something obvious, the first method runs in O(N * shortest-string-length); shortest, not longest.
Second, you may not reduce O(n*m) to O(n^2): the number of strings and their length are unrelated.
Finally, you are absolutely right. Sorting indeed takes O(n*log(n)*m), so in no case it would improve the performance.
As a side note, it may be beneficial to find the shortest string beforehand. This would make a input[itemIndex].Length > charIndex unnecessary.

O(N) Simple Diffing Algorithm Implementation -- is this right?

I just posted this on HN but it doesn't seem to be getting much uptake, I had a question about diffing -- I wanted to know if an implementation I'm using is alright: it seems a little too simple, and the literature on diffing is dense.
Background: I've been building a rendering engine for a code editor the past couple of days. Rendering huge chunks of highlighted syntax can get laggy. It's not worth switching to React at this stage, so I wanted to just write a quick diff algorithm that would selectively update only changed lines.
I found this article:
With a link to this paper, the initial Git diff implementation:
I couldn't find the PDF to start with, but read "edit graph" and immediately thought — why don't I just use a hashtable to store lines from LEFT_TEXT and references to where they are, then iterate over RIGHT_TEXT and return matches one by one, also making sure that I keep track of the last match to prevent jumbling?
The algorithm I produced is only a few lines and seems accurate. It's O(N) time complexity, whereas the paper above gives a best case of O(ND) where D is minimum edit distance.
function lineDiff (left, right) {
left = left.split('\n');
right = right.split('\n');
let lookup = {};
// Store line numbers from LEFT in a lookup table
left.forEach(function (line, i) {
lookup[line] = lookup[line] || [];
// Last line we matched
var minLine = -1;
return (line) {
lookup[line] = lookup[line] || [];
var lineNumber = -1;
if (lookup[line].length) {
lineNumber = lookup[line].shift();
// Make sure we're looking ahead
if (lineNumber > minLine) {
minLine = lineNumber;
} else {
lineNumber = -1
return {
value: line,
from: lineNumber
RunKit link:
What am I missing? I can't find other references to doing diffing like this. Everything just links back to that one paper.

Algorithm for doing many substring reversals?

Suppose I have a string S of length N, and I want to perform M of the following operations:
choose 1 <= L,R <= N and reverse the substring S[L..R]
I am interested in what the final string looks like after all M operations. The obvious approach is to do the actual swapping, which leads to O(MN) worst-case behavior. Is there a faster way? I'm trying to just keep track of where an index ends up, but I cannot find a way to reduce the running time (though I have a gut feeling O(M lg N + N) -- for the operations and the final reading -- is possible).
Yeah, it's possible. Make a binary tree structure like
struct node {
struct node *child[2];
struct node *parent;
char label;
bool subtree_flipped;
Then you can have a logical getter/setter for left/right child:
struct node *get_child(struct node *u, bool right) {
return u->child[u->subtree_flipped ^ right];
void set_child(struct node *u, bool right, struct node *c) {
u->child[u->subtree_flipped ^ right] = c;
if (c != NULL) { c->parent = u; }
Rotations have to preserve flipped bits:
struct node *detach(struct node *u, bool right) {
struct node *c = get_child(u, right);
if (c != NULL) { c->subtree_flipped ^= u->subtree_flipped; }
return c;
void attach(struct node *u, bool right, struct node *c) {
set_child(u, right, c);
if (c != NULL) { c->subtree_flipped ^= u->subtree_flipped; }
// rotates one of |p|'s child up.
// does not fix up the pointer to |p|.
void rotate(struct node *p, bool right) {
struct node *u = detach(p, right);
struct node *c = detach(u, !right);
attach(p, right, c);
attach(u, !right, p);
Implement splay with rotations. It should take a "guard" pointer that is treated as a NULL parent for the purpose of splaying, so that you can splay one node to the root and another to its right child. Do this and then you can splay both endpoints of the flipped region and then toggle the flip bits for the root and the two subtrees corresponding to segments left unaffected.
Traversal looks like this.
void traverse(struct node *u, bool flipped) {
if (u == NULL) { return; }
flipped ^= u->subtree_flipped;
traverse(u->child[flipped], flipped);
traverse(u->child[!flipped], flipped);
Splay tree may help you, it supports reverse operation in an array, with total complexity O(mlogn)
#F. Ju is right, splay trees are one of the best data structures to achieve your goal.
However, if you don't want to implement them, or a solution in O((N + M) * sqrt(M)) is good enough, you can do the following:
We will perform sqrt(M) consecutive queries and then rebuilt the array from the scratch in O(N) time.
In order to do that, for each query, we will store the information that the queried segment [a, b] is reversed or not (if you reverse some range of elements twice, they become unreversed).
The key here is to maintain the information for disjoint segments here. Notice that since we are performing at most sqrt(M) queries before rebuilding the array, we will have at most sqrt(M) disjoint segments and we can perform query operation on sqrt(M) segments in sqrt(M) time. Let me know if you need a detailed explanation on how to "reverse" these disjoint segments.
This trick is very useful while solving problems like that and it is worth to know it.
I solved the problem exactly corresponding to yours on HackerRank, during their contest, using the method I described.
Here is the problem
Here is my solution in C++.
Here is the discussion about the problem and a brief description of my method, please check my 3rd message there.
I'm trying to just keep track of where an index ends up
If you're just trying to follow one entry of the starting array, it's easy to do that in O(M) time.
I was going to just write pseudocode, but no hand-waving was needed so I ended up with what's probably valid C++.
// untested C++, but it does compile to code that looks right.
struct swap {
int l, r;
// or make these non-member functions for C
bool covers(int pos) { return l <= pos && pos <= r; }
int apply_if_covering(int pos) {
// startpos - l = r - endpos;
// endpos = l - startpos + r
pos = l - pos + r;
return pos;
int follow_swaps (int pos, int len, struct swap swaps[], int num_swaps)
// pos = starting position of the element we want to track
// return value = where it will be after all the swaps
for (int i = 0 ; i < num_swaps ; i++) {
pos = swaps[i].apply_if_covering(pos);
return pos;
This compiles to very efficient-looking code.

Count of nodes in BST

I am trying to count the number of nodes in a Binary Search Tree and was wondering what the most efficient means was. These are the options that I have found:
store int count in the BST Class
store int children in each node of the tree which stores the number of children under it
write a method that counts the number of Nodes in the BST
if using option 3, I've written:
int InOrder {
Node *cur = root;
int count = 0;
Stack *s = null;
bool done = false;
while(!done) {
if(cur != NULL) {
cur = cur->left;
else {
if(!s.IsEmpty()) {
cur = s.pop();
cur = cur->right;
else {
done = true;
return count;
but from looking at it, it seems like it would get stuck in an infinite loop between cur = cur->left; and cur = cur->right;
So which option is the most efficient and if it is option 3, then will this method work?
I think the first option is the quickest and it only requires O(1) space to achieve this. However whenever you insert/delete an item, you need to keep updating this value.
It will take O(1) time to get the number of all the nodes.
The second option would make this program way too complicated since deleting/inserting a node somewhere would have to update all of its ancestors. Either you add a parent pointer so you can adequately update each one of the ancestors, or you need to go through all the nodes in the tree and update the numbers again. Anyway I think this would be the worst option of all three.
The third option is good if you don't call this many times since the first option is a lot quicker, O(1), than this option. This will take O(n) since you need to go through every single node to check the count.
In terms of your code, I think it's easier to write in a recursive way like below:
int getCount(Node* n)
if (!n)
return 0;
return 1 + getCount(n->left) + getCount(n->right);
Hope this helps!
