Just a quick question. How do I remove/disable this tool bar in android studio ? I cant seem to find a setting to disable it.
Open Android Studio
Goto: View -> Click on Navigation Bar option (Keep it unchecked)
Now, Your entire bar will be hidden.
Again, Goto: View -> Click on Navigation Bar option
Now, Click on Toolbar option (Keep it checked)
Your window should look like this:
I'm trying to disable the default line that go across the screen?
Settings -> Editor -> Appearance -> Show hard wrap guide
In Android Studio, the current line under the caret is highlighted:
Is there a way to disable this feature?
In Android Studio
go to File -> Preferences -> Editor -> Colors and fonts -> General
Select caret row
Uncheck Background checkbox.
I've used android studio today, and I can't remove the background line:
How do I remove this line?
The line is the "Right Margin" marker line. It is set to wrap text at a specified character length, when turned on.
To turn on Wrap text at specified character length go to: File>Settings>Code Styles>General>Wrap when typing, and set character length amount.
To remove line go to: File>Settings>IDE Settings>Editor>Appearance>Show Right Margin. Uncheck it to remove.
Android Studio 3.0 on os x:
Preference -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Show Right Margin
In Android Studio
Go to Preferences -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Uncheck the Hard Wrap Guide
You'll find the settings for this if you go to File -> Other Settings -> Default Settings. Choose Code Style from the list on the left, then General. Change the Right Margin attribute to be 0. This'll remove the line.
I'm using Android Studio 2.1.2 and it appears that the menus have been changed.
To remove the line, go to Settings > Editor > General > Appearance > Show right margin.
To adjust the right margin where text wraps, go to Settings > Editor > Code Style > Default Options and change the number in Right margin.
In Visual Studio 2012, I can click the button "Show snap grid" on the bottom left of the designer window. How to customize that snap grid? I follow
TOOLS -> Options... -> Windows Forms Designer -> General -> GridSize (8;8)
But (as expected), it cannot change the grid on WPF Window Designer...
You can do it only in Microsoft Blend (or Expression Blend).
TOOLS -> Options -> XAML Designer -> Artboard -> Gridline spacing