Why does "Compare with Latest Version" take so long to load the Diff tool on my machine? [closed] - visual-studio-2012

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Recently I've started seeing a 5-10 second delay between me clicking "Compare with Latest Version" on a file in the Pending Changes window, and the comparison tool coming up. In the interim, the status bar shows the message
Running a compare operation in the background. Once the operation has completed, the results will be displayed in the compare tool.
I can't pinpoint when exactly this problem started, but none of my colleagues who're running the same setup are having this problem.
Any advice would be highly appreciated - those few seconds are long enough to throw my rhythm off.


Is there a way to stop my Razor laptop from going to sleep mode randomly? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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As I use my Razor laptop, the screen shuts off as if in sleep mode. I don't know why this is happening and sometimes this happens when I am not using/touching the laptop.
I don't remember it correctly, but I think I read it on reddit about similar issue. It may have to do something about the power/sleep button problem. You can go to the windows settings and disable the power button- as in, change its function to "do nothing", from the default sleep option. Hope this helps.
(as the other user mentioned, this site is mainly for programming related questions)

Linux terminal has odd gap between words and cursor [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm trying to work in my terminal (I'm using the standard what I believe is a debian terminal on a chromebook) and for a while now I have had a really annoying gap between the words im typing and the actual typing cursor, the space also seems to gradually increase as I type more. I've decided to just deal with it for a while now after multiple google searches led me only to dead ends and I can no longer recall what actually caused this problem in the first place, but it's starting to frustrate me.
If anyone else gets this issue a simple change in font gets rid of the extra space.

How to stop the message "Command "copyq onClipboardUnchanged" from popping up after removing Copyq in Linux? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Copyq is a linux program that let you save your "copy/paste"s for future use.
I removed copyq because I've just realized that my kubuntu 20.04 version has a prebuilt clipboard app that do the same job.
After removing copyq with the terminal:
sudo apt remove copyq
I keep getting a little distracting notification message at the bottom right of the screen, it pops up almost every 5 seconds. It says exactly the following:
! Command "copyq onClipboardUnchanged"
Error: execve: No such file or directory
copyq onCkipboard Changed
Does anyone have an idea on how to stop the notification from popping up.
Thank you in advance.

Windows 10 getting stuck while working on any of its application [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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After I installed windows 10 on my machine I am facing a big problem operating the computer.
Problem : It gets stuck every few seconds.e.g while typing a message I have to wait to notice when the cursor will start/stop blinking so I can start/stop typing. I am really getting frustrated. Any ideas how do I revertback to win7 or apply a patch for this bug.
Well same happened to me but after hiding Cortana "Ask me anything" box the trouble gone. To do this TaskBar==>right click==> Cortana==> hidden. Hope this will help you.

at: how to schedule a job to run at one second later? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to use the command "at" to schedule a job to run at one second (or minute/hour) later. If using "-t" option, then it involves with the hassle of getting the current time etc. Is there any easy way out?
But don't suggest me to use "sleep", because the current process will exit.
Thanks for the tip.
The at program can take now+ a time unit (e.g. now+1minute) as a timespec. You won't get finer time resolution than one minute with at.
