How to edit GroupBox Lines? - nsis

I want to know if is possible to change the width or depth of feeling of a GroupBox lines created with NSIS Dialog Designer.
I have reviewed the options provided NSIS Dialog Designer and have not found anything I can use for this.

I hope it covers some style altering functions:


Inno Setup wizard page for toolbar installer

Attempting to create an install with a page similar to this using the components wizard page with text similar to this
! [page style]
I can put mulitlines in the toolbar description but then the check mark is centered on the description text. I also can't seem to figure out how to bold the text in the description.
I've come a long way with stackoverflow help but I have got a long, long way to go.
Thanks for your help.
#Tlama I found the answer from one of your other excellent explanations at Control for showing multiline content in inno set up installer

Cannot edit button labels in Glade 3.14.0

I cannot edit the buttons label in glade. They are disabled. How can i fix this? Here is the screen shot;
This has been answered here. In summary, you now need to add a Related Action and disable Use Action Appearance to be able to edit a button's label in Glade.
In addition to what David Planella added above, you can also open the .glade file using a text editor and manually edit the label text. I just tried it and it works.

How to add color picker in mfc?

i want be able to select any color i want, just like the attached pic.
yes i want to learn this c++ or mfc . I find it more powerfull . Could u explain to me exactly how to add it to my project. I also want the color iteslf and it code appers in picture box and textbox.
Use CColorDialog class in mfc is used to pick the color from mfc
// Get the selected color from the CColorDialog.
CColorDialog dlg;
if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
COLORREF color = dlg.GetColor();
This sample will popup dialog to select the color and after selecting the color and click ok button then color variable will contain the selected color.
Use this color in your application.
You can customize your combo box or list box to add the color pick tool.
Refer this link : CodeProjectSample
CMFCColorDialog is what you seem to be looking for. To make it act like a drop-down, you'll need to position it below the down-arrow button (e.g., using MoveWindow).
Since you don't seem to have the MFC Feature Pack, check the Ultimate Toolbox at Its Graphical User Interface classes have a Color Picker.
For Visual Studio versions prior 2008, you can use BCGSoft's color pikcer ( MFC color dialog is based on this one.
I had a similar problem with CMFCColorButton. I added the graphic resource with the ToolBox on my dialog design, but I could't assign a control variable because it did not recognize CMFCColorButton.
The answer was to include afxcolorbutton.h in the header of stdafx.h. Maybe you can fix it in the same way.
I hope this helps

How to change the shape of a button in visual c++?

Is there an easy way to change the shape of a button in a form?
There could be other ways, but if you are not using WPF, you can use Images for buttons.
If you are using WPF, there are lots of options you can explore.
This might be a bit old, but may point the way, look at ownerdraw properties and styles and messages.
As an aside why would you want to change the shape of the button. Bear in mind your users, they more than likely don't like change.
You are referring to Ownerdraw buttons. The following links shall help you.
how to create a round/circular button in win32 API using visual c++

Sharepoint search button customization

I am working on SharePoint Branding project, where i need to change the whole sharepoint look and feel according to Clients design guidelines/Visual Designs.
happy part, most of the branding is done but still i am facing problem with SEARCH BUTTON of sharepoint. Ia m not able to replace this default button with my designed button.
any direction ll be great help
What we did was replace the delegate control of the search button with our own, using a feature. In that feature we specified our custom image for the button.
This might help -
When we customised the search box we hide the default img for the search button using css and replaced it with a new background image.
You can't replace the default button with you own search button. You can however customize it to your needs using CSS styles. I have done the same thing. You can create your custom style to override the styles from the corev15.css file.
Create you custom styles css file, reference it in your page layout and just use it.
Hope that helps.
