Graph three columns in Excel as one data point - excel

I'm having trouble graphing some data in Excel properly. I have three columns, which are time, name, and value. If I'm just graphing one name, i.e. "speed", my file looks like this
time | data | value
1 | speed | 1
2 | speed | 2
3 | speed | 3
When I try to graph this, it thinks speed is three different things, and graphs as speed 1, speed 2 and speed 3. I instead want a straight line with a slope of 1, called speed, so it recognizes that they're all the same data. Ideally, I could add in extra data names such as acceleration, and it would treat all of those the same too.

In Excel 2007: Go to insert --> Scatterplot and create the chart type "Scatter with smooth lines".
Give a mouse right click on the chart and pick "Select Data" option.
Click on Add series button and place "Series X values" as the range of values in column Time and fill in "Series Y values" with the range data on column Value.
If you have additional rows with data meaning something else than speed, like acceleration you can add a second series to make the second line in the graph.


Excel : dynamic data range for graph with multiple lines

To be simple, I have a Excel PowerQuery request which download a table from the web.
I'm trying to draw a graph with multiple lines, the horizontal axis is always the dates, and the vertical axis is composed from all the lines.
Here an example of what it look :
My objective is to catch all the data of the table dynamically without having every time to extend the data range by clicking on the graph.
On the data range :
By using =Table_0__6[[#Tout] I get all the table data, but my goal is to catch only the Dates column (horizontal axis) and two other columns of entry for the data series.
I tried many ways.
By example, if the columns were adjacent, the data range could be :
=Table_0__6[[#Tout];[Date]:[Column 2]]
Since the entry columns are not adjacents, I tried to link the data series by ; or + like this : (not working)
=Table_0__6[[#Tout];[Date]:[Column 1]]+Table_0__6[[#Tout];[Date]:[Column 2]]
or even : (not working)
=Table_0__6[[Date];[Column 1]+[Column 2]];
My question is : Do you have any idea on how catching in horizontal axis every data of Date column from the table, and for the veritcal axis every data of column 1 and 2 ?
Have a great end of week

charting trendlines together

I need to display this kind of data in one chart:
Which means:
Function A: Y= X + 10 ;
Function B: Y= X * 2 ;
but what I got from excel is:
Actually what I want is (sorry for the drawing):
My real data is like:
If I format it like this:
I can still not get the correct charts.
Updated to account for change of question
Your data structure is wrong to achieve this in Excel, see for example:
On the left you want your x axis values, don't put a header in this column otherwise it will plotted on your graph as a series (extra line).
You can fill in gaps in your data with #N/A and excel will ignore these points, joining the line to the next available point.

Excel - Line chart from date and time

How can I make line chart from this data?
Two lines
X values = time
Y valies = number
This is just small sample of data (I have more than 30 day).
(I use Excel 2016)
Make sure your X-axis is the first column and your Y axis is your 2, 3, 4, etc column
Highlight you data that you want to work with, minimum two column.
Find your Insert Ribbon
Select Insert Chart about halfway across and and make sure you select the line one. (Personally I would use and XY scatter plot with lines)
In your case where you have X, Y , X, Y as the sequence of your column, I would edit your data series afterwards to eliminate the series which are really your second X values. Then go to your subsequent Y values, edit their series, and select a new X series for each.
Its usually much easier if you place all your X data in one column, and each Y series in its own column making sure it lines up with the appropriate X data.

How to label scatterplot points by name?

I am trying to figure out how to get labels to show on either Google sheets, Excel, or Numbers.
I have information that looks like this
a | 1| 1
b | 2| 4
c | 1| 2
Then I would want my final graph to look like this.
4| .(c)
2| .(b)
1| .(a)
|__ __ __ __
0 1 2 3 4
Like why can't I label each of these points with its name? I can only seem to label the value, e.g, (c) would show 4
Is the only solution D3?
Well I did not think this was possible until I went and checked. In some previous version of Excel I could not do this. I am currently using Excel 2013.
This is what you want to do in a scatter plot:
right click on your data point
select "Format Data Labels" (note you may have to add data labels
put a check mark in "Values from Cells"
click on "select range" and select your range of labels you want on the points
UPDATE: Colouring Individual Labels
In order to colour the labels individually use the following steps:
select a label. When you first select, all labels for the series should get a box around them like the graph above.
Select the individual label you are interested in editing. Only the label you have selected should have a box around it like the graph below.
On the right hand side, as shown below, Select "TEXT OPTIONS".
Expand the "TEXT FILL" category if required.
Second from the bottom of the category list is "COLOR", select the colour you want from the pallet.
If you have the entire series selected instead of the individual label, text formatting changes should apply to all labels instead of just one.
None of these worked for me. I'm on a mac using Microsoft 360. I found this which DID work:
This workaround is for Excel 2010 and 2007, it is best for a small number of chart data points.
Click twice on a label to select it.
Click in formula bar.
Type =
Use your mouse to click on a cell that contains the value you want to use.
The formula bar changes to perhaps =Sheet1!$D$3
Repeat step 1 to 5 with remaining data labels.
For all those who don't have the option in Excel (like me), there is a macro which works and is explained here: Very useful
Another convoluted answer which should technically work and is ok for a small number of data points is to plot all your data points as 1 series in order to get your connecting line. Then plot each point as its own series. Then format data labels to display series name for each of the individual data points.
In short it works ok for a small data set or just key points from a data set.
If using VBA is an option and assuming that you have a table named 'Table1' of the form:
a | 1| 1
b | 2| 4
c | 1| 2
this routine should work:
Sub labelDatapoints()
Dim r As Integer
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart 'The scatter plot
For r = 1 To Range("Table1[Label]").Rows.Count 'iterate through all data points
.SeriesCollection(1).Points(r).DataLabel.Text = Range("Table1[Label]").Cells(r).Value 'add the custom label to the current datapoint
Next r
End With
End Sub
Modified from

How to draw a "Line with Markers" graph like this?

Please view this image (focus to red around area):
I cannot get it to work with the letters, but I can get it to work with numbers (=CODE(A1)-CODE("a")+1):
UPDATE after reading Jean-François's answer (but on another computer):
Added a second series just for the custom labels
Show data labels for the new series
Explicitly set the Y axis minimum at 0
Deleted the original X axis labels
Deleted the legend entry of the second series
A few more steps and we're there:
multiplied the X axis values by 10, to adjust granularity for positioning stuff
subtracted 5 for series1 values, to get the data in the middle between major tick marks
played with series2 values, to get the labels also in the middle between major tick marks
Here's an easier way.
Set up the data like this:
Select the first two columns (blue) and insert a column chart (zero value columns do not appear):
Select and copy third and fourth columns (red), select the chart, Paste Special as new series, check first column and first row boxes (it's added as another column):
Right click new column series, choose Change Series Chart Type, and select the XY with Lines style:
Right click XY series, choose Format Data Series, change to Primary Axis:
