Visual Studio 2012 random bug or fail by me - visual-studio-2012

The problem
Yeah, so I am having quite annoying problem where to I have not been able to find any solution from Google. The problem comes up in both situations starting up a new project or opening up old working one, all I get is emptiness everywhere, see picture below.
What i have already tried
I have tried reinstalling the whole program couple times and I have patched it.

The solution explorer may not show up by default. You can show it with:
Application menu: View > Solution Explorer
Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + L

I think you just don't have your solution explorer open and visual studio doesn't open any file by default.
The solution explorer shows you all of the files and folders in the current solution and let's you open them.
Open it using View > Solution Explorer or press Strg + Alt + L.


Android studio: Auto completion not working with ctrl + space

Android studio: Auto-completion not working with ctrl + space and working but lagging(suggestions are loading slowly with a loading icon) with ctrl + shift + space.
Tried all the following based on the previous similar question:
made sure power save mode is off.
invalidated and restarted.
made sure relevant checkboxes are checked in code completion settings.
Also, suggestions are working with flutter project in Android studio but not with android project. Tried for solutions but didn't find any relevant doc.
Moreover, it used to show suggestions just after pressing '.' even without shortcuts. Updated some versions and the feature is disturbed. Does code completion depend on anything else?
Edit: suggestions are appearing but it's taking about 5 secs after pressing '.' or ctrl + space
In my case it was showing only for exact text case but after below steps it was working as expected.
File->Settings-> Editor -> General -> Code Completion.
Uncheck Match case checkbox if its checked.
You can also try this
1.Close Android studio then go to the folder where android studio is located
Or you can go to the
drive C -> users -> find .gradle file and do below things
Find .gradle file -> In .gradle folder delete caches folder
then restart android studio sync your files with gradle ....
its work for me :D

Copy-paste is not working in Android Studio on Mac

I am facing a weird issue with Mac version of Android Studio (i.e., I am not able to copy (⌘ + C) and paste (⌘ + V) any text). I have no idea why it is behaving strange like this. My question may be silly, but I have been facing this issue since I started working from Windows to Mac. Any solutions and alternatives would be much helpful for me. I am completely stuck with this issue for the past two days.
There are several reasons why you could be experiencing this
You are using ClipMenu and Android studio doesn't like it
Your keybinding is messed up.
To solve keybinding issue press File -> Settings and check what the keybindings are, you have maybe changed it or imported settings from somebody else. See the image as a reference.
Note: the filter of copy, you need to do this for paste too.
To fix the issue with ClipMenu.
Right click on "Application/IntelliJ IDEA"
choose "Show Package Contents"
edit bin/
add this property ide.mac.useNativeClipboard=True
restart IntelliJ IDEA.
There is a YouTrack issue with further information
this worked for me
go to file menu and click on invalidate Caches/Restart ,after this confirm the dialog open .
Go to File-> Setting->Editor(Under IDE Settings)->Change value of maximum number of contents to keep in clipboard to 1(Under Limits section)
I have this issue due to PopClip I have to disable it to get the keyboard shortcuts working.
Check that your keymaps aren't messed up. Go to Android Studio > Preferences > Keymap > Main Menu > Edit. If copy and paste are set correctly there, then it must be something else in your system that's stopping it
I got this bug with my ClipMenu (on Mac) while set useNativeClipboard=true.
I solved the problem by using ClipMenu to paste file into Android Studio (show menu of ClipMenu, then select item)
In my case, the Ctrl c is occupied by other programs(my case is "Oulu Dictionary" program).
Try to check if other programs have global shortcut keys.
disable the plugin Ideavm if installed under settings>plugins>installed.

visual studio 2012 puts a small number in the top left corner of my screen

I am wondering if anyone else has had this issue with visual studio (or a VS extension because I have a few installed) and what is causing this? The number goes away when I close visual studio and I have not been able to figure our what is causing this. The number is overlayed on my desktop and not just visual studio. It covers all other windows I have open as well telling me it's set to be always on top.
Anyone else come across this issue or what is causing it?
I figured it out!
This has been bothering me for years. I finally just sat down and solved the problem. Basically, VS has this little known feature where you can navigate through code lens with just your keyboard. If you press Alt for a couple of seconds, you will see numbers just like the ones that appear at the top of your screen above your current method. To fix it, just long press Alt again and the number should go away. If you have many VS instances open you might have to go through them one by one.
I don't have significant reputation to comment, but I am experiencing this both with VS2013 and VS2015 too. The only extension I have installed is Resharper.
My research shows that it is caused by the hover text / overlays from various components. The only way I have found to get rid of them is to close the Visual Studio IDE window responsible.

Ctrl + Dot (ShowSmartTag) not working in Visual Studio 2012

I'm now using the Visual Studio 2012, and now the keyboard shortcut for "ShowSmartTag", Ctrl + ., is not working. I googled a bit found someone said that CodeRush's Quick Nav shortcut is the same, so I disabled that command in CodeRush, but still I can not fix this. I also tried to disable all those suspicious extensions, but still no success. Any idea?
All keyboard shortcuts can be viewed from Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard. What does your View.ShowSmartTag command say about current shortcuts?
If you try to assign CTRL + . to anything, it will tell you if the shortcut is used by something else...
In my case it was Web Essentials that caused this issue. I disabled it, and now all works well.
It's CodeRush that caused the issue and I uninstalled it, then SmartTag works again. My guess is that CodeRush replaced VS2012's built-in SmartTag entirely.
On my PC the problem occurs mostly when renaming a method or a parameter ...
To analyze this I have started a first VS 2012 instance without starting to edit the source code.
Then I have started a second instance of VS 2012 which must be attached to the first VS instance:
Debug->Attach to Process
Look for devenv.exe, Title = title of the VS main window
Select Managed and Native Code
Enable Break when exception occurs:
Enable C++ Exceptions, Common Language Runtime Exceptions
Now as I started to edit a parameter name in the first VS instance, an error was thrown and the debugger in the second instance showed me an error in an memory Profiler Add-In.
After I have uninstalled the Add-in, the ShowSmartTag called by the keyboard works fine again.
I have the same problem with Ctrl + ., and I try this hotkey in anywhere of Visual Studio, but it is useless. My notebook is ThinkPad T430 made in Vietnam; I think this is an issue by the keyboard standard.
Maybe you should set another hotkey for "ShowSmartTag". For example, I removed the "NavigateTo" and added the Ctrl + + to "ShowSmartTag".

Resharper installed, now no automatic code prompts in immediate window

I've become accustomed to using ReSharper, so uninstalling it is not an option.
However 1 little thing that I would like to try fix is the immediate window, I used to get automatic intellisense prompts when for example typing myObject.
That seems to no longer be working (and only in immediate window while debugging) since I installed ReSharper. Any ideas on how to get it back?
Unfortunately, if you're using the ReSharper intellisense (instead of the Visual Studio one), it won't work. I remember reading somewhere that this is a known issue due to a limitation in the Visual Studio extensibility API. This also affects the watch dialog.
The only thing you could do is manually invoke intellisense each time using Ctrl-Space. Perhaps this issue will be solved in Visual Studio 2010.
The problem is ReSharper and there is no current any solution.
And the shortcut for intellisense-pop is Ctrl + Space, (not Ctrl + Alt + Space)
