Android studio: Auto completion not working with ctrl + space - android-studio

Android studio: Auto-completion not working with ctrl + space and working but lagging(suggestions are loading slowly with a loading icon) with ctrl + shift + space.
Tried all the following based on the previous similar question:
made sure power save mode is off.
invalidated and restarted.
made sure relevant checkboxes are checked in code completion settings.
Also, suggestions are working with flutter project in Android studio but not with android project. Tried for solutions but didn't find any relevant doc.
Moreover, it used to show suggestions just after pressing '.' even without shortcuts. Updated some versions and the feature is disturbed. Does code completion depend on anything else?
Edit: suggestions are appearing but it's taking about 5 secs after pressing '.' or ctrl + space

In my case it was showing only for exact text case but after below steps it was working as expected.
File->Settings-> Editor -> General -> Code Completion.
Uncheck Match case checkbox if its checked.

You can also try this
1.Close Android studio then go to the folder where android studio is located
Or you can go to the
drive C -> users -> find .gradle file and do below things
Find .gradle file -> In .gradle folder delete caches folder
then restart android studio sync your files with gradle ....
its work for me :D


Preview is unavailable until a successful build

I tried fixing this for ages now, but I don't know what to do. How do I get it to display a preview? Here is a screenshot of the code:
Solved :
Try 1 : Just close and open the Android Studio
Try 2 : Build -> Clean project -> rebuild
Try 3 : Build -> Clean project -> rebuild -> restart Android studio
From Menu Open file option and choose option Close Project.
then restart your project android.
this will resolve your issue.
in my case, clean and build didn't work, I just close the project and open it again, it's solved
The attached screenshot shows your Project is not sync properly. Here are some of the possible steps:
Use Sync Project with Gradle Files for more Here is answer with more detail.
If you made huge changes to project or changed package names etc. use rebuild
In menu Build => Rebuild Project.
Preview may not show if an API is selected that is not properly installed. Check Answer here.
One of the above should fix the problem. If none of the above work try restarting IDE (Android Studio).
Follow these steps-
If you have any incomplete statement(s) in your code (probably where
you left it last time) then comment those lines to make them
Go to Build=>Rebuild to rebuild the project.
Uncomment those lines to make them active again and you are done!!
Close the android studio and reopen the project again.
If not work replace all 'compile' with 'implementation' from build.gradle file.
Because it is obsolete now and will be removed at the end of 2018.
I solved this kind of problem like that.
I tried above answers. But, sometimes they work and sometimes not.
I tried -
File -> Invalidate Caches/ Restart -> Invalidate and restart
And it always works for me.
I do this to solved the problem:
type Ctrl + Shift + A to open the "Actions" search window
input "Sync Project with Gradle Files" , then type Enter
wait for Sync finished

How To Restore Android Studio Font

I was trying to change the font of Android Studio. I selected a font and pressed Apply Changes button of the Dialog and from then onward my android studio looks like this.
I re-install the software which also doesn't solve the problem.
I also tried to change the theme font from the xml file located at C:\Users\tuser\.AndroidStudio1.5\config\colors\Obsidian\ which is also not working.
I Read, How to reset android studio font, and tried pressing shift twice and ctrl + shift + a, the search dialog appears like this
So, How can i restore the font?
Maybe this will help (I see you're using windows):
Go to your User Folder - on Windows 7/8 this would be:
[SYSDRIVE]:\Users[your username] (ex. C:\Users\JohnDoe)
In this folder there should be a folder called .AndroidStudio (notice
the period at the start - so on some OSes it would be hidden).
Delete this folder (or better yet, move it to a backup location - so
you can return it if something goes wrong).
This should reset your Android Studio settings to default.
The answer is from:
How to reset Android Studio by free3dom author.

Copy-paste is not working in Android Studio on Mac

I am facing a weird issue with Mac version of Android Studio (i.e., I am not able to copy (⌘ + C) and paste (⌘ + V) any text). I have no idea why it is behaving strange like this. My question may be silly, but I have been facing this issue since I started working from Windows to Mac. Any solutions and alternatives would be much helpful for me. I am completely stuck with this issue for the past two days.
There are several reasons why you could be experiencing this
You are using ClipMenu and Android studio doesn't like it
Your keybinding is messed up.
To solve keybinding issue press File -> Settings and check what the keybindings are, you have maybe changed it or imported settings from somebody else. See the image as a reference.
Note: the filter of copy, you need to do this for paste too.
To fix the issue with ClipMenu.
Right click on "Application/IntelliJ IDEA"
choose "Show Package Contents"
edit bin/
add this property ide.mac.useNativeClipboard=True
restart IntelliJ IDEA.
There is a YouTrack issue with further information
this worked for me
go to file menu and click on invalidate Caches/Restart ,after this confirm the dialog open .
Go to File-> Setting->Editor(Under IDE Settings)->Change value of maximum number of contents to keep in clipboard to 1(Under Limits section)
I have this issue due to PopClip I have to disable it to get the keyboard shortcuts working.
Check that your keymaps aren't messed up. Go to Android Studio > Preferences > Keymap > Main Menu > Edit. If copy and paste are set correctly there, then it must be something else in your system that's stopping it
I got this bug with my ClipMenu (on Mac) while set useNativeClipboard=true.
I solved the problem by using ClipMenu to paste file into Android Studio (show menu of ClipMenu, then select item)
In my case, the Ctrl c is occupied by other programs(my case is "Oulu Dictionary" program).
Try to check if other programs have global shortcut keys.
disable the plugin Ideavm if installed under settings>plugins>installed.

Visual Studio 2012 random bug or fail by me

The problem
Yeah, so I am having quite annoying problem where to I have not been able to find any solution from Google. The problem comes up in both situations starting up a new project or opening up old working one, all I get is emptiness everywhere, see picture below.
What i have already tried
I have tried reinstalling the whole program couple times and I have patched it.
The solution explorer may not show up by default. You can show it with:
Application menu: View > Solution Explorer
Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + L
I think you just don't have your solution explorer open and visual studio doesn't open any file by default.
The solution explorer shows you all of the files and folders in the current solution and let's you open them.
Open it using View > Solution Explorer or press Strg + Alt + L.

Android Studio - Auto complete and other features not working

I installed android studio.. it was working fine. Now all the sudden, none of the auto complete features are working.. I can type anything anywhere no variable checking, no help with functions or checking anything. I can still compile the project and I get errors when that happens.
Can anyone please help me out with this issue.
#1 From Build menu (of your Android Studio), click Rebuild Project option.
#2 Then once rebuild completes, go to File > Invalidate Caches / Restart... and Click on Invalidate an Restart button.
This really works for me.
#1 Rebuild is required, because Android-Studio does simply rely solely on Gradle's build-result (without static-analysis support, at least at time of writing, 2022).
#2 Clearing cache is required, because the previous build-result (before above rebuild) may be indexed, which makes Android Studio ignore latest Gradle build-result
(this is a very good speed optimization, but a very bad Developer-experience as well).
There can sometimes be other reasons too, which is why there are many other answers posted here.
You can also check if Power Save Mode on File menu is disabled.
Close Android Studio
Go to C:\Users\UserName\.android and rename the folder:
build-cache to build-cache_old
Go to C:\Users\UserName\.AndroidStudio3.x\system
OR (for Android studio 4 and Higher) go to C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Google\AndroidStudio4.x
and rename these folders:
caches to caches_old
compiler to compiler_old
compile-server to compile-server_old
conversion to conversion_old
external_build_system to external_build_system_old
frameworks to frameworks_old
gradle to gradle_old
resource_folder_cache to resource_folder_cache_old
Open Android Studio and open your project again.
Originally use:
compileSdkVersion 32
targetSdkVersion 32
And an update to 33 appeared, I updated it and the suggestions in the XML no longer appeared, I went back to 32 and now the suggestions appeared.
Close Android Studio
Go to c_users_path_on_windows/.AndroidStudio3.5/system/
Delete the cache folder
Start Android Studio
This works for me.
Most of the times i have seen that the problem is that Power Save Mode is enabled, to disable go to Current inspection profile (lower right corner in Android Studio).
I have not run into this problem personally, but try checking the following settings (File -> Settings or Alt+F7):
Project Settings [name]
Inspections - ensure that Android and Android Lint is checked, or alternately just set it back to default using the dropdown box at the top.
IDE Settings
Editor -> Code Completion - ensure the Autopopup code completion is checked (and check the rest of the settings based on your preference.
Uncheck "Power Save Mode" in "File" tab
If nothing works (like happened with me ) go to your user profile in windows at %userprofile% . You will find folders there (hidden) named with the version of the android studio you are using and prefixed with a dot.
like .AndroidStudio3.1. Just delete that .
Solution: Try disabling "File -> Power Save Mode" in Android Studio (Beta) 0.8.14 - Mac OS X
On windows, the option can be at some other place.
I had the same problem then I recalled that while exploring the new android studio, I switched on the "File -> Power Save Mode" to see what it does?
I disabled the power save mode and all those intelligent features were back.
It turned out that in Power Save Mode, Android Studio switches off the modules responsible for features like Smart Code Completion and Code Analysis.
I had a similar problem where none of the other solutions worked.
Closing Android Studio and then deleting the .idea and build folders resolved the issue.
Disable Power Save Mode and Invalidate Cache and Restart.
For Artic Fox 2020|3.1 Version: Auto Complete Suggestion Problem.
Please Follow the Following Steps:
Close Android Studio
Locate caches folder in C:\Users{username}\AppData\Local\Google\AndroidStudio2020.3
and Delete it.
Open Android Studio Again.
Check your Android studio version and Target that version folder at below location
Note : AppData folder is Hidden in Windows
This Solution also works if android studio mess up with xml files and java code. Don't! modify your code otherwise IDE won't able to change it to default. If you see such messy code just follow above steps and your code will be fine again.
It's Working
Disable Power Save Mode
Untick Power Save Mode Option ::
File -> Power Save Mode
There is a power saver mode in android studio if accidentally you click on that it will disable code analysis which will reduce the battery consumption and performance will also increase but it will not detect any errors and do auto complete operations.
To disable power saver mode
- Go to File Menu of Studio
- Uncheck The Power Saver Mode
In your IDE code analysis will be shown using an eye symbol at the right corner of your android studio.
If Green means it is enabled and there is no error in your code.
If Red Means It is enabled but there are few errors in your code.
If It is white or blur then code analysis is disabled
Just remove all the folders named AndroidStudioPreview
On Windows:
Go to your User Folder - on Windows 7/8 this would be:
[SYSDRIVE]:\Users[your username] (ex. C:\Users\JohnDoe)
In this folder there should be a folder called .AndroidStudioPreview
On Mac OS X
Remove these files:
~/Library/Application Support/AndroidStudioPreview
There can be several things which cause this.
Make sure you've write the correct version in targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion.
Make sure targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion are same.
Other solutions can be:
Invalidate caches & restart Android Studio from File → Invalidate Caches / Restarts...
Clean your project from Build → Clean Project
Rebuild project from Build → Rebuild Project
Make project from Build → Make Project [this process may take some time]
Be sure to check for IDE errors by clicking the button at the bottom right of android studio.
In my case, there was a bad plugin, and the IDE Fatal Errors window prompted me to uninstall the plugin. (I wish I'd known about this feature before spending half a day invalidating caches, deleting folders, and reinstalling android studio with no luck.)
It worked for me.
From menu select:
File -> Power Save Mode
and make sure it's disabled
Go TO Left Side Top File Option
Then Click To Power Save Mode
Disable Power Save Mode That Fix This Issue
In my case, when I switch keyboard language to English, the auto complete works again.
if the autocomplete isn't working for you in Android Studio, just press File and uncheck the Power save mode, it should work fine after that.
if power save mode is already unchecked then first check then uncheck them.
If you have a library project included, make sure the library has the dependencies in build.gradle listed using the api configuration, not the implementation configuration.
Also make sure that the project that includes the library has all the dependencies listed (using the implementation configuration is fine here).
'The file size (2561270 bytes) exceeds configured limit (2560000 bytes). Code insight features are not available.'
Had this issue for days with none of these proposed solutions working before eventually getting this message in yellow under the tabs after adding a line of code. Removing the line of code eliminated the message but not the issue. There appears to be a code size window where you lose insight features but don't get this message, at least for me. Once you go over a certain point the message finally pops up. The suggested solution in a different thread for this issue was to edit 'Help/Edit Custom Properties' to increase the configured limit, but just opening this brought up a dialogue asking if I wanted to create an '' folder so I decided not to risk that approach over eventually cutting the file size.
If sometimes this problem can occur if you misspelled a file extension or make a file without adding an extension.
Check you have added the file extension correctly.
I think that answer may help you.
I'm using mac and suddenly the code completion (^space) not working. There are no errors. Turned out the android studio's shortcut was conflicted with system's shortcut. I don't know why it suddenly happen because it was fine before, maybe there was an update on my Mac.
See below setting for the conflicting shortcut
In my case, C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Google\AndroidStudio2020.3\ just delete caches folder and restart android studio. after deleting this caches folder my problem was solved :)
I encounter with this problem while adding a kotlin library into my project on mac. Changing macbook language to english solved this problem. I also had some weird problems with auto-generated databinding codes, those are also solved.
Try Invalidate caches/Restart from File in Menu Bar from android studio.
Close Android Studio
Go to
and rename the following folder to:
build-cache to build-cache_old
then Go to (Android studio lower then version 4)
OR (Android studio 4 and Higher) Go to
depending on your version and rename these folders:
caches to caches_old
compiler to compiler_old
compile-server to compile-server_old
conversion to conversion_old
external_build_system to external_build_system_old
frameworks to frameworks_old
gradle to gradle_old (if exists)
resource_folder_cache to resource_folder_cache_old (if exists)
Open Android Studio again and the autosuggsion will be fixed.
and You can also check if Power Save Mode is disabled or not from the File menu.
