Jenkins error on building command? - linux

I am new to Jenkins, starting now.
I see the following errors here.
Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GIF_DECODER
[GIF_DECODER] $ /bin/bash /tmp/
/tmp/ line 2: cd: /home/joshis1/Data/E-Drive/Blog/Ready_to_post/Ubuntu/GIF_Decoder_LINUX: Permission denied
I have given the build commands as the following. This is under execute shell.
cd /home/joshis1/Data/E-Drive/Blog/Ready_to_post/Ubuntu/GIF_Decoder_LINUX
make clean
make everything
I am not understanding what is the issue here? Looks to be a permission year. I have jenkins in sudoers list. I don't why it looks for /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GIF_Decoder.
I see the jenkins page under - http://:8080/job/GIF_DECODER/configure
How can I setup the hostname so that instead of localhost I have some meaningful name? Please help. Also, what is the best document/video to start with Jenkins for linux users? How to debug Jenkins issue seen? How can I instantiate a build by sending an email?

I am not understanding what is the issue here?
It's a permission error. It looks like your jenkins user does not have permissions for /home/joshis1/Data/E-Drive/Blog/Ready_to_post/Ubuntu/GIF_Decoder_LINUX
How can I setup the hostname so that instead of localhost I have some meaningful name?
Try the hostname of your server in the URL. e.g. http://myserver:8080/job/GIF_DECODER/configure
Also, what is the best document/video to start with Jenkins for linux users?
I expect that you have a basic understanding of how linux works. This is important on how to configure your jenkins and write the necessary build steps. The most basic information you will find on and basic installation
How to debug Jenkins issue seen?
That depends ...
... on the issue. If you have build problems check the console output of the job first. In addition, Jenkins writes its logfiles into the jenkins home directory.
How can I instantiate a build by sending an email?
Check out the mail commander plugin


Bitbucket Pipeline: run step as non-root

One of my steps in my Bitbucket deployment pipeline involves executing
- step:
name: Start MaintenanceMode
- php bin/wp-cli.phar mm_enter --ssh=[...]
However, understandably wp_cli.phar doesn't love being run as root. I can get rid of the error by using --allow-root, but I would prefer to simply not run anything in the step as root. Is there any way to run a step in a Bitbucket pipeline without root privileges?
I've looked at this similar question but that seems to only work because node creates a new user.
Here is the specific output from the line
Error: YIKES! It looks like you're running this as root. You probably meant to run this as the user that your WordPress installation exists under.
If you REALLY mean to run this as root, we won't stop you, but just bear in mind that any code on this site will then have full control of your server, making it quite DANGEROUS.
If you'd like to continue as root, please run this again, adding this flag: --allow-root
If you'd like to run it as the user that this site is under, you can run the following to become the respective user:
sudo -u USER -i -- wp <command>
You have several solutions
Check the list of available users in the container - most of all your container already has a user
Create a new user for yourself at the stage of building a container without root privileges

dotnet build access to path is denied

I've created a jenkins server, and I am trying to build a .net core 2.0.0 project on the server. I've been able to successfully pull from source control and store source files in the workspace. However, I'm running into an issue with running the dotnet build command. This is what I'm getting.
error MSB3021: Unable to copy file
"obj/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/ubuntu.16.04-x64/Musify.pdb" to
"bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/ubuntu.16.04-x64/Musify.pdb". Access to the
path is denied. [/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Musify/Musify.csproj]
now, I've given read write and execute permissions to every file and directory in /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/2.0.0/, and I've given read write and execute to every file and directory in my workspace (/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Musify). I also believe my jenkins user is part of the sudo group.
The weird thing I am experiencing, is that I am able to, as root, run dotnet build in my workspace directory (/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Musify), and the project builds. I cannot however, get the same results under the jenkins user (who should be part of the sudo group). My question is, how can I verify that Jenkins is using the jenkins system user, and that this user has the correct permissions to run this command. I am hosting jenkins on an ubuntu 16.04 x64 server.
At the command line on your jenkins host run
ps -ef | grep jenkins
the first column will give you the USERID and it should be, as you say, jenkins
Then if you can login as jenkins to the host where the jenkins server is running run the following ....
this will list out the groups that jenkins is a part of
If you want to fix the dotnet build issue take following actions:
Set DOTNET_CLI_HOME environment variable on the docker to a common
path like /tmp on the container. This path is used by the dotnet
to create necessary files to build the project. Check
Dotnet build permission denied in Docker container running Jenkins
Use -o or another accessible path to create the artifacts in the desired directory. e.g. dotnet build -o /tmp/dotnet/build/
Re the jenkins user problem, run whoami in the container. If you get whoami: cannot find name for user ID blahblah it means the user is not found in the passwd file. There are 2 answers under Docker Plugin for Jenkins Pipeline - No user exists for uid 1005, if item 1 did not work, try the second:
Mount the host passwd to the container.
If the jenkins user is logged using an identity provider like LDAP on the Jenkins server or the slave server your job is using, the passwd file of the host will not have the jenkins user. Check the other answer on that post.

Running git from node.js as a child process?

I am attempting to write a generic command-runner in Node.JS - however that's not massively important.
My setup is as follows:
I have a list of string commands that are executed using child_process.exec one after the other.
I want to run git from one of these commands, specifically a pull.
The location I am pulling from requires SSH authentication. HTTPS is not an option.
My private key is passphrased.
I am currently using keychain to manage ssh-agent.
When running git pull from the command line, it succeeds. When running my application as the logged-in user, it succeeds. However, when running my application using forever, it fails.
The error I receive is Permission denied (publickey).. I have tried calling keychain as part of my command, but I cannot get it to recognise the credentials.
How can I fix this?
My mistake was taking the contents of .bash_profile and using that to set up keychain from my exec.
What I needed to do was:
. $HOME/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh; git pull
I found this out by looking up examples of how to use keychain with bash scripts.

Jenkins ignores proxy settings while building a job

I set a proxy under Plugins in Jenkins like suggested online.
I also edited the /etc/environment
bash-3.2$ cat /etc/environment
I verfied the variables and they are available on logon.
When I start ant manualy as root via ssh, my "composer.phar" script is able to connect and download files. As soon as Jenkins starts the job (I think its the "jenkins" linux user), he waits until timeout and aborts the build. I used "su jenkins -s /bin/bash" to get a shell as "jenkins" and the env-vars are set correctly...
What can I do? Why does Jenkins ignore these ENV-Vars?
The http_proxy variables (as seen e.g. on the wget man page) require a "http://" prefix to work properly for many programs.
Jenkins on the other hand has a proxy configuration at Manage Jenkins > Plugin Manager > Advanced. This configuration overrides the environment variables.
Check Alex' answer to another question for getting around this behavior for individual nodes/builds.
I did not get it solved. After a restart the server fails all Jenkins Jobs for some minutes... suddenly the connection to the proxy succeeds and everything works well.

Linux - Subversion - post-commit hook not executing

I am running Arch linux. I have installed Subversion and set it up for use with https everything seems to working fine, with the exception of my hooks.
I have one hook, it is path/to/repo/hooks/post-commit.
It is executable.
I have included a logging statement with: echo "Complete." >> /path/hook.log
When executed as the http user from the command line the script works fine, including the log statement.
When I commit changes I do not see the addition to the log or any of the actions from the rest of the script.
What might I have mis-configured?
Are there any logs to check for this?
Maybe you need to set the proper permission to the /path/hook.log, so as the user that execute the svn-hook, could writte into that file.
But maybe you could give us a litle more information about that hook.
