What UML Use Cases to Write? [closed] - uml

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Closed 6 years ago.
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It's been a really long time since I worked with UML Diagrams.
I started working with UML Use Cases again, for a real world project. I would like to ask some questions.
How should I approach writing use cases?
I believe the tasks that leads to a "Major/Bigger" task should not be considered as use cases by themselves. Am I right?
Okay, what if I have a task like View tutorial and it has Comment on Tutorial, Favourite Tutorial, etc. Should these be separate use case, Extending View Tutorial? If yes, but, aren't they small features, why we should include them?
I'm mixing some stuff here, I hope someone could enlighten me .

Read Alistair Cockburn's Effective Use Cases book (see it on Amazon: 1). He does an excellent job of explaining practical use of use cases in a structured and effective way.


Translating user stories in UML diagrams [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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*Could I translate user stories in UML diagrams to teach oriented object project? *Is it right?
*Is there someone with experience in it?
Your question is an interesting one, and using use case to model story is a debate and I am quite sure that there are a lot's of talk about UML usage in Scrum or Agile method.
I am not sure that Scrum experts would agree that a user story is a use case. For example, for me a use case is associated to a full description and for my understanding this is not the case of a user story.
Maybe this difference between use case and user story could help.
UML has "Use Case Diagrams" which are pretty much the UML version of a User Story.

Is it a good practice to use both active_model_serializer and Jbuilder? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a legacy Ruby on Rails API project, I notice that the project uses both active_model_serializer and Jbuilder. There are app/serializers diretory for active_model_serializer, and app/view/api/ for Jbuilder.
I'm new to Ruby on Rails API. From what I have read from the internet it seems active_model_serializer and Jbuilder are both used to deal with JSON data, there's even an article arguing which one is better.
I don't know which one is better, but is it a good practice to use both?
There's no problem in using both, but it's definitely not a good practice. It can be confusing for new people coming to the project. I'd say it's ok to use both if you transition from one to the other (most often from Jbuilder to AMS), but it's good to eventually stick with one of them.

Skill needed to do advance level sas programming [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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what is the best procedure to increase advance level SAS programming skill when there is no such requirement to use those concepts. Most of the time I complete my task using basic SAS concepts like set function, merge function or some other basic function. What is your suggestion if one wants to increase the programming capabilities.
I'm not going to venture a single 'best' option, but here are a few ideas:
I haven't gone down this route myself, but you could look into studying for the SAS certifications to broaden your SAS knowledge.
If you don't already know any SQL, that's something that's probably worth learning, as it's more transferable than most other SAS-related knowledge.
If you find yourself writing lots of very similar bits of code, learn how to use arrays and write macros (and when not to write macros).
If your code is taking a long time to run, read up on optimisation techniques and see if you can find faster ways of doing the same things. E.g. hash objects, indexes and parallel processing.

Is there a way where I can design a program in a graphical way? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I was wondering if there is a way to design a program in a graphical way. What I mean is that if its possible to have, for example, the classes on the screen as little child windows and that there is inside a list box with all the properties, functions, subs. and that the classes that inherit each other are joined by a line.
Hopefully you understood me...
Sounds like every UML tool that I know.
Take a look at squeak and scratch. Squeak is an implementation of smalltalk the pioneering object oriented language. If you are familiar with ruby you will see a lot of similarities.

Source code handover training [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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We have to train the client professionals on the source code for an application we developed. What shall I include in their training plan for source code? Any help would be really appreciated.
This may help:
What are the core elements to include in Support Documentation?
1.) If possible show them various changes/revisions the code has gone through, then that will help them to understand the code design at some higher level. (That function needs to be modified for what feature?)
2.) Extract some function Call-Graph/Function-flow diagram using some tool and let them get familiar with that.
3.) The test setup for the application should be explained to them.
4.) High level Design & Low level design document
You could highlight the important design decisions. So they understand why you have chosen which solution.
