Manage LXC containers from host in puppet - puppet

Is there any puppet modules for manage nodes in LXC containers from local host? E.g.: I have host with 50 LXC containers and I want to manage all those containers from host directly, not from another one LXC container with puppetmaster.

You could use an existing Puppet module, which doesn't seem to be well documented in terms of usage nor features.
You'll be probably more lucky if you're using Docker as a wrapper around plain LXC.
The Docker Puppet module seems to have meaningful documentation + Docker itself could help you to manage these containers a bit more effectively in general.


Best Practise for docker intercontainer communication

I have two docker containers A and B. On container A a django application is running. On container B a WEBDAV Source is mounted.
Now I want to check from container A if a folder exists in container B (in the WebDAV mount destination).
What is the best solution to do something like that? Currently I solved it mounting the docker socket into the container A to execute cmds from A inside B. I am aware that mounting the docker socket into a container is a security risk for the host and the whole application stack.
Other possible solutions would be to use SSH or share and mount the directory which should be checked. Of course there are further possible solutions like doing it with HTTP requests.
Because there are so many ways to solve a problem like that, I want to know if there is a best practise (considering security, effort to implement, performance) to execute commands from container A in contianer B.
Thanks in advance
WebDAV provides a file-system-like interface on top of HTTP. I'd just directly use this. This requires almost no setup other than providing the other container's name in configuration (and if you're using plain docker run putting both containers on the same network), and it's the same setup in basically all container environments (including Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Nomad, AWS ECS, ...) and a non-Docker development environment.
Of the other options you suggest:
Sharing a filesystem is possible. It leads to potential permission problems which can be tricky to iron out. There are potential security issues if the client container isn't supposed to be able to write the files. It may not work well in clustered environments like Kubernetes.
ssh is very hard to set up securely in a Docker environment. You don't want to hard-code a plain-text password that can be easily recovered from docker history; a best-practice setup would require generating host and user keys outside of Docker and bind-mounting them into both containers (I've never seen a setup like this in an SO question). This also brings the complexity of running multiple processes inside a container.
Mounting the Docker socket is complicated, non-portable across environments, and a massive security risk (you can very easily use the Docker socket to root the entire host). You'd need to rewrite that code for each different container environment you might run in. This should be a last resort; I'd consider it only if creating and destroying containers would need to be a key part of this one container's operation.
Is there a best practise to execute commands from container A in contianer B?
"Don't." Rearchitect your application to have some other way to communicate between the two containers, often over HTTP or using a message queue like RabbitMQ.
One solution would be to mount one filesystem readonly on one container and read-write on the other container.
See this answer: Docker, mount volumes as readonly

Obtaining Linux host metrics from within a docker container

Looking for some recommendations for how to report linux host metrics such as cpu and memory utilization and disk usage stats from within a docker container. The host will contain a number of docker containers. One thought was to run Top and other basic linux commands from the outside the container and push them into a container folder that has the appropriate authorization so that they can be consumed. Another thought was to use the docker api to run docker stats for the containers but not sure this is the best as it may not report on other processes running on the host that are not containerized. A third option would be to somehow execute something like TOP and other commands on the host from within the container, this option being the most ideal for my situation. I was just looking for some proven design patterns that others have used. Also, I don’t have the ability to install a bunch of tools on the host as this would be a customer host which I don’t have control as to what is already installed.
You may run your container in privileged mode, but be aware that it this could compromise the host security as your container will no longer be in a sandboxed environment.
docker run -d --privileged --pid=host alpine:3.8 sh
When the operator executes docker run --privileged, Docker will enable access to all devices on the host as well as set some configuration in AppArmor or SELinux to allow the container nearly all the same access to the host as processes running outside containers on the host. Additional information about running with --privileged is available on the Docker Blog.
Good reference:

Using existing Ansible roles to create a custom Docker image

I currently use Ansible to manage and deploy a fleet of servers.
I wish to start using Docker for some applications and would like to build a Docker image using the same scripts we use to configure on non Dockerized hosts.
For example we have an Ansible role that builds Nginx with 3rd party modules, would like to use the same role to build a Docker image with the custom Nginx.
Any ideas how I would get this done?
There is the "Ansible Container" project, That page points also to the github repo.
It is not clear how well maintained it is, but their reasoning and approach makes sense.
Consider that you might have some adjustments to do regarding two aspects:
a container should do only one thing (microservice)
how to pass configuration to the container at runtime (Docker has some guidelines, such as environmental variables if possible or mounting a volume with the configuration files)
That's a perfect example where the docker-systemctl-replacement script should be used.
It has been developed to allow ansible scripts to target both virtual machines and docker containers. It had been developed when distros did switch to systemd which was hard to enable for containers. When overwriting /usr/bin/systemctl then the docker container will then look good enough for ansible that all the old scripts will continue to run, installing rpm/deb, and having 'service:'s started and enabled.

Kubernetes Docker OS parameters vs Host OS parameters

I am running NGINX and Tomcat on Docker containers (container OS is Red Hat linux) and deployed through Kubernetes pods. Host OS is Red Hat Linux.
My query is which OS parameter will be effective - host OS or container OS? During performance tuning do I need to tune both OS or host OS parameters are effective.
Example of some parameters I am referring to are ulimit - n (open files), net.ipv4.tcp.* , fs.file-max, etc.
As Crazykev already mentioned, you can set ulimits using the respective docker run flags.
Parameters like net.ipv4.tcp.* are kernel parameters. Docker containers are run in the same Linux kernel as the host system; for this reason, parameters set on the host will also be effective in the container.
Usually, you will not be able to set these parameters from inside a container. You can (not saying you should) start a container with the --privileged flag, which might (untested) give you access to setting kernel parameters from within the container. The Kubernetes docs also describe how to start privileged containers.
In Docker container, and I'm not sure if it could be called as OS...
By the way, some of your referring example may not support set directly in docker container for safety or other issues. You may need to find more manual in docker docs.(for example, ulimit, docker run --ulimit nofile=262144:262144)
Kubernetes right now does not support adding ulimit there is an issue in kubernetes open for that.
Similar question which asks about setting ulimit is answered here.

Internal infrastructure with docker

I have a small company network with the following services/servers:
Stash (Atlassian)
Confluence (Atlassian)
zabbix (monitoring)
and some Java web apps
all running in separate kvm(libvirt)-vms in separate virtual-subnets on 2 machines (1 internal, 1 hetzner-rootserver) with shorewall inbetween. I'm thinking about switching to Docker.
But I have two questions:
How can I achieve network security between docker containers (i.e. I want to prevent owncloud to access any host in the network except ldap-hosts-sslport)
Just by using docker-linking? If yes: does docker really allow to access only linked containers, but no others?
By using kubernetes?
By adding multiple bridging-network-interfaces for each container?
Would you switch all my infra-services/-servers to docker, or a hybrid solution with just the owncloud and the java-web-apps on docker?
Regarding the multi-host networking: you're right that Docker links won't work across hosts. With Docker 1.9+ you can use "Docker Networking" like described in their blog post
They don't explain how to secure the connections, though. I strongly suggest to enable TLS on your Docker daemons, which should also secure your multi-host network (that's an assumption, I haven't tried).
With Kubernetes you're going to add another layer of abstraction, so that you'll need to learn working with the pods and services concept. That's fine, but might be a bit too much. Keep in mind that you can still decide to use Kubernetes (or alternatives) later, so the first step should be to learn how you can wrap your services in Docker containers.
You won't necessarily have to switch everything to Docker. You should start with Jenkins, the Java apps, or OwnCloud and then get a bit more used to the Docker universe. Jenkins and OwnCloud will give you enough challenges to gain some experience in maintaining containers. Then you can evaluate much better if Docker makes sense in your setup and with your needs to be applied to the other services.
I personally tend to wrap everything in Docker, but only due to one reason: keeping the host clean. If you get to the point where everything runs in Docker you'll have much more freedom to choose where a service can run and you can move containers to other hosts much more easily.
You should also explore the Docker Hub, where you can find ready to run solutions, e.g. Atlassian Stash:
If you need inspiration for special applications and how to wrap them in Docker, I recommend to have a look in - you'll find a bunch of good examples there.
You can give containers their own IP from your subnet by creating a network like so:
docker network create \
--driver=bridge \
--subnet=135.181.x.y/28 \
--gateway=135.181.x.y+1 \
Your gateway is the IP of your subnet + 1 so if my subnet was then my gateway should be
Unfortunately I have not yet figured out how to make the containers appear to the public from their own ip, at the moment they appear as the dedicated servers' ip. Let me know if you know how I can fix that. I am able to access the container using its ip though.
