How and where do you define your database structure in Meteor? - node.js

I am looking at the documentation for Meteor and it gives a few examples. I'm a bit confused about two things: First, where do you build the db (keeping security in mind)? Do I keep it all in the server/private folder to restrict client-side access? And second, how do I define the structure? For example, the code they show:
Rooms = new Meteor.Collection("rooms");
Messages = new Meteor.Collection("messages");
Parties = new Meteor.Collection("parties");
Rooms.insert({name: "Conference Room A"});
var myRooms = Rooms.find({}).fetch();
Messages.insert({text: "Hello world", room: myRooms[0]._id});
Parties.insert({name: "Super Bowl Party"});
I don't understand how a collection's structure is defined. Are they just able to define a collection and throw arbitrary data into it?

To answer your first question about where to put the new Meteor.Collection statements, they should go in a .js file in a folder accessible by both client and server, such as /collections. (With some exceptions: any collections that are never synced to the client, like server logs, should be defined inside /server somewhere; and any local collections should be defined in client code.)
As for your second question about structure: MongoDB is a document database, which by definition has no structure. Per the docs:
A database holds a set of collections. A collection holds a set of
documents. A document is a set of key-value pairs. Documents have
dynamic schema. Dynamic schema means that documents in the same
collection do not need to have the same set of fields or structure,
and common fields in a collection’s documents may hold different types
of data.
You may also have heard this called NoSQL. Each document (record in SQL parlance) can have different fields. Hence, there's no place where you define initial structure for a collection; each document gets its "structure" defined when it's inserted or updated.
In practice, I like to create a block comment above each new Meteor.Collection statement explaining what I intend the structure to be for most or all documents in that collection, so I have something to refer to later on when I insert or update the collection's documents. But it's up to me in those insert or update functions to follow whatever structure I define for myself.

A good practice would probably be defining your collection on both client and server with a single bit of javascript code. In other words, put the following
MyCollection = new Meteor.Collection("rooms");
// ...
anywhere but neither in the client nor in the server directory. Note that this directive alone does not expose any sensitive data to nobody.
A brand new meteor project would contain by default the insecure and autopublish packages. The former will basically allow any client to alter your database in every possible way, i.e. insert, update and remove documents. The latter will make sure that all database content is published to everyone, no matter how ridiculously this may sound. But fear not! Their only goal is to simplify the development process at the very early stage. You should get rid of these to guys from your project as soon as you start considering security issues of any kind.
As soon as the insecure package is removed from your project you can control the database privileges by defining MyCollection.allow and MyCollection.deny rules. Please check the documentation for more details. The only thing I would like to mention here is that this code should probably be considered as a sensitive one, so I guess you should put it into your server directory.
Removing the autopublish package has effect on the set of data that will be sent to your clients. Again you can control it and define privilages of your choice by implementing a custom Meteor.publish routine. This is all documented here. Here, you have no option. The code can only run in the server environment, so the best choice would be to put it in the server directory.
About your second question. The whole buzz about NoSQL databases (like mongodb) is to put as few restrictions on the structure of your database as possible. In other words, how the collections are structured is only up to you. You don't have to define no models and you can change the structure of your documents (and or remove fields) any time you want. Doesn't it sound great? :)


add extra fields to a brightway activity from an existing database

I want to store information in some activities that are modified versions of activities imported from an existing database (ecoinvent).
I know we can add fields to activities created from scratch (example). (I guess this is because the structure of the database has not yet been defined...) but is there a way of adding it to activities of an already defined database without breaking it?
The way around I found is to add entries to the author dict, which I can easily access later on. e.g.
but I admit it is not a very elegant solution.
You can just add whatever data you want. Brightway is a (semi-)schemaless database for exactly this reason.
act['foo'] = 'bar'

How to do in MongoDB what would have been perfect for a stored procedure in SQL - recursive query

I have the following scenario in a CMS I am building in NodeJs with MongoDb. I have three collections, customData, queries, and templates. Queries can depend on customData, and templates can depend on customData, queries, and other templates. What I need to do is to be able to very quickly figure out all of the documents that depend on a particular item when that item changes. e.g. If a particular customData item changes, I need a list of all the queries and templates that depended on that customData, as well as recursively all the templates that depend on those queries and templates. I need to then take that list and flag all of those documents for processing/regeneration. This is accomplished by setting a regenerate property equal to true on each of the documents in the list. This is the sort of thing that would be perfect for a stored procedure in any database with stored procedures, but I'm struggling to figure out the best solution using MongoDb. Every other need of my project is perfectly suited for Mongo. This is the only scenario that I'm having trouble with.
One solution I've come up with is to store the dependencies on each document as an array of named items as follows (e.g. a doc in the templates collection):
name: "SomeTemplate",
dependencies: [{type: "query", name: "top5Products"}, {type: "template", name: "header"}]
The object above denotes a template that depends on the query named "top5Products" as well as the template named "header". If either of those documents change, this template needs to be flagged for regeneration. I can accomplish the above with a getAllDependentsOfItem function that calls the following on both the queries and templates collections, unioning the results, then recursively calling getAllDependentsOfItem on each result.
this.collection.find({dependencies: item })
For instance, if the query changes, I can call it as follows, then call something else to flag all of those results...
let dependents = this.dependencyService.getAllDependentsOfItem({type: "query", name: "top5Products"});
This just feels very messy to me, especially wrestling with Promises and the recursion above. I haven't even finished the above, but the whole idea of Promises and recursion just seems like a whole lot of cruft for something that would have been so simple in a stored procedure. I just need the dependent documents flagged, and having to wade through all my layers of NodeJs code (CustomDataService, QueryService, TemplateService, DependencyService) to accomplish the above just feels wrong. Not to mention the fact that I keep coming up with a circular dependency between DependencyService and the others. DependencyService needs to call the QueryService and TemplateService to actually talk to those collections, and they need to notify the DependencyService when something changes. I know there are ways around that like using events or not having a DependencyService at all, or just talking directly to the Mongo driver from the DependencyService, but I haven't found a solution that feels right yet.
Another idea I had was to record the dependencies in a completely new collection called "dependencies". Perhaps using a document schema like the following...
name: "SomeTemplate",
type: "template",
dependencies: [{type: "query", name: "top5Products"}, {type: "template", name: "header"}]
This way the dependencies can be tracked completely separately from the documents themselves. I haven't gotten very far on that solution though.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
I've since written all the javascript in mongo shell that, given the type and name of a changed item, will recursively find all the dependents of that item and update those dependents, setting the regenerate flags on those documents to "1".
My problem now is - how do I run this code on the MongoDb server by calling it from NodeJs? I need NodeJs to control when this happens and pass the changed item into it. I've been looking at the eval command, and that just looks like a bad idea. I think it's been deprecated in MongoDb versions > 3.
I can't imagine how this recursive code I wrote using cursors in mongo shell could be anything but MUCH slower when run from inside NodeJs on a different server than the database. All the queries recursively getting each document, incurring the latency back and forth across servers, then looping through the results to update the regenerate flag on all the dependent documents... I just can't wrap my brain around why this can't and shouldn't be done on the server somehow. It seems like the perfect scenario for some sort of batch, server-side mechanism, like, I dunno, a stored procedure!
Please help me figure out either how to do this, or how to do it the "Mongo way". I can post the mongo shell code that is working if it would help.

CouchDB replication strategy with dynamic groups of users

This is the situation:
We have a series of users who share some documents. The documents they can share might change throughout the day, so can the documents themselves (changes and deletions). The users can change some information on the documents.
Users | Documents
A | X
A | Y
A | Z
B | X
B | Z
C | Y
Possible groups: A+C, A+B
The server on CouchDB is a replica of a SQL Server DB with this data, an ETL takes care of managing changes on CouchDB. However, the CouchDB database is replicated on each user phone via PouchDB.
The goal:
To replicate changes and deletions accordingly.
What we've tried:
1) we figured we'd structure our documents with a list of users that can access to it. Each document would have a "Users" array and then a filter in the design document would take care of the replication to the clients. Unfortunately document deletions and document changes that won't pass the filter (e.g. a user is removed from the array) are not present in the _changes feed so cannot be replicated accordingly on the clients
2) database per user. This is not possible, because users need to see each others work on the documents (they share them)
3) database per group of users. Pretty much the same problem as the first solution, but worse. In fact:
- groups of user can change and no longer be present: how do reflect that client-side?
- a document can shift to a new group: it will have to be redownloaded from scratch. This greatly increases the download size
- the same document can be in more than one group! (see example above)
- each client would have to know in which group she is everytime she logs in and replicate multiple databases. Then on the return trip you'd have to know on which databases the document was present
Is there a recipe for this situation? Am I missing an obvious solution?
Partial solution for case 1:
localDB.sync(remoteDB, {
live: true,
retry: true,
filter: 'app/by_user',
query_params: { "agente": agent }
.on('paused', function(info){
if(doc.Agents.indexOf(agent) < 0){
.on('change', function(result){
console.log("change!"); {
$rootScope.$broadcast('upsert', change);
Each remove() is giving me a 409 (conflict), and rightfully so. Is there a way to tell Pouch "no longer consider this as replicable and just remove it from my DB?"
(3) Seems like the simplest solution to me, i.e. the "database per role" solution.
I think your difficulty stems from trying to manage permissions inside the documents themselves (and then using filtering replication). When you do that, you are basically trying to mirror CouchDB's permission system inside your documents, which is going to cause headaches.
Why not create a database per role, and assign roles to users using the normal _users database? If roles change, then users will lose or gain access to a set of documents. You would need to have server endpoints to handle the role-shuffling, or you would need to set up separate "admin" databases with special privileges, where users can change the roles.
Then on the client side, you can either replicate from multiple CouchDB databases into a single PouchDB (and then collate the results together yourself), or into a single PouchDB (probably a bad idea if you need to sync bidirectionally). Obviously you would need an initial step where you determine which databases the user has access to, but that's a small downside in my opinion.
Then if the user loses access to a document, they will simply get normal 401 errors during replication (which will show up in the 'denied' event during live replication). No need for ddocs or filtered replication - much simpler!
We arrived at the conclusion that:
1) our use-case might not be what CouchDB is good for
2) we value our mental health. After almost a month struggling with this problem we'd rather try and fail
3) documents are relatively inexpensive, so even if they stay on the user's phone that won't cause any major distress. If the data builds up too much they can simply clear the data and start fresh
1) Keep the architecture as to point 1
2) After each 'pause' event triggers compare local docs with remote docs, if the remote doc doesn't pass the filter remove it from the UI. Should there be a way to remove the local document only we'll be very interested in upgrading to that logic.
1) still sounds as the simplest approach to me..
I don't know PouchDB very well, but in plain CouchDB, changes on deleted document can be workaround by extending attributes on deleted document, using your own custom DELETE function.
I mean.. a delete is like an update which sets the _deleted attribute to true.
So, instead of directly deleting documents, using the normal CouchDB crud DELETE on document, you can create an update function like this:
// optional acls for deleting doc.. doc is owned by
// doc.users are users already granted to work with this doc
return [{
"_id" : doc._id,
"_rev": doc._rev,
"users": doc.users
},"Ok doc deleted"];
Furthermore, using document rewriting rules, this update function can eventually be called even when submitting an HTTP DELETE request(not only on PUT or POST).. In this way your delete behaviour becomes totally transparent to the client... and you delete in a way which can be more useful for your use case.
The Smileupps Chatty couchapp tutorial app uses this approach: extended deletes for different document types are performed within user/drop.js, profile/drop.js, chat/drop.js files

Storing and retrieving JavaScript objects in/from MongoDB

I am currently playing around with node.js and MongoDB using the node-mongo-native driver.
I tested a bit around using the Mongo console storing and retrieving JS objects. I figured out, that if I store an object that contains functions/methods the methods and functions will also be stored in the collection. This is interesting since I thought that functions could not be stored in MongoDB (with the exception of the system.js collection, as suggested by the Mongo docs).
Also it will not only store the methods but actually each method and member of the object's entire prototype chain. Besides that I dont like this behaviour and think it's unintuitive I mustn't have it.
I was going to manage users in a Mongo collection. To do this I have a User object containing all of the users methods functioning as a prototype for each instance of an user. The user object itself would only contain the users attributes.
If I store a user in the Mongo collection I only want to store the own properties of the user object. No prototype members and especially no prototype methods. Currently I do not see how to cleanly do this. The options that I figured might work are:
creating a shallow copy using foreach and hasOwnProperty and storing this copy in the collection.
Add a data attribute to each user that contains all the object's attributes and can be stored in the collection.
This just came to my mind writing this: I could also set all the prototypes properties to not enumerable which should prevent them from being stored in the collection.
However, I do have the same issues the other way around: when loading a user from a collection. AFAIK there is no way to change an objects prototype in JavaScript after it was created. And there's also no way to specify a prototype to use when Mongo instantiates objects it retrieved from a collection. So basically I always get objects that inherit from Object using Mongo. As far as I can tell I have 2 options to restore a usable user object from this point on:
Create a fresh object inheriting from User and copying each attribute on the result object to the newly created object. (Compatible to storing mechanisms 1 & 3)
Create a fresh object inheriting from User and storing the result object as a data attribute on the newly created object. (Compatible to storing mechanism 2)
Are my assumptions, especially about the possibility to specify a prototype for query results, correct? What's the right way to do it, and why? I'm surely not the first person struggling to store and resurrect objects in/from MongoDB using node.js.
Currently I would go with the approach 2/2. I don't really like it, but it is the most efficient and the only one that works cleanly with the API. However, I'd much rather hear that actually the API does nothing wrong, but I do for not knowing how to use it correctly. So please, enlighten me :)
I just recently realized, that it actually is possible to change an objects prototype in V8/node. While this is not in the standard it is possible in various browsers and especially in V8/node!
function User(username, email) {
this.username = username; = email;
User.prototype.sendMail = function (subject, text) {
mailer.send(, subject, text);
var o = {username: 'LoadeFromMongoDB', email: ''};
o.__proto__ = User.prototype;
o.sendMail('Hello, MongoDB User!', 'You where loaded from MongoDB, but inherit from User nevertheless! Congratulations!');
This is used all over various modules and plugins - even core modules make use of this technique, allthough it is not ECMAScript standard. So I guess it is safe to use within node.js.
I'm not sure I'm following you question exactly... but fwiw one thing came to mind: Have you checked out the Mongoose ORM? (
It gives you a lot of options when it comes to defining models and methods. In particular "Virtuals" might be of interest (
Anyway, hope it helps some!

couchdb design views, updating fields on doc creation

Is it possible to have couch update or change fields on the fly when you create/update a doc? For example in the design view.... validate_doc_update:
function(newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx) {
Within that function I can throw errors like:
if(!newDoc.user_email && !newDoc.user_name && !newDoc.user_password){
throw({forbidden : 'all fields required'});
My Question is how would I reassign a field? I tried this:
newDoc.user_password ="changed";
with changed being some new value or hashed value. My overall goal is to build a user registration/login system with node and couchdb and have not found very good examples.
The validate_doc_update function cannot have any side effects and cannot change the document before storage. It only has the power to block an update or to let it through. This is important, because the function is not only called when a user requests an update, but also when changes are replicated from one CouchDB instance to another. So the function can be called multiple times for one document.
However, CouchDB now supports Document Update Handlers that can modify a document or even build it from scratch. These can be used to convert non-JSON input data into usable documents. You can find some documentation in the CouchDB Wiki.
Before you build your own user registration/login system, I'd suggest you look into the built-in CouchDB security features (if you haven't - some information here). They might not be enough for you (e.g. if you need email validation or something similar), but maybe you can build on them.
