Linux file descriptor table and vmalloc - linux

I see that the Linux kernel uses vmalloc to allocate memory for fdtable when it's bigger than a certain threshold. I would like to know when this happens and have some more clear information.
static void *alloc_fdmem(size_t size)
* Very large allocations can stress page reclaim, so fall back to
* vmalloc() if the allocation size will be considered "large" by the VM.
void *data = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_NOWARN);
if (data != NULL)
return data;
return vmalloc(size);
alloc_fdmem is called from alloc_fdtable and the last function is called from expand_fdtable
I wrote this code to print the size.
#include <stdio.h>
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
int main(){
So, how many files does it take for the kernel to switch to using vmalloc to allocate fdtable?

This is called like:
data = alloc_fdmem(nr * sizeof(struct file *));
i.e. it's used to store struct file pointers.
If your pointers are 4 bytes, it happens when your have 32768/4 = 8192 open files, if your pointers are 8 bytes, it happens at 4096 open files.


How to read /proc/<pid>/pagemap in a kernel driver?

I am trying to read /proc//pagemap in a kernel driver like this:
uint64_t page;
uint64_t va = 0x7FFD1BF46530;`
loff_t pos = va / PAGE_SIZE * sizeof(uint64_t);
struct file * filp = filp_open("/proc/19030/pagemap", O_RDONLY, 0);
ssize_t nread = kernel_read(filp, &page, sizeof(page), &pos);
I get error -22 in nread (EINVAL, invalid argument) and
"kernel read not supported for file /19030/pagemap (pid: 19030 comm: tester)" in dmesg.
0x7FFD1BF46530 is a virtual address in a user space process pid 19030 (tester). I assume that pos is the offset into the file like in lseek64.
Doing the precise same thing as sudo with same values in a user space process, i.e. reading /proc/19030/pagemap works fine and produces a correct physical address.
The actual thing I am trying to do here is to find the physical address of a user space virtual address. I need the physical address for a device DMA transfer operation and a user space app needs to access this memory. This app allocates 1GB DMA memory with anonymous mmap from THP (Transparent Huge Pages). And I am trying to avoid the need for sudo by reading /proc//pagemap in a kernel driver via ioctl instead.
I would be happy to allocate huge page DMA memory in the driver but don't know how to do that. dma_alloc_coherent is limited to max 4MB allocations. Is there a way to get those allocated as continuous physical memory? I need hundreds of MB or many GB of DMA memory.
Problem with anonymous mmap is that it can only allocate max 1GB huge page as physically continuous memory. Allocating more works but the memory is not physically continuous and unusable for DMA.
Any good ideas or alternative ways of allocating huge pages as DMA memory?
Tried reading file /proc//pagemap in a kernel driver. Expected same results as when reading the file in a user space application which works ok.
"kernel read not supported for file …"
Indeed, as we see in __kernel_read()
if (unlikely(!file->f_op->read_iter || file->f_op->read))
return warn_unsupported(file, "read");
it fails if f_op->read_iter isn't or f_op->read is wired up (implemented), which is both the case for a pagemap file.
You could try pagemap_read() instead. – not feasible for reasons in the comments
When I had the problem of getting the physical address for a virtual address in a driver, I included and copied some kernel code (not that I recommend this, but I saw no other solution); here's an extract.
static pte_t *huge_pte_offset(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr
, unsigned long sz)
{ return NULL; }
void p4d_clear_bad(p4d_t *p4d) { p4d_ERROR(*p4d); p4d_clear(p4d); }
#include "mm/pagewalk.c"
static int pte(pte_t *pte, unsigned long addr
, unsigned long next, struct mm_walk *walk)
*(pte_t **)walk->private = pte;
return 1;
/* Scan the real Linux page tables and return a PTE pointer for
* a virtual address in a context.
* Returns true (1) if PTE was found, zero otherwise. The pointer to
* the PTE pointer is unmodified if PTE is not found.
get_pteptr(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr, pte_t **ptep, pmd_t **pmdp)
struct mm_walk walk = { .pte_entry = pte, .mm = mm, .private = ptep };
return walk_page_range(addr, addr+PAGE_SIZE, &walk);
/* Find physical address for this virtual address. Normally used by
* I/O functions, but anyone can call it.
static inline unsigned long iopa(unsigned long addr)
unsigned long pa;
/* I don't know why this won't work on PMacs or CHRP. It
* appears there is some bug, or there is some implicit
* mapping done not properly represented by BATs or in page
* tables.......I am actively working on resolving this, but
* can't hold up other stuff. -- Dan
pte_t *pte;
struct mm_struct *mm;
#if 0
/* Check the BATs */
phys_addr_t v_mapped_by_bats(unsigned long va);
pa = v_mapped_by_bats(addr);
if (pa)
return pa;
/* Allow mapping of user addresses (within the thread)
* for DMA if necessary.
if (addr < TASK_SIZE)
mm = current->mm;
mm = &init_mm;
ATTENTION: I needed the current address space.
You'd have to use mm = file->private_data instead.
pa = 0;
if (get_pteptr(mm, addr, &pte, NULL))
pa = (pte_val(*pte) & PAGE_MASK) | (addr & ~PAGE_MASK);

munmap() failure with ENOMEM with private anonymous mapping

I have recently discovered that Linux does not guarantee that memory allocated with mmap can be freed with munmap if this leads to situation when number of VMA (Virtual Memory Area) structures exceed vm.max_map_count. Manpage states this (almost) clearly:
ENOMEM The process's maximum number of mappings would have been exceeded.
This error can also occur for munmap(), when unmapping a region
in the middle of an existing mapping, since this results in two
smaller mappings on either side of the region being unmapped.
The problem is that Linux kernel always tries to merge VMA structures if possible, making munmap fail even for separately created mappings. I was able to write a small program to confirm this behavior:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
// value of vm.max_map_count
#define VM_MAX_MAP_COUNT (65530)
// number of vma for the empty process linked against libc - /proc/<id>/maps
#define VMA_PREMAPPED (15)
#define VMA_SIZE (4096)
int main(void)
static void *vma[VMA_COUNT];
for (int i = 0; i < VMA_COUNT; i++) {
if (vma[i] == MAP_FAILED) {
printf("mmap() failed at %d\n", i);
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < VMA_COUNT; i += 2) {
if (munmap(vma[i], VMA_SIZE) != 0) {
printf("munmap() failed at %d (%p): %m\n", i, vma[i]);
It allocates a large number of pages (twice the default allowed maximum) using mmap, then munmaps every second page to create separate VMA structure for each remaining page. On my machine the last munmap call always fails with ENOMEM.
Initially I thought that munmap never fails if used with the same values for address and size that were used to create mapping. Apparently this is not the case on Linux and I was not able to find information about similar behavior on other systems.
At the same time in my opinion partial unmapping applied to the middle of a mapped region is expected to fail on any OS for every sane implementation, but I haven't found any documentation that says such failure is possible.
I would usually consider this a bug in the kernel, but knowing how Linux deals with memory overcommit and OOM I am almost sure this is a "feature" that exists to improve performance and decrease memory consumption.
Other information I was able to find:
Similar APIs on Windows do not have this "feature" due to their design (see MapViewOfFile, UnmapViewOfFile, VirtualAlloc, VirtualFree) - they simply do not support partial unmapping.
glibc malloc implementation does not create more than 65535 mappings, backing off to sbrk when this limit is reached: This looks like a workaround for this issue, but it is still possible to make free silently leak memory.
jemalloc had trouble with this and tried to avoid using mmap/munmap because of this issue (I don't know how it ended for them).
Do other OS's really guarantee deallocation of memory mappings? I know Windows does this, but what about other Unix-like operating systems? FreeBSD? QNX?
EDIT: I am adding example that shows how glibc's free can leak memory when internal munmap call fails with ENOMEM. Use strace to see that munmap fails:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
// value of vm.max_map_count
#define VM_MAX_MAP_COUNT (65530)
#define VMA_MMAP_SIZE (4096)
// glibc's malloc default mmap_threshold is 128 KiB
#define VMA_MALLOC_SIZE (128 * 1024)
int main(void)
static void *mmap_vma[VMA_MMAP_COUNT];
for (int i = 0; i < VMA_MMAP_COUNT; i++) {
if (mmap_vma[i] == MAP_FAILED) {
printf("mmap() failed at %d\n", i);
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < VMA_MMAP_COUNT; i += 2) {
if (munmap(mmap_vma[i], VMA_MMAP_SIZE) != 0) {
printf("munmap() failed at %d (%p): %m\n", i, mmap_vma[i]);
return 1;
static void *malloc_vma[VMA_MALLOC_COUNT];
for (int i = 0; i < VMA_MALLOC_COUNT; i++) {
malloc_vma[i] = malloc(VMA_MALLOC_SIZE);
if (malloc_vma[i] == NULL) {
printf("malloc() failed at %d\n", i);
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < VMA_MALLOC_COUNT; i += 2) {
One way to work around this problem on Linux is to mmap more that 1 page at once (e.g. 1 MB at a time), and also map a separator page after it. So, you actually call mmap on 257 pages of memory, then remap the last page with PROT_NONE, so that it cannot be accessed. This should defeat the VMA merging optimization in the kernel. Since you are allocating many pages at once, you should not run into the max mapping limit. The downside is you have to manually manage how you want to slice the large mmap.
As to your questions:
System calls can fail on any system for a variety of reasons. Documentation is not always complete.
You are allowed to munmap a part of a mmapd region as long as the address passed in lies on a page boundary, and the length argument is rounded up to the next multiple of the page size.

Program based on shared memory

I am executing the code as given below for the shared memory, but now if i have to give the number of strings and string pattern from the command line, what should i do?? and sebsequently also i have to read the strings and string patterns from shared memory region.
Also if i have to reverse the strings and stored at the same location for that what should i do??
Please help me on this problem.
#define SHMSIZE 500 /*Shared Memory Size given by us */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int shmid;
key_t key;
char *shm;
key = 5876;
shmid = shmget(key,SHMSIZE,IPC_CREAT| 0666); /*Creating Shared Memory */
if(shmid < 0)
shm = shmat(shmid,NULL,0); /* Shared Memory Attachment */
if(shm == (char *) -1)
printf("Memory attached at %X\n",(int) shm); /* Printing the address where Memory is attached */
sprintf(shm,"God is Great"); /* Write a string to the shared memory */
shmdt(shm); /* Deattach the shared memory segment */
shm = shmat(shmid,(void *) 0x50000000,0); /*Reattach the shared memory segment */
printf("Memory Reattached at %X\n",(int) shm);
printf("%s\n",shm); /* Print the desired string */
return 0;
In according to take input from user, you need to parse what passed through argv. Then copy the values into your code and write it over the shared memory region. From your code you can do the following:
sprintf(shm, argv[1]);
to parse the first parameter passed to your shared memory region. And to reverse the string, copy the string from shared memory into a variable, then reverse it and finally, write it into that shared memory region from your client code. Since, you've created shm with 666 permission this should allow client to write on that portion.
Take a look at here in case you need to understand the concept properly (

Is there any API for determining the physical address from virtual address in Linux?

Is there any API for determining the physical address from virtual address in Linux operating system?
Kernel and user space work with virtual addresses (also called linear addresses) that are mapped to physical addresses by the memory management hardware. This mapping is defined by page tables, set up by the operating system.
DMA devices use bus addresses. On an i386 PC, bus addresses are the same as physical addresses, but other architectures may have special address mapping hardware to convert bus addresses to physical addresses.
In Linux, you can use these functions from asm/io.h:
All this is about accessing ordinary memory. There is also "shared memory" on the PCI or ISA bus. It can be mapped inside a 32-bit address space using ioremap(), and then used via the readb(), writeb() (etc.) functions.
Life is complicated by the fact that there are various caches around, so that different ways to access the same physical address need not give the same result.
Also, the real physical address behind virtual address can change. Even more than that - there could be no address associated with a virtual address until you access that memory.
As for the user-land API, there are none that I am aware of.
/proc/<pid>/pagemap userland minimal runnable example
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700
#include <fcntl.h> /* open */
#include <stdint.h> /* uint64_t */
#include <stdio.h> /* printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* size_t */
#include <unistd.h> /* pread, sysconf */
typedef struct {
uint64_t pfn : 55;
unsigned int soft_dirty : 1;
unsigned int file_page : 1;
unsigned int swapped : 1;
unsigned int present : 1;
} PagemapEntry;
/* Parse the pagemap entry for the given virtual address.
* #param[out] entry the parsed entry
* #param[in] pagemap_fd file descriptor to an open /proc/pid/pagemap file
* #param[in] vaddr virtual address to get entry for
* #return 0 for success, 1 for failure
int pagemap_get_entry(PagemapEntry *entry, int pagemap_fd, uintptr_t vaddr)
size_t nread;
ssize_t ret;
uint64_t data;
uintptr_t vpn;
vpn = vaddr / sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
nread = 0;
while (nread < sizeof(data)) {
ret = pread(pagemap_fd, ((uint8_t*)&data) + nread, sizeof(data) - nread,
vpn * sizeof(data) + nread);
nread += ret;
if (ret <= 0) {
return 1;
entry->pfn = data & (((uint64_t)1 << 55) - 1);
entry->soft_dirty = (data >> 55) & 1;
entry->file_page = (data >> 61) & 1;
entry->swapped = (data >> 62) & 1;
entry->present = (data >> 63) & 1;
return 0;
/* Convert the given virtual address to physical using /proc/PID/pagemap.
* #param[out] paddr physical address
* #param[in] pid process to convert for
* #param[in] vaddr virtual address to get entry for
* #return 0 for success, 1 for failure
int virt_to_phys_user(uintptr_t *paddr, pid_t pid, uintptr_t vaddr)
char pagemap_file[BUFSIZ];
int pagemap_fd;
snprintf(pagemap_file, sizeof(pagemap_file), "/proc/%ju/pagemap", (uintmax_t)pid);
pagemap_fd = open(pagemap_file, O_RDONLY);
if (pagemap_fd < 0) {
return 1;
PagemapEntry entry;
if (pagemap_get_entry(&entry, pagemap_fd, vaddr)) {
return 1;
*paddr = (entry.pfn * sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE)) + (vaddr % sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE));
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
pid_t pid;
uintptr_t vaddr, paddr = 0;
if (argc < 3) {
printf("Usage: %s pid vaddr\n", argv[0]);
pid = strtoull(argv[1], NULL, 0);
vaddr = strtoull(argv[2], NULL, 0);
if (virt_to_phys_user(&paddr, pid, vaddr)) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: virt_to_phys_user\n");
printf("0x%jx\n", (uintmax_t)paddr);
GitHub upstream.
sudo ./virt_to_phys_user.out <pid> <virtual-address>
sudo is required to read /proc/<pid>/pagemap even if you have file permissions as explained at:
As mentioned at: Linux allocates page tables lazily, so make sure that you read and write a byte to that address from the test program before using virt_to_phys_user.
How to test it out
Test program:
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
enum { I0 = 0x12345678 };
static volatile uint32_t i = I0;
int main(void) {
printf("vaddr %p\n", (void *)&i);
printf("pid %ju\n", (uintmax_t)getpid());
while (i == I0) {
printf("i %jx\n", (uintmax_t)i);
The test program outputs the address of a variable it owns, and its PID, e.g.:
vaddr 0x600800
pid 110
and then you can pass convert the virtual address with:
sudo ./virt_to_phys_user.out 110 0x600800
Finally, the conversion can be tested by using /dev/mem to observe / modify the memory, but you can't do this on Ubuntu 17.04 without recompiling the kernel as it requires: CONFIG_STRICT_DEVMEM=n, see also: How to access physical addresses from user space in Linux? Buildroot is an easy way to overcome that however.
Alternatively, you can use a Virtual machine like QEMU monitor's xp command: How to decode /proc/pid/pagemap entries in Linux?
See this to dump all pages: How to decode /proc/pid/pagemap entries in Linux?
Userland subset of this question: How to find the physical address of a variable from user-space in Linux?
Dump all process pages with /proc/<pid>/maps
/proc/<pid>/maps lists all the addresses ranges of the process, so we can walk that to translate all pages: /proc/[pid]/pagemaps and /proc/[pid]/maps | linux
Kerneland virt_to_phys() only works for kmalloc() addresses
From a kernel module, virt_to_phys(), has been mentioned.
However, it is import to highlight that it has this limitation.
E.g. it fails for module variables. arc/x86/include/asm/io.h documentation:
The returned physical address is the physical (CPU) mapping for
the memory address given. It is only valid to use this function on
addresses directly mapped or allocated via kmalloc().
Here is a kernel module that illustrates that together with an userland test.
So this is not a very general possibility. See: How to get the physical address from the logical one in a Linux kernel module? for kernel module methods exclusively.
As answered before, normal programs should not need to worry about physical addresses as they run in a virtual address space with all its conveniences. Furthermore, not every virtual address has a physical address, the may belong to mapped files or swapped pages. However, sometimes it may be interesting to see this mapping, even in userland.
For this purpose, the Linux kernel exposes its mapping to userland through a set of files in the /proc. The documentation can be found here. Short summary:
/proc/$pid/maps provides a list of mappings of virtual addresses together with additional information, such as the corresponding file for mapped files.
/proc/$pid/pagemap provides more information about each mapped page, including the physical address if it exists.
This website provides a C program that dumps the mappings of all running processes using this interface and an explanation of what it does.
The suggested C program above usually works, but it can return misleading results in (at least) two ways:
The page is not present (but the virtual addressed is mapped to a page!). This happens due to lazy mapping by the OS: it maps addresses only when they are actually accessed.
The returned PFN points to some possibly temporary physical page which could be changed soon after due to copy-on-write. For example: for memory mapped files, the PFN can point to the read-only copy. For anonymous mappings, the PFN of all pages in the mapping could be one specific read-only page full of 0s (from which all anonymous pages spawn when written to).
Bottom line is, to ensure a more reliable result: for read-only mappings, read from every page at least once before querying its PFN. For write-enabled pages, write into every page at least once before querying its PFN.
Of course, theoretically, even after obtaining a "stable" PFN, the mappings could always change arbitrarily at runtime (for example when moving pages into and out of swap) and should not be relied upon.
I wonder why there is no user-land API.
Because user land memory's physical address is unknown.
Linux uses demand paging for user land memory. Your user land object will not have physical memory until it is accessed. When the system is short of memory, your user land object may be swapped out and lose physical memory unless the page is locked for the process. When you access the object again, it is swapped in and given physical memory, but it is likely different physical memory from the previous one. You may take a snapshot of page mapping, but it is not guaranteed to be the same in the next moment.
So, looking for the physical address of a user land object is usually meaningless.

Detect block size for quota in Linux

The limit placed on disk quota in Linux is counted in blocks. However, I found no reliable way to determine the block size. Tutorials I found refer to block size as 512 bytes, and sometimes as 1024 bytes.
I got confused reading a post on for what a block size really means. So I tried to find that meaning in the context of quota.
I found a "Determine the block size on hard disk filesystem for disk quota" tip on NixCraft, that suggested the command:
dumpe2fs /dev/sdXN | grep -i 'Block size'
blockdev --getbsz /dev/sdXN
But on my system those commands returned 4096, and when I checked the real quota block size on the same system, I got a block size of 1024 bytes.
Is there a scriptable way to determine the quota block size on a device, short of creating a known sized file, and checking it's quota usage?
The filesystem blocksize and the quota blocksize are potentially different. The quota blocksize is given by the BLOCK_SIZE macro defined in <sys/mount.h> (/usr/include/sys/mount.h):
#ifndef _SYS_MOUNT_H
#define _SYS_MOUNT_H 1
#include <features.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#define BLOCK_SIZE 1024
#define BLOCK_SIZE_BITS 10
The filesystem blocksize for a given filesystem is returned by the statvfs call:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *fn;
struct statvfs vfs;
if (argc > 1)
fn = argv[1];
fn = argv[0];
if (statvfs(fn, &vfs))
return 1;
printf("(%s) bsize: %lu\n", fn, vfs.f_bsize);
return 0;
The <sys/quota.h> header includes a convenience macro to convert filesystem blocks to disk quota blocks:
* Convert count of filesystem blocks to diskquota blocks, meant
* for filesystems where i_blksize != BLOCK_SIZE
#define fs_to_dq_blocks(num, blksize) (((num) * (blksize)) / BLOCK_SIZE)
