How to add boost library to Code::Blocks in Linux - linux

How to add the boost library to a Code::Blocks project in Linux Ubuntu? For example I want to add regex lib.
I've already installed the boost library with:
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
Full example how to will be most valuable.

Just add -lboost_regex to the link options and you should be fine. Other often used dependencies: -lboost_system -lboost_serialization -lboost_thread -lpthread -lboost_filesystem

Two steps to finish:
Include the header files. If you set everything as default, the headers will be installed at
2. Select the links you're going to use during compiling. It's default location is
It seems to me that the
is always needed. So be careful if you need -lboost_filesystem or some libs else.


How to find out path of Boost library for manual package build and installation?

I am using Windows subsystem for linux for Ubuntu and I am very new to this. I am trying to build the program (AutoDock Vina) from its source code provided on GitHub - GitHub Link.
In its installation procedure - provided here, it's mentioned that - To compile the binary (you might need to customize the Makefile by setting the paths to the Boost library)
Makefile has the following code written in it -
C_PLATFORM=-static -pthread
C_OPTIONS= -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c++11
include ../../makefile_common
I had previously installed Boost and SWIG using apt-get command as mentioned in the manual.
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev swig
When I tried to find out location of Boost library, I found that at following two places boost related files are there -
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ and
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (these two folders have many files having names starting with libboost)
/usr/include/boost/ (this appears to be main folder for boost)
But, I tried many combinations to the BASE value in Makefile, but in all cases, after building the files, I see the executable named Vina (as expected) is built in the folder but when I try to run the same on terminal, I get command not found error.
Please help me with this - how to find out Boost related values for Makefiles?
Edit 1 - After reading the comment from #MadScientist, I have realized it's not a problem of Boost library but the issue I am facing is because of PATH not set. So I will follow his comment and proceed.

Header files are not found by GCC

Working with embedded C-projects. There are libraries, include files and so on - for micro controllers. No need for me to use GCC for a host machine and OS (Linux Mint 64 bit). As a rule...
But now I'm trying to compile mspdebug project from a Github - with a GCC of course. And I get an error at the very begin of make:
mspdebug$ make
cc -DUSE_READLINE -O1 -Wall -Wno-char-subscripts -ggdb -I. -Isimio -Iformats -Itransport -Idrivers -Iutil -Iui -DLIB_DIR=\"/usr/local/lib/\" -o util/btree.o -c util/btree.c
util/btree.c:19:20: fatal error: assert.h: No such file or directory
#include <assert.h>
compilation terminated.
I search for the includes in all possible paths (I've got the list of them via gcc -v command) - there are no assert.h file, as well, as stdio.h and so on. Except virtual box directories there is only one place (where GCC does not search includes): /usr/lib/syslinux/com32/include
AFAIK, all standard libs and includes are installed with the GCC. So I try to reinstall GCC (4.8.4) - nothing changes.
What is the normal way to give GCC all standard environment it needs?
Thanks to the right direction set by Sam Varshavchik I found the info in the stackoverflow. So I did the following:
1) installed build-essential:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
2) installed libusb (since my try to build the package revealed the absence of usb.h):
sudo apt-get install libusb-dev
And it is OK! The mspdebug (v.023) is compiled and successfully tested!
So, Linux Mint 17.2 (at least) requires installing some libs to a GCC, the most basic is build-essential.
assert.h is not part of gcc, it's a part of glibc.
Most likely, your Linux distribution puts the system headers into a separate package that you need to install.
Fedora, for examples, puts the header files in the glibc-headers package. However, you can't be using Fedora, because Fedora's gcc package has a dependency on glibc-headers, to make sure that it gets pulled in.
Whatever Linux distribution you're using, you need to research which distribution package will install the system header files you need to build stuff with.

Q: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL

The loader gives me this error. I am running Ubuntu 15.04.
When I do: find /usr -type f -name "libGL*"
I get :
So, if i know which is the right one, I can include it by -L"thatfile"
How can i tell which is the right one ? Thanks
Depending on whether you want to link a 32 or 64-bit executable you need /usr/lib32/nvidia-352/ or /usr/lib/nvidia-352/ When the linker does not find -lGL, it is looking for libGL.a or
Also, you need to specify only the directory with -L, like -L/usr/lib/nvidia-352.
Finally, even though this way you can link, at runtime the library still won't be found, unless you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before you run the executable, or if you add -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/nvidia-352, too, to the link command (this latter will embed the path into the executable).
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL
#user85392, the installed GL is the run time files only. For compiling and linking, the development files are required : Libraries and headers → →
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev

Compiler can't find libxml/parser.h

I am on Debian 8 (Jessie), 64 Bit. I installed libxml2-dev, which now sits in /usr/include/libxml2/libxml.
But when I do (just like libxml docs say)
#include <libxml/parser.h>
I only get when compiling (with gcc)
fatal error: libxml/parser.h: no such file or directory
Notes: On another machine, with an old 64 Bit Suse, where libxml2-dev sits in the exact same path and no other environment vars are set compared to the new Debian, it works perfectly fine. Problem occured while migrating from one to another computer using the exact same makefiles. All other -dev libs that I need just worked (with their documented #include <path>) after the migration (they were all installed with apt-get), only libxml2-dev is not found on compilation.
Do I need to do anything else to make libxml2-dev visible?
if you installed it: sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxml2-doc go into /usr/include/libxml2 and copy or move all content from that folder on a level below: cp -R libxml/ ../ After this for me it works.
Try to compile with explicite inclusion where the parser.h file is, i.e. smth like this
g++ -I/usr/include/libxml2/
Following environment variables can also be used for lookup of header files
Find more information here
I came across this same problem on a Centos system. I resolved it by doing the following:
yum install libxml2-devel
cd /usr/include
ln -s libxml2/libxml .
That was it. No change to environment variables or compiler switches.
You should use pkg-config to pass parameters to compiler. Like this
g++ `pkg-config --cflags libxml-2.0` example.c -o example.o
and to linker:
g++ `pkg-config --libs libxml-2.0` example.o -o example

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lemu

I am attempting to install an application. During compilation it fails with the following error:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lemu
I have installed the libemu library, and it now currently resides in /opt/libemu/. However, when I try and compile my application the library is not found. Is there any way to correct this?
EDIT: It also looks like the make is resulting in:
It also looks like the make file is compiling with the following:
gcc -pthread -shared -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions
-L/opt/libemu/lib -lemu -o build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/
I have tried setting my LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /opt/libemu, still doesn't work - fails with the error mentioned above.
You need to tell the linker where it is:
gcc stuff -L/opt/libemu -lemu
gcc stuff /opt/libemu/libemu.a
where stuff is your normal compile/link options files etc.
You can also specify library paths in the LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:
before you run your build. Yet another option is to see where gcc looks for libraries by running:
gcc --print-search-dirs
and put your library in one of the listed directories.
Edit: It is really not clear from your latest info what you are trying to build. Are you trying to turn a static library into a shared library? Most important - What is the exact filename of the library file you have copied into the /opt/libemu directory?
The environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH should include (but probably does not by default) /opt/libemu.
try running:
make install

