Header files are not found by GCC - linux

Working with embedded C-projects. There are libraries, include files and so on - for micro controllers. No need for me to use GCC for a host machine and OS (Linux Mint 64 bit). As a rule...
But now I'm trying to compile mspdebug project from a Github - with a GCC of course. And I get an error at the very begin of make:
mspdebug$ make
cc -DUSE_READLINE -O1 -Wall -Wno-char-subscripts -ggdb -I. -Isimio -Iformats -Itransport -Idrivers -Iutil -Iui -DLIB_DIR=\"/usr/local/lib/\" -o util/btree.o -c util/btree.c
util/btree.c:19:20: fatal error: assert.h: No such file or directory
#include <assert.h>
compilation terminated.
I search for the includes in all possible paths (I've got the list of them via gcc -v command) - there are no assert.h file, as well, as stdio.h and so on. Except virtual box directories there is only one place (where GCC does not search includes): /usr/lib/syslinux/com32/include
AFAIK, all standard libs and includes are installed with the GCC. So I try to reinstall GCC (4.8.4) - nothing changes.
What is the normal way to give GCC all standard environment it needs?

Thanks to the right direction set by Sam Varshavchik I found the info in the stackoverflow. So I did the following:
1) installed build-essential:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
2) installed libusb (since my try to build the package revealed the absence of usb.h):
sudo apt-get install libusb-dev
And it is OK! The mspdebug (v.023) is compiled and successfully tested!
So, Linux Mint 17.2 (at least) requires installing some libs to a GCC, the most basic is build-essential.

assert.h is not part of gcc, it's a part of glibc.
Most likely, your Linux distribution puts the system headers into a separate package that you need to install.
Fedora, for examples, puts the header files in the glibc-headers package. However, you can't be using Fedora, because Fedora's gcc package has a dependency on glibc-headers, to make sure that it gets pulled in.
Whatever Linux distribution you're using, you need to research which distribution package will install the system header files you need to build stuff with.


How to make GCC detect standard C library?

my problem is the following :
In order to build some specific library I have to install GCC on a red hat without access to Internet and no way to use yum.
For now I did :
1)I installed gcc-x86_64-linux-gnu (and it's dependencies)
2) I created symbolic links in /usr/bin for the following installed executables : /usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-cpp, /usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc, /usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov
using sudo ln -s /usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-<end> <end>
So I have functional gcc cpp and gcov command.
3) I tested a ./configure on my library to build and get GCC saying that the C compiler isn't able to create C executable. I so tested to create a simple hello world C program.
int main(void){
printf("hello world!\n");
return 0;
when running gcc ./hello.c -o helloI got the this error : "fatal error : stdio.h : no such file or directory".
4) I did a ls /usr/include | grep .h but found nothing. Conclusion : standard C libs aren't installed.
5) I so installed glibc-devel to import the standard C library, and now the same command show numerous C files, including the stdio.h file.
But my GCC still raising the same fatal error.
Any idea about what should I do make to make it work ?
I don't think the problem here is related to x86 / x64 problem as it is suggested in this question
From your post i assume that this is related to improper installation, before installing a package make sure you use the proper package to the proper distribution as compatibility issues may arise with 32 Bit or 64 Bit OS package. You could try the below method by using a Red Hat Boot CD.
Install rpm from CDROM/DVD
Mount your RHEL Linux CD/DVD and install the following packages using rpm command:
$rpm -ivh gcc*

How to cross-compile a autotools project for ARM?

I am looking to cross-compile an existing library which uses GNU autotools build system. I have a Linaro arm-gcc toolchain installed in my host machine and I am able to compile small programs directly using arm-gcc.
Host machine: Ubuntu 12.04 Intel x64
Target machine: Ubuntu 14.04 ARM 32-bit (a board similar to Raspberry-Pi)
I have a library source code which has configure.ac and Makefile.am files for it. I want to compile this code on host machine and generate ARM binaries which can be copied over to the target platform.
What is the canonical way to do this?
For specifics, I am looking for something that would work for a "Hello World" application/library in C cross-compiled using arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc and autotools.
--build=`./config.guess` --host=arm-linux-gnueabi
might be sufficient, as it will look for a corresponding ARM toolchain. Otherwise, try adding: CC="arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc"
You can also add: CFLAGS="-pipe -Wall -O2 ... <other arm-gcc flags>"
for better code optimization.
The right way to do this on Ubuntu is to the use the distro-supplied cross-compiler, not a 3rd party one like Linaro. You only need an out-of-distro package when the distro one is not good enough for some reason (like you need some cutting-edge feature which is only in the Linaro toolchain and not yet in the distro). Hardly anyone needs to do that.
Install the gcc, g++ crosstollchains, a cross libc and some config tools with:
apt install crossbuild-essential-armhf
If the software you want to build needs nothing more than the C runtime library then you can build it as is. If it needs anything more then you need to install cross-build-dependencies.
If the software you want to build is packaged (and called $packagename), you should be able to:
dpkg --add-architecture armhf
apt update
apt build-dep $packagename
then build it with
dpkg-buildpackage -aarmhf
If it's not packaged you'll need to install build-dependencies, libraries for arch armhf, tools for the native arch (usually amd64 or arm64). For example:
apt-get install sgmltools ghostscript libpng-dev:armhf libssl-dev:armhf
would install native ghostscript and sgmltools (for doc-building) and headers/libraries for libpng and libssl for armhf.
More details on the Debian wiki.

How to deploy a portable gcc with cloog?

I'm trying to build a portable version of gcc 4.8.2. (for only C/C++ languages) The end result is have gcc installed into a specific application directory, eg, /opt/gcc-4.8.2 so that I can copy that directory from one computer to another (all computers are either intel corei5 or corei7, running recent Linux versions, eg, Ubuntu 12, Suse 10/11, Centos 5 & 6).
So far I'm able to build gcc ok, using --prefix to have the gcc outputs placed in a single directory (which can then be later copied to the other hosts). I configured & built gcc's dependencies (gmp, mpfr, mpc, isl) to have --disable-shared, so I can be sure that the final gcc, when copied to other hosts, won't complain about missing libraries or symbols.
I have a question with cloog. I configured gcc with --with-cloog (to pick up my locally built cloog, which I built along with the other gcc dependencies). However, what I don't know, is whether I also need to copy the cloog libraries and binary to each host I copy gcc to?
Also, how can I test gcc & cloog interaction? Is there a simple C file example and/or gcc command line that can be used to test whether gcc is successfully making use of cloog?
Additionally, are there any other considerations when trying to build a gcc which I then want to run on other hosts?
It depends if cloog is installed as a shared library libcloog-isl.so.* or as a static one libcloog.a ; use
ldd $(gcc-4.8 -print-file-name=cc1)
to find out. Of course you need to install all the shared libraries dependencies. If libcloog*so appears in the output of above ldd command, it is a shared library. Otherwise a static one.
You could set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or add the directory containing libcloog-isl.so.* (e.g. /usr/local/lib/ or /opt/lib/ etc...) to /etc/ld.so.conf (then run ldconfig)
I am not entirely sure your gcc build can run on every platform you mentioned. There might be libc* dependencies. See this. And perhaps also binutils dependencies (notably for gcc-4.8 -flto compilations).
To test gcc just compile with optimizations (e.g. gcc-4.8 -Wall -O3) some non-trivial file.

manual installation of gcc

i dont have internet connection, so i installed gcc on my linux system manually through its debian package. but i am not able to compile any c code.
here is my sample c code.
#include <stdio.h>
printf("Hellp world");
return 0;
the error that it shows:
ocpe#blrkec241972d:~$ gcc -o hello hello.c
hello.c:1:19: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory
hello.c: In function âmainâ:
hello.c:4: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function âprintfâ
I think i have not installed all the dependencies of compiler. Plz suggest me descriptive way to install it correctly..
Assuming by "installed manually", you mean "using dpkg -i", then you need to also install libc6-dev. I suggest further installing, at very minimum, build-essential and everything it depends on.
Debian actually has a few programs to help with offline package installation. One option is of course to use CD/DVD images. Another is to use something like apt-offline.
On my Debian system, the header files are in another package libc6-dev. You're probably missing that (and some others as well, I would guess).
What about this gcc -Wall hello.c -o hello -I/usr/include/stdio.h?
You can see your include search path by using:
echo | gcc -v -x c -E -
On my Ubuntu Linux machine i can see this output for the previous command:
#include \"...\" search starts here:
Install build-essential
Download from here : http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/i386/build-essential/download (assume you are 32 bits), and install dowloaded package like this:
dpkg -i build-essential.deb

Installing gcc on linux without c compiler

How can I install gcc on a system that have not any c compiler?
this system is a linux base firewall and have not any c compiler.
I guess you a have an appliance running Linux and shell-access, but neither a package manager nor a compiler is installed.
So, you need to cross-compile gcc and the whole toolchain (at least binutils) - this is quite simple, because the ./configure scripts of gcc, binutils, gdb etc. support cross-compiling with the --target= option. So all you have to do is to find out the target architecure (uname helps) and then download, unpack the gcc sources on a linux-host and run ./configure --target=$YOUR_TARGET.
With this, you now can build a cross-compiler gcc - this still runs on your host, but produces binaries for your target (firewall appliances).
This may already be sufficient for you, a typical desktop PC is much faster than a typical appliance, so it may make sense to compile everything you need on the Desktop PC with the cross-compiler and cross-binutils.
But if you really wish to do so, you can now also use your cross-compiler to compile a gcc running on your target (set this as --host= option) and compiling for your target (set this as --target option).
You can find details about allowed host/targets and examples in the gcc documentation: http://gcc.gnu.org/install/specific.html.
It depends on the distribution, if it's based on debian or some other of the big ones you can install gcc through apt-get or similar tool.
If it's a more basic system you need to compile gcc yourself on another computer and copy it over. It will be easiest if you have another computer with the same architecture (i386, arm or x86_64 for example).
I think that you might want to compile it statically also, so that you don't have dependencies on external libraries.
How do you plan to get all the source code needed for GCC loaded onto your machine? Could you mount the ISO image onto this machine and install from there?
Since you are using Endian Firewall, see "Building a development box" at the following link:
If it's a debian based distribution, you can use
sudo apt-get install gcc
Note: maybe you must change "gcc" by a specific version of the debian package.
