Gnuplot, how a make multiplot share one x-axis? - gnuplot

Using gnuplot, I am able to make multiplot successfully with my four columns data, the first column is time, x-data, the others are three y-data. So now the problem is that even I did not set the xlabel for the first two subplots or even if I set tmargin 0 or even I unset xtics, there is still large white space between the subplots. I hope to get an effect that the subplots are only separated by ONE x-axis. Any solution?


Gnuplot overlapping ytics in multiplot

I'm trying to plot several graphs stacked vertically with no space between them using multiplot in gnuplot. My problem is that ytics of the different plots overlap. I know this can be avoided by defining a range for ytics, but I have to make 37 different multiplots with 4 stacked plots in each one so manually setting ranges is not an option.
So I was wondering if there was some way to force ytics not to overlap from within gnuplot of if the only option is to calculate and manually specify ytics range.
This is what I want to avoid
I thought of using GPVAL_DATA_Y_MAX an GPVAL_DATA_Y_MIN variables and use them changed by a factor of 20% to define the ytics range. This approach works, but I don't know how to round them so that they can adapt to different kinds of data, meaning that if they range from 0.3145 to 9.7601 they are rounded to 0 and 10 with 5 divisions but if the range goes from 0.3145 to 0.3150 they are rounded to 0.3145 to 0.3150 with 5 divisions)

adding space between x axis and xtics in gnuplot histogram

Currently I created graphs with small size. The spacing really important at this case. I want to add more vertical space between my xticlabels and x axis.
I have tried to set the x bar with
set xtics offset 0,graph 0.05
my gnuplot output:
The data and gnuplot script still same with my previous question here.
You can do the following:
First add a little bit of bmargin by
set bmargin 3
Since you need to add vertical space between your xticlabels and x-axis, you need to adjust the Y-offset, which can be done by the following
set xtics offset 0,-1,0
You can play around with the values to suite your need.

Gnuplot fat lines overlap with axis

I need to make some lines with gnuplot. However due to the small size of the plots, I want to make those lines fat. However they overlap now with the axis. and into the normal picture. How can I cut those lines of so they dont do it?
If you are plotting data, you can adjust the overall x and y ranges so that the lines don't overlap with the borders:
set xrange [xmin:xmax]
set yrange [ymin:ymax]
If you are plotting functions, you can also cut off lines by adjusting the range when you plot:
plot [xmin:xmax][ymin:ymax] ...
This is a little more tricky because the function will automatically go to the edge of the plot anyway. If this is the case, you can specify a larger range for a blank line:
plot [-2:2][-2:2] NaN notitle, [-1:1] x**2 title 'x^2'

Gnuplot: automatic placing of x2 tic labels

I've got data that I want to plot in gnuplot that looks something like this:
1.08 1 4.8
1.53 2 5.9
2.11 3 5.1
2.60 4 6.0
Not that it's terribly important, the first column is the running time of a genetic algorithm, the second column is the generation number, and the third is average fitness.
If I plot it using plot datafile.dat using 1:3 with lines it looks fine, with tics appropriately spaced. However, while I want the x-tics to be labelled with the time, I want the x2-tics to be labelled with the generation number. This is easy to do with plot datafile.dat using 1:3:x2ticlabels(2) with lines, but for the x2-axis it adds a tick for every single line in the data file, instead of automatically choosing an appropriate number of tics.
My full data file has thousands of entries, which results in a solid black line at the top of the graph where the tics would be spaced, and a larger solid black line above where the labels would be placed. Even if I try to manually tell gnuplot how often to place tics on the graph using set x2tics 100 it still displays them for every entry. Is there a way to fix this? Obviously I'd prefer which tics are shown to be automatically chosen, but if I have to do it manually that's fine. The full gnuplot config file is pretty basic, just:
set logscale y 10
set x2tics
plot datafile.dat using 1:3:x2ticlabels(2) with lines
Here's a solution that will only put a label for every other line in the datafile.
plot 'test.dat' u 1:3:x2ticlabels(int($0)%2==0?stringcolumn(2):'')
One thing that is a little interesting is that the tics don't quite line up with the points. I haven't figured out why yet. With thousands of points, you're probably not likely to notice, but with your example datafile with 4 points, it's noticeable.
Unfortunately, it still draws a tic on the axis for every line in the datafile. set x2tics scale 0 will make those tics go away completely.

gnuplot: legend gets hidden behind data

I am new to gnuplot and while plotting stacked histogram, I find that legend gets hidden behind the data.
Is there a method to put the legend above the data? Thanks a lot for your help.
EDIT: I am currently using set key outside bottom to place legend outside, but that is not the best solution I would like.
Recent versions allow to make the background of the legend white:
set key opaque
This simply adds a white background to the legend so it appears on top of all graphs. Found the answer in this Post.
If you would rather have the key on top of the data rather than the key outside the plot box altogether, here is one workaround (using sin(10*x) as an example):
set multiplot
unset key
plot sin(10*x) # this will plot with tics and a border, but no key
set key box
unset tics
unset border
bignumber=10 # make this number larger than the y range so the line will not be seen
plot [][0:1] bignumber title 'sin(10*x)' # this will just plot the key with the title
unset multiplot
Using this method, first you plot your data/function, then you create a plot on top of that which just has a key. You have to make sure to set the title of the second plot properly.
