Can I give someone limited access to an Azure account? - azure

I want to outsource the development of a WordPress website that will be hosted in Azure. Is there a way to create a Cloud Service that I can give someone access to, but at the same time not giving them my Azure subscription credentials?

From an Azure subscription perspective, you can only grant co-admin privilege; a co-admin gets full access to a subscription. This leaves you with a few options (I'm sure you can think of others):
Set up a separate subscription solely for the outsourced WordPress work. At completion of project, you can choose to remove the co-admin rights of the subscription
Grant admin access to the WordPress site, along with specific Azure resource keys (e.g. storage account namespace+key; service bus, MySQL credentials, etc.) for your developer to do the work. You can always change access keys once the project is completed
Have your developer set up WordPress in their own subscription, and then transfer the contents to your subscription when the project is complete.
EDIT - I slightly misunderstood the question, and was thinking the outsourced dev needed certain subscription-level resources. As Mike pointed out, source control is a good solution for Web Sites. You'd still need to set up resources such as Storage accounts if you don't want to set them up as co-admin.

If you are using Cloud Services then you could set up continuous integration between TFS and your cloud service. This would allow you to give the other person their own accounts to your TFS source code. Thus they check in and trigger the build, and it deploys. They don't have access.
If you don't have to have Cloud Service then you also have the same option with Windows Azure Web Sites (it's under development so this should be fine to run in even under the free, and bump up if you want to load test, etc.). With that you can give ftp access only, or also set up TFS or GIT source control integration.


Is it possible to move existing VSTS resources to a new Azure subscription without issue?

We have a situation where we are in development and experiencing a lot of delay and resistance from the Azure admin which is creating costly delays and impacting deadlines.
I would like to create our own Azure subscription to allow us to fully admin our environment and pipelines as we see fit, without needing to go through the aforementioned resource. The admin can link our Dev subscription to their corporate AD later.
We already have some projects in VSTS, build scripts, began some CD development.
Obviously on a new subscription we would just recreate the pipelines and resources. However, since it would be a new AD, how would this impact our ability to still view content and resources in VSTS?
Link the new AD to the projects?
You can easily associate a VSTS instance with a different Azure subscription, no need to recreate anything. This can be done via the Azure Portal. It can still be connected to the same Azure AD.

Does Azure Cloud Service Publishing Profile Exists?

I need to assign publish permission to one of my developers so that he should be able to publish to only one cloud service & do not affect others.
Azure websites have these concepts called download publishing profile.
I could not find anything similar for cloud service. Can it be
As you know Azure Management Portal does not have any role defined where we could map a user account login to manage a set of resources (say cloud service 1 & 2)
It is not possible as of today. It seems that it should be possible with Resource Groups and Role Based Access Control (RBAC) however currently cloud services can't be added in resource groups and assigned RBAC.
One way you could achieve this is have a custom application consuming Service Management API and implement your own RBAC in that application. However it is still a "hack" and not proper solution.
Why don't you try using "publish from source control"? When the developer checks in it will auto publish the code.
I believe the new portal will allow the creation of roles for publishing profiles; it already allows adding additional users to your organization; but to get what you want for now; publishing from source code should do the trick.

Deploying WebRoles to pre-existing VMs

We have developed and tested our webroles in our Free trial Azure cloud.
We now have to deploy the webroles to Company A Azure cloud. Company A is open to creating IIS VMs for our deployment but will not share username/pwds with us to publish our Webroles to their cloud.
This should be a pretty common scenario, would like to hear from folks who have solved it in their deployments.
How do we publish web roles to a pre-existing VM?
This isn't how Web Roles work. A Web Role (along with any other defined roles) is essentially a bundle of code, startup scripts, binaries, etc. that are needed on the VM. The VM itself is stateless: It's started up as a fresh (up to date) copy of Windows Server, and your code is executed. Anything needing install is done via your startup scripts.
You cannot push a Web Role independently to an existing Virtual Machine. You'd need to take your actual code project (e.g. and publish that to a pre-existing VM, without any of the Web Role scaffolding. How you do that would be up to you (and the folks who are managing these VMs).
I guess there is a confusion with different concepts.
From what I understand you have already deployed your cloud service and associated web roles to a trial azure subscription. You were able to do that because you are the admin of the subscription. If you need to deploy the same set of roles and the cloud service to one of your customers azure subscription they will need to setup your account as a co-admin so you can follow the same deployment procedure you did with your trial subscription. They don't need to give you a user/pass pair. They just need to give your LiveID or appropriate credentials a temporary co-admin permission to do the deployment on their behalf. They can do this in the azure management portal.

Is there any way to add a user space to an Azure account?

I know it is possible to add co-administrators to my subscription but I can't find any way to add a user space. I mean something that would allow users to see only their own storage and services created within the subscription.
I'm not worried about usage quotas but just would like to separate my users into distinct areas, so they don't interfere with each other.
Is there any way to do/achieve that?
Currently in a subscription it is not possible to do so in Windows Azure. One possible solution would be to create separate subscription for each user and make them co-administrator on that subscription so that they will only see that subscription. This will obviously add more management headaches for you.
Again, not a fool-proof solution but when we were developing Azure Management Studio at Cerebrata (Disclosure - I was Founder of Cerebrata though now I'm not associated with it), we came up with something called Profiles. Basically what you do is put some resources (like storage accounts, cloud services etc.) and grant permissions on these resources in a profile and save that profile. You can then distribute this profile file to your user. When they run Azure Management Studio, they can load this profile file and will only see the things you included in that profile file. Again it is very specific to the tool only, is not as comprehensive as it does not include everything that Windows Azure offers and as and when you change storage credentials etc., you would need to regenerate that profile file.
No that is not possible.
The Co-Admins have complete control for the services in the account (non billing) as a whole and all the Services (Storage, Virtual Machine, Websites etc) are equally accessible to every administrator and co-administrator.

How can I allow other users to deploy to my Azure cloud services?

I created an empty Azure cloud service and I want to allow other developers to deploy to it. So far the only route I can see is adding the developers as Azure subscription administrators. I would rather give them more specific access to the cloud services only.
No such functionality exist today which will allow you to grant/revoke permissions at the cloud service level. Once a developer is provided access to the subscription, they would have access to all the resources under that subscription.
There's a REST API behind cloud service deployments and all the tools (including Windows Azure Portal and Visual Studio) consume this API for creating deployments. One possible solution would be to build your own solution consuming this API. In this solution you will implement access control based on your requirements so that when your user use this service, they will only see the cloud service they're assigned to and can only manage that cloud service. There's a managed library for consuming this API. You can find more information here:
It seems that if the original developer downloads the publish profile from Azure (it's an xml file that with a .PublishSettings extension), you can copy the userPWD from that file, give it to another developer and they can paste it into the password field in the Connection section of the Publish dialog.
The userPWD is a string that looks something like this:
