wsimport error file unreachable. But same file can be access through browser - wsimport

I am trying to run wsimport to parse some xsd file
it throw an error
[ERROR] is unreachable
If I look at the file in any browser using the same http. I can see the file with no problem. So the file is on the server.
Do wsimport use some special proxy port different from brwoser?
Another interesting thing I notice the wsimport command will work if I have fiddler running. (Not an ideal solution since this is part of the ant build script)
I am thinking there some wsimport proxy issue. but Not sure how this can happen and how to check proxy setting.
Thanks for any info.


Error parsing proxy URL. Bad port number

When I use wget command in RHEL 6.5, getting the error
Error parsing proxy URL. Bad port number.
The command used to set the proxy was
export http_proxy="http_proxy://username:password#address:port/".
Yes I know this issue can be resolved by using
http_proxy=address wget --proxy-user=username --proxy-password=<password> url.
But I want to install a package and during installation, it will need to download few other packages. so the proxy should be already set and ready before the installation. How can we resolve this?
The password I used caused this issue as it had a # in it. I replaced # with %23 [UTF encoding] and now this is working fine.
make us Use of "--no-proxy"
Example : wget --no-proxy
This will elimimate the current proxy and try to download what ever we need..
I set up the proxy on Ubuntu using general system settings (manual option).
The problem was I pasted the proxy URL with a port, while the port is also separately specified there, in different field.

Ubuntu 14.04 mod_mono error 503

I can't seem to get an asp site to run with ISPCONFIG3 at all. I am getting errors in the apache error.log like this:
Not running mod-mono-server.exe because no MonoApplications, MonoApplicationsConfigFile or MonoApplicationConfigDir specified.
Failed to connect to mod-mono-server after several attempts to spawn the process.
I think it has to do with my configuration somehow but I can't seem to figure out where. Thoughts?
Encountered this error today after installing apache2, mod-mono, etc in Ubuntu 19.04 on my laptop. Having just done it successfully on an AWS instance running Ubuntu 18.04, I was surprised that it didn't work here. By trial and error tweaking the mono-server config, apache2 config, the ASP.NET web app folder (with a simple index.aspx in it), and looking at the apache2 error logs after each change (after stopping/restarting apache2 each time!), I discovered that, in my case at least, this error was caused by the absence of a web.config file in the web app root folder; as soon as I created a simple skeleton web.config file, this error message went away.
Worth noting in passing is that the error message contains a typo: there should be an "s" for "Applications" in the keyword MonoApplicationConfigDir, like the other two keywords have. One of the things I tried was to alter the MonoApplicationsConfigDir statement that was present by default in my mono-server4-hosts.conf file by removing the "s" to match the error message, but that generated a different, fatal error that prevented apache2 from starting: systemctl status apache2.service showed "Invalid command 'MonoApplicationConfigDir'".

Config Error Failed to decrypt attribute 'password'

Module IIS Web Core
Notification Unknown
Handler Not yet determined
Error Code 0x8007000d
Config Error Failed to decrypt attribute 'password'
Config File Unavailable (Config Isolation)
When i run my app im getting this error and i couldn't find any solution please help?
I resolved the issue. The problem was C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config file. In the config file, I deleted username and password definitions for applications and it worked well.
I had the same issue after clone a Web Server.
Source Server:
aspnet_regiis -px "iisConfigurationKey" "C:\temp\iisConfigurationKey.xml" -pri
aspnet_regiis -px "iisWasKey" "C:\temp\iisWasKey.xml" -pri
Destination Server:
aspnet_regiis -pi "iisConfigurationKey" "C:\temp\iisConfigurationKey.xml"
aspnet_regiis -pi "iisWasKey" "C:\temp\iisWasKey.xml"
And, at the final, copy applicationhost.config from the source server to destination server.
This is one of those mystery errors. For me, the issue occurred when we cloned a development server. When I went to reconfigure some the sites in IIS on the cloned server, one of the sites threw this error. You need to delete all the sites that shared the same app pool in IIS and recreate them.
I fixed this by disabling Anonymous Access in the application, then re-enabling it immediately. No IIS restart necessary.
I had the same problem and I changed the Physical Path under the website's advanced settings to a dummy path then changed it back, then it started working.

Tomcat Intellij Idea: Remote deploy

RackSpace Cloud Server Ubuntu-12.04, Intellij Idea-11.1.2, Windows-8, Tomcat-7.0.26, JDK-6.
On Intellij Idea when i try to run jsf project on my remote Tomcat 7 server it says:
Error running servername: Unable to connect to the ip-address:1099
It seems problem is about JNDI port which is 1099 but I couldn't activate it I guess. Tomcat config is sth. like that:
What I've tried?
Setting CATALINA_OPTS or JAVA_OPTS on the server side with:
But this one did not work, any ideas?
My answer to my question:
The correct way to deploy remotely is editing JAVA_OPTS environment variable on the remote server. Just enter the command below:
export JAVA_OPTS=""
If that's not going to work and if you don't have any obsession to deploy your website via Intellij Idea, I've got the solution for this problem. To be able to run your website under Tomcat, you can/should get artifact in form of .war file.
It can be done in Intellij from project settings(ctrl+alt+shift+s) then hit the plus button and add new artifact(web:application archieve)
After rebuilding the artifact, .war file can be seen in project-folder\out\artifacts. Next, you should place this file into your tomcat/webapps folder.
For example if you are using Tomcat-7, the folder that I mean exists in /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps. Before copying your .war file you should rename it as ROOT.war. This provides to access your site directly by http://youripaddress:8080. After restarting Tomcat7 service you can access the site.
But not finished yet, you can debug your project remotely like you are debugging your project at your local machine with Intellij Idea. Open Run/Debug Configuration in Idea, hit the plus button and there must be Remote. This is the way to debug your projects for application servers like JBoss, Glassfish as well in Idea. Enter your host and port numbers, select your project as a module.
Before starting to debug, as Intellij says you should give the following parameter to your server JVM:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005"
To be able to do that in Ubuntu and for Tomcat-7, modified the file in usr/share/tomcat7 folder. I inserted the parameter above of the if [ -z "$LOGGING_MANAGER" ]; then line. It must be on the middle part of the file. Then you should be able to debug your project with Intellij Idea.

Can't find while restarting apache2

I tried to install and setup a svn server using apache2,
I followed instructions on internet but while i tried to restart apache2 it shows the following error:
apache2: Syntax error on line 204 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/authz_svn.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ into server: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Action 'configtest' failed.
i checked the path but the file do exist,im not sure what is happening.
need some help thanks~
Based on your pathes, it looks like you are playing debian or ubuntu config. if I remember well, this module ** is available with libapache2-svn, so you need first to apt-get this module as root, and then to enable it (being in the directory /etc/apache2, *a2enmod my_module*) and reload your apache config (or restart apache).
The other way around is to load the module as a DSO. Then it's a different process.
