How can I stop the LogCat output from scrolling automatically in Android Studio? - android-studio

Is there a way to disable the scrolling in LogCat?
I am using Android Studio 0.2.10.

If you just click on a line of the logcat it will stop scrolling. You will then notice that the keys on the right become highlighted. This gives you various options among them the restart scrolling.

You need to click on a line (any line). Then it stops the auto "annoying" scroll.
(If you pass the mouse on the 4th icon, it tells you this).

Just double click the one of line in Logcat.


How to make the Android-Studio run window (logcat) sticky and prevent it from automatically hiding?

I have dual screens on my Windows desktop and I like to keep Android Studio run logcat on one of them open all the time. Every time I hit Run the logcat window automatically hides and I need to click on the tab to make it appear again, which is annoying. Is there a setting where I can keep the logcat window always visible?
To do that
Simply open the Logcat window once more...
Click on the settings icon at the far right
Then select Pinned Mode there
This should work...i hope it helped...

Dock logcat window on a side of Android Studio

I hope not to be off topic.
I consider Android's logcat window in Android Studio horribly annoying, even working with two monitors.
To open the logcat window, that often needs to be fairly big, my procedure is:
click below on "Android Monitor"
select the current running device (one time only)
click on that tiny and almost invisible icon on the extreme right
reduce again the Android Monitor that I don't need at all
most of the times resize and move the logcat window.
Whenever a change has to be written or something has to be seen on the emulator, the logcat window needs to be moved or closed, because it stands on top of every window, and this leads to perform that same sequence again after maybe few minutes.
Debugging using logcat becomes a pain, made of opening and closing that same window dozens of times.
I want that window to popup or dock automatically with one single icon click or with a key combination from the right, or the left, like for example "Android Model", without getting crazy every time. One click shows it, one click hides it.
Is it possible?

Scrolling Past The Bottom In Android Studio?

In Android Studio, when I'm typing new code, I'm always at the bottom of the file. This means I'm always staring at the bottom of my screen when I type, which is really annoying. Is there a way to configure Android Studio t scroll past the bottom of the file, so the last line can be at the centre of the screen? There's a question about the same topic for Eclipse here, to which the answer is no. Just wondering if this is possible in Android Studio? I currently just type ~50 new lines at the end of every file I create before coding, but that's just so inelegant.
Under Virtual Space section, check "Show virtual space at file bottom"
Or File>Settings and then search "virtual" in the search box to find the setting.

Android Studio Debug Watch pane is missing

OK this is really stupid. I have no idea what happened to the debug watch frame in Android Studio. I have 1.5.1 of Studio.
Is there some secret knowledge from intellij to show it.
Here's the icon that #jamesldurham referred to:
Thanks James! I think it would have taken me a long time to find that :/
Ok I with some help there is a button debug menu that looks like a desaturated American flag that when pressed brings it back.
The tool tip will show restore layout.
If you don't want to restore the entire debug layout, the below image is pointing to the "restore watches view" button. It is in the upper right corner of the debug console and looks like a pair of green shaded glasses over a window.
The button to its left restrores the "Threads" view, and to the right restores the "Variables" view.
Unlike previous IDEs the Watch panel is now totally integrated into the Variables panel
And there is no watch the variable option neither in the popup when right clicking on a variable.
The only option is to select the varaible that needs to be watched and drag and drop it onto the Variables panel.
Check that you have the Frames tab selected instead of Development, in the left bottom section.

How re-enable design palette in Android Studio

I recently made the switch to Android Studio as my default IDE for Android development. When designing my UI I normally use the palette in the design view to assist in arranging the widget on the preview screen.Recently something weird happened, It just disappeared and I can't seem to re-enable it. Normally I would see the little Palette button on the side but now its gone. When I open another project I see the palette but not show this current project I'm working on.
When I open another project in Android Studio I see the palette tab.
I've just figured this out! If you double click on your .xml file tab at the top it will maximize the designer window. Then on the left you can drag the window to shrink and it will reveal the palette. Then just click on the tab on the left to open the project window.
try the Design/Text tabs in the lower left of the layout window
The palette can be shrunk to 0 width. This can be expanded by hovering next to the left edge of the design window, and finding the right-most expand position.
If you have only the designer and the properties showing and the Properties is on the right, you can get the palette back by switching to a left or right view.
Right click on the .xml file tab. Select "split vertically". This will open another Design that shows the palette again.
Android Studio 2.3.3, and the answer I was looking for:
Window -> Restore Default Layout (Shift+F12)
First Close All The Tabs Then Open res->layout->activity_main.xml
you will able to see design tab at activity_main.xml
Try to switch between Design/Text tabs at the bottom left of the editor.
You must have something in the layout resource highlighted. I also had to compile without an error.
My solution was traversing
then open content_main.xml
You have to be in the 'Design' tab (as opposed to the 'Text' tab) at the bottom of the middle window (the one that shows the phone).
