Going back to paginated results from individual page in jekyll - pagination

I'm wondering if there's a way to go back to paginated posts from an individual post in Jekyll.
I right now, I have it redirect back to the homepage from an individual post, but I would like to somehow have it navigate back to the paginated results that the user first clicked the article on.
My code is on github, the master branch should show it. Here's a link to the actual pagination stuff (taken directly from jekyll's website). https://github.com/vernak2539/babble.byvernacchia
I've searched Jekyll's website and cannot seem to find anything.
edit: solution marked as correct only applies to navigating directly to page from paginated results, not going from a third party to a specific page (don't know why i wanted to do that in the first place).

You can manage that by sending to your post page the url of the pagination, for example :
And then in the post page, you retrieve the value passed in the parameter url to go back to it.


How does a website serve a list of data to the user for page/slider content?

im specifically talking about how when a user goes to a web page with a list of data (articles as an example) does the website send every article (maybe in an array or something) and then the client filters out the data to only visualize the articles for the page that the client is currently viewing? i'm referring to back/next buttons that will display different "pages" of data not different actual web pages (changes in url) or if it doesn't work like that then how does it?
I am assuming, your question is basically without the URL changing the data in the page changes and how this takes place.
So, for this what happens behind the scene is that for every action performed by the user a request is sent and the corresponding data is retrieved and displayed, and this is irrespective of the URL.
for example initially,
When the user lands on the page the list of all articles is retrieved and displayed.
Now, if he applies a filter, a request is sent and then data received is displayed.
So as you can see this process is irrespective of changes in the URL.

Why are my Sharepoint Links missing the Tenant?

I am working on an automate flow that emails a share point page to a list of subscribers whenever the page is updated.
Everything works except the links contained in the email (/page). On share point i am able to navigate to the link however in the email the page redirects me to /sites/xxx/xxx.aspx. It is missing the tenant information.
Is there a setting i missed or something that is preventing sharepoint from including the full link when sending the email?
I made sure the full link was typed when the hyperlink was created and am using an HTTP to share point (in automate) and inserting the "CanvasContent1" into the email. I checked the html being sent and the link title is given as the full link but the href is given as /sites/xxx/xxx.aspx.
Thank you for everything
On a SharePoint page, links will be converted to relative links when the page is saved.
If you copy the page content as rendered into an email, then, yes, the tenant will not be included in the link, since the link is never intended to be used outside of the context of the page, where the link works fine.
So, you need to change your approach when emailing the page. Maybe email just a link to the page, then people can take it from there. Or, manipulate the html content in PowerAutomate and replace /sites/xxx with https://Yourtenant.sharepoint.com/sites.xxx

Tumblr.js official javascript/node API "link" posts with image, title, body

I'd like to be able to post link posts on a blog exactly the same way as if you were to go on the regular user interface and choose a "link" post and paste in a URL. It automatically grabs the image, sizes it, sets the title and a body/caption.
How do I go about doing this with the tumblr.js api wrapper?
I already have the API working so I do not need to know how to connect/post link articles. I am specifically interested in being able to add link posts that look/work exactly like the link posts you make as a regular user on their web interface. Using the API to do a link post just throws in the title. Using a photo post doesn't allow you to do a separate title/body. I'd love it to look like it does on the website when you paste in a link post and have the tumblr api/feed return it the same way too.
I got a response via github issues that explains that what I was attempting to accomplish is not available via the API. It can only be done using a tumblr client.

Is there a way to get all pagination links at time in facebook page/feed api

Is there way to get all pagination links at time in facebook page/feed api
I want to get all facebook page/feed pagination links at once.. is it possible?
I don't want to wait until current fetch is done and then I get next page link.
I have tried with date range way, which is the one solution i found so far.
is there any better way to get all pagination links at once without missing any post.
My intention is to fetch these links in asynchronous way.

How fast does Google take to crawl new page, and can we influence Google's crawler?

I want to submit my site to Google. How much time does it take to crawl a new post on the website?
Also, is there a way to feed this post to Google crawler as soon as a post is created?
Google has three modes of entering a website into its results - discover, crawl, index.
In order to 'discover' your site, it must be made aware of it's existence - normally through back-links. If you're site is brand new you can use the submit URL form - but this isn't really a trusted method. You're better off signing up for a Google Webmaster Tools account and submitting your site. An additional step is to submit an XML sitemap of your site. If you are publishing to your site in a blogging/posting way - you can always consider PubSubHubbub.
From there on, crawl frequency is normally based on site popularity (as measured by ye olde PageRank). Depth of crawl (crawl-budget) is also determined by PR.
There are a couple ways to help "feed" the Google Crawler a URL.
The first way is to go here and submit a URL ---> www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url/
The second way is to go to your Google Webmasters Tools and clicking "Fetch as GoogleBot"
And then inputting the URL you want to add:
The URL will then appear similar to this:
http:\\example.site Web Success URL submitted to index 1/22/12 2:51 AM
As for how long it takes for a question on here to appear on google, there are many factors that are put in to this.
If the owners of the site use Google Webmasters Tools, the following setting is available:
For fast crawl you should submit your xml sitemap in google web master and manually crawled and index your web pages url through google webmaster fetch.
I also used google crawled and index method and after that this practices give me best result.
This is a great resource that really breaks down all the factors that affect a crawl budget and how to optimize your website to increase it. Cleaning up your broken links and removing outdated content, for example, can work wonders. https://prerender.io/crawl-budget-seo/ 
I acknowledged error in my response by adding a comment to original question a long time ago. Now, I am updating this post in interest of keeping future readers from being misguided as I was. Please see notes from other users below - they are correct. Google does not make use of the revisit-after meta tag. I am still keeping the original response text here to make sure that anyone else looking for similar answer will find it here along with this note confirming that this meta tag IS NOT VALID! Hope this helps someone.
You may use HTML meta tag as follows:
<meta name="revisit-after" content="1 day">
Adjust time period as necessary. There is no guarantee that robots will return in given time frame but this is how you are telling robots about how often a given page is likely to change.
The Revisit Meta Tag is used to tell search engines when to come back next.
