Call a method of dll - installshield

All, Forgive me I am not familiar with the InstallShield, Is it possible to call a method of assembly(dll) in the InstallShield? If it can be, please kindly give me some sample.


How to request camera and location permission in android native sdk?(C++)

I've searched all over the web but cannot find anything related to permissions. Is it even doable in native C++? How do I do it? I am completely stuck.
Can you guys help me?
There is no C++ api to request app permissions.
You can use a callback from native to Java (via JNI) and ask for permissions in Java.

How do I implement the GWS library in xamarin for android?

Body: I want to use this library using xamarin so I can run my code on an android device, the page says it's cross-platform. Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm not really sure on how to implement it.
I have done an implementation of the library in Xamarin.Android, you can find the project on github here.
If you have any follow-up questions, please feel free to ask me in the comments.

Kofax KScanLib Reference Guide

I'm trying to find a developers reference/api reference/sample app or anything along the lines that would help with the Kofax Scan Lib. I've been trying to get hold of Kofax on behalf of a client to resolve a issue to no avail. Google doesn't seem to throw up much use either.
Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated
You should find that kind of documentation on the Kofax Capture Installation CD. There are also sample Applications installed with every Kofax Capture installation.
What exactly is your problem?

How to get user domain roles in VBA EXCEL

I would like to check in VBA, in which roles is user logged in windows.
Can anyone help?
I believe there is no built-in way of doing this in VBA.
Probably the easiest way of doing this would be expose a COM Automation interface from a DLL that retrieves this information and exposes it to your vba program. Another alternate is Win32 API call but I'm not sure which function. Do some digging on Win32 API and I'm sure you'll get a suitable function (P/Invoke repository may be of much help)
WindowsIdentity is the class I think that will give you a good starting point.
WindowsIdentity lives in System.Security.Principal in .net framework that you can use to expose the information via COM interface (I'm going out on a limb here and assuming you can program in .net -- if not, you will have to find a dll that already exposes this information)
If you are experienced with programming in .net and just need help on how to implement this information, drop a shout back here and I'll share some of my code that I use for same purpose.

How to use dotfuscator in our dll

How to use dotfuscator in our dll to hide my code.Please Give some guideline regarding this.
Hope this will help you.
How to protect DLL using Dotfuscator
Have a look at the open-source Obfuscar here:
It works great, and can be placed into automated build tools.
