Websocket not working with socket.io in heroku - node.js

My app is working fine in localhost with socket.io using websockets and xhr-polling and it's working with xhr-polling in heroku, but since heroku provided support for websocket I canĀ“t make it work using websockets.
My Chrome console shows this message:
WebSocket connection to 'ws://<myherokuapp>.herokuapp.com/socket.io/1/websocket/HBWE2BFvHahlSWk5ppHP' failed: Unexpected response code: 503
I already enabled websocket labs.
Is there any working example of websocket using socket.io?

I had the same problem and just fixed it by reactivating the websockets on my app on heroku.
It had just randomly switched over to XHR polling for some reason.
I used this command from heroku's site (# https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-labs-websockets) to reactivate it:
heroku labs:enable websockets -a myapp
I then restarted my server by pushing to heroku and having it rebuild (or using: heroku restart).
I also have a working copy of a very basic socket.io chat application (written by Smitha Milli) running at: http://calm-gorge-8474.herokuapp.com/ that you can test.
Hope this helps!


Socket.io, Unreal, & Heroku (Node js) : Client not connecting to server?

I'm currently working on a game that connects to a Node.js server for multiplayer data.
The game is developed in Unreal Engine 4 and uses the Socket.io plugin to connect to the Node.js server (cors, express being used).
Everything works locally. So now I'm trying to move on to hosting the server remotely and connecting the unreal client to the remote Node.js server.
I looked into Heroku and set myself up, everything is working fine on its end to my knowledge - I created a tester page with a success message when you load the URL and that comes through.
My first question is - what am I doing wrong when I use unreal to point the socket.io plugin to the server url?
The socket.io plugin asks for a port #, I've tried the following:
http:/{my server/heroku url}:8080/
http:/{my server/heroku url}:3000/
http:/{my server/heroku url}:18279/ (which was given to me by Heroku).
http:/{my server/heroku url}/
So far the game does not connect to the deployed server, the way it does locally.
Any suggestions on what could be going wrong/what am I failing to do next?
A few things after researching:
I do have http-session-affinity enabled
Since the server is working locally, I'm going to make the assumption that the deployed code is not the issue, and that it has to do with the way I'm trying to connect.
is it possible that I have further authorization to config? Such as allowing the unreal game/client to connect to the server/that the client is being blocked some how?
I figured out the issue, it had to do with how my Node.js server code was calling socket.io.
If you come across this issue please send me a message or comment here and I will be happy to send you the code that worked.

Pusher private chat works on localhost, not working on live server

I have developed a chat system using laravel and Vue. Am using pusher for realtime communication. Everything works well on localhost. But on pushing to live server (shared hosting), the chat does not work. The error on pusher debug is: Cannot broadcast client event (connection not subscribed to channel private-chat1).
However, the message can be seen on the debug console.
Does shared hosting has anything to do with the chatapp failing?
Does SSL affect? (the domain is ssl installed)
What else can I check.
Really tried to troubleshoot unsuccessfully.

Why does my WebSockets handshake fail with ERR_CONNECTION_RESET?

I've just created a new sails.js app with
sails new testProject
Then I did
sails lift
Now I navigate to my address (http://153.92.xx.xxx:1337) and everything works.
However, I know that sails uses XHR by default but tries to upgrade to WebSockets if it can. No matter what I try I can't get WebSockets to work.
I can see that the app tries to connect but is just (pending) for about 18 seconds before it gives up. It then goes back to XHR.
The error reads:
WebSocket connection to 'ws://153.92.xx.xxx:1337/socket.io/?__sails_io_sdk_version=0.11.0&__sails_io_sdk_platform=browser&__sails_io_sdk_language=javascript&EIO=3&transport=websocket&sid=8qjNepcGV5Rh3VvzAAAA' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
What could I be doing wrong?
Sailsjs v0.11.2
Nodejs v0.12.7
Debian 8 x64
iptables has full ACCEPT on everything
I believe this is because of a personal firewall.
Changing the port from 1337 to 80 made everything work.
Accessing the site from a different machine worked ok.
My best guess is that a personal firewall that was on my machine blocks websockets if they are not using "standard" ports.

socket.io websocket connection invalid (latest chrome)

After installing node.js, I followed this tutorial to start a simple chat server. It was very easy to setup and is working, but I have noticed two problems:
1.) I am getting this warning from socket.io
info - socket.io started
debug - served static /socket.io.js
debug - client authorized
info - handshake authorized 1385647068766475337
debug - setting request GET /socket.io/1/websocket/1385647068766475337
debug - set heartbeat interval for client 1385647068766475337
warn - websocket connection invalid
This doesn't make sense to me because I didn't touch anything with socket.io and I am using the latest chrome version (23) which I know supports websockets (I am able to successfully connect to them with PHP-Websockets). It continues to use XHR instead, but I am really interested in getting the Websocket functionality working.
2.) When I go to localhost:8080 to connect to the chat server, it takes around 7-8 seconds for it to prompt me for my name and actually connect me to the server. I have a feeling this may be because it is reverting to XHR, but I don't really know much about it so I can't say. Any thoughts?
I saw this behaviour when using an older version of socket.io with later chrome builds (and other browsers also). It would timeout then fallback to xhr polling. To check your version of the socket.io library you are using, at your shell (linux/unix) type:
npm ls| grep socket.io
And it should tell you the version. The latest at this time is 0.9.13, which works.
If you are running the tutorial from http://psitsmike.com note that the package.json file hardcodes an older version of socket.io which doesn't work with the latest browsers.
Hope this helps.
I too was facing similar issues.
Your case -
Try deleting your cookies, sometimes the xhr-polling option once connected successfully is saved to cookies and reused every next time. Similar question answered here
Also debug - served static /socket.io.js sometimes come when the socket.io file is referred incorrectly inside the html or jade template file. Try correcting the script src link in case it wrong. It should be something like - var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000'); OR you can also try removing the link all together like this - var socket = io.connect();
Hope it helps.
I had the exact same issue. this might be old. but My setup is on digitalocean. what happens is that usually people who run node apps on one server use nginx for the port listen and node under its own dedicated port. nginx did not forward the websocket port to the node, only port 80 which nodejs was not initialised to begin with.
You need to make sure your nginx is configured properly for this.
I just added the port to the io.connect directly connecting to the node server and avoiding nginx.

"Unexpected response code: 503" in Chrome. Perhaps having to do with socket.io on heroku?

I am using socket.io with node.js on Heroku. Everything seems to work. However, in the Chrome dev bar, I get Unexpected response code: 503. Does anyone know what this could mean? Should I be concerned about it? Will it take up memory in the browser? And if so, can I suppress it?
Heroku "doesn't support" websockets on the Cedar stack yet (no word on when they will) Update: see below. They recommend adding the following code to your Socket.io implementation:
// assuming io is the Socket.IO server object
io.configure(function () {
io.set("transports", ["xhr-polling"]);
io.set("polling duration", 10);
The reason for this is that Heroku adds a routing layer on top of your dynos. Your code will be executed on a server, but it's non-deterministic as to which server it will be. Thus, WebSockets can't send data to the "correct" server. Socket.IO will downgrade to long-polling, which keeps the connection alive through the routing layer, ensuring that the events will be executed on the correct server.
UPDATE: Heroku WebSockets is now in public beta! You can add WS support to your app by executing heroku labs:enable websockets -a myapp in your app directory.
For people coming from google in 2016.
Heroku websockets are now supported, no need to turn them on. WebSockets on Heroku
Make sure to check your logs on Heroku. I noticed the 503 error happen in chrome and after checking logs, turned out that my Heroku app had crashed. There was a bug in my code which caused it to not responding (not socket.io related at all)
Fixed the code and 503 went away!
