Orchard CMS - 2 identical Pagers in the summary list - pagination

Is it possible to put the same pager at the top and bottom (before and after content) of a summary list within Orchard? I've spent a while trying to do this with the placement file but with no success.
My only other alternative is to do something like jQuery clone..??
Thanks for any advice!

You might want to try this technique: http://weblogs.asp.net/bleroy/archive/2013/02/13/easy-content-templates-for-orchard-take-2.aspx, define your own zones that you target with placement, and then call display on the pagination zone twice.


tabulator paginationElement styles problem

I have a question about paginationElement in Tabulator.
As per tabulator documentation, i created a DIV and used paginationElement in Table setup to render the paginator in the DIV. Well, it works. But with a drawback, no styling works, no colors, no highlighting of current page. So it is kinda inconvenient.
Is there a way to resolve this?
Otherwise, i am really happy with Tabulator! Thank you for the great work!
You might have to style the pagination footer by css as the location of it has been changed by paginationElement.
This is because all of the table styling is based around the pagination element being inside the table.
Moving it outside the table will mean you will need to apply the styles yourself. The classes that denote that you are on the current page etc will still be applied, you just need to tell the browser how to style them.
The Styling Documentation contains more information on the classes used by tabulator and how to style the table

Grafana Nested Panels

I've been trying to modify Grafana to suit one of my recent needs. Is there any possibility to restructure Panels in Grafana to look something like the image below?
Grafana completely flexible structure/layout
It really does not have to look like the one above, but if there is at least a quick way to get something like the one below, I'd really be thankful:
Grafana Nested panels (two or more child panels inside a parent panel)
Even if it means that I have to tweak the SDK, a small sample of the process flow would be much appreciated.
Thank you very much!
Thats not really possible..
Grafana dashboards contains rows with panels. Panels can have a set width and height.
Here is a dashboard example of how to have panels with fixed width and height: http://play.grafana.org/dashboard/db/advanced-layout
I know this is an old question, but it appeared first at my google search results so i'll post what i've found here.
There's "convert to row" option for panels, which can be used like this:
This fully covers my personal demands

Orchard CMS create theme view for my content type

I am using orchard cms with the bootstrap theme.
I have created a content type: House
it contains FIELDS
image (media picker field)
Property Type (taxonomy field)
Location (taxonomy field)
It has PARTS
publish later
I want queries of houses and be able to choose the view/ layout for them
e.g. layout called HouseList (for sidebars mainly) which will render: title, image and link to house, possible location and type but with out the links as defaulted. And then a fullDetails layout and a image only layout (so i can show a jquery image reel a widget say in a quadzone) How can i do all this please, i have tried in view Content-House.cshtml etc but i cant access the details model.content to choose what to display.
Im sure when i get the idea of how to do 1 i should be able to sort the rest. I have read documentation etc but there are so many different ways, ie placement file, change the parts, contents, create classes to handle display etc. sureley i am missing something simple like create a view for each list i want eg. houue-list, house-details, house-imageONly and then manipulate content.
Please help i have been trying different things for getting this site running for weeks and not getting very far. Examples would be fantastic but i have searched google for hours and found similar but nothing with enough details for a meer beginer.
The standard way of doing that is placement to move things around and alternate templates for the different parts and fields. You can specialize placement and alternates with the display type, which is Summary when rendering in a list such as what a projection returns, and Detail for the detail view. More info on placement can be found here: http://docs.orchardproject.net/Documentation/Understanding-placement-info and on alternates here: http://docs.orchardproject.net/Documentation/Alternates
Now if you prefer to completely take over the rendering and do without placement, here are a few posts that may help:

How can I specifiy an alternate layout for NotFound.cshml and ErrorPage.cshtml in Orchard CMS

I know you can use layout filters for normal pages with urls, but upon errors the view changes while keeping the url the same, so I can't utilize a new layout based on the path. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Off the top of my head:
If you look in Core > Shapes > Views, you will see two files - one called ErrorPage.cshtml and one called NotFound.cshtml. Simply copy these files and paste them into your theme's view folder.
I have not tested this method with these particular pages, but I did do something similar with the LogOn widget.
Something to bear in mind is that the contents of these files will be rendered in the Content zone of your current theme.

How can I use alternate shape templates in different zones on the same page?

I'm trying to create a theme in orchard. I have a main content zone and a sidebar zone which is on the right of my main content area (2 column layout). The main content area displays a list of blog posts (including tags, etc. Standard Orchard behaviour).
In the sidebar I would like to display the recent blog post widgets. However, the standard widget renders tags, published date etc. I do not want to display this information in the sidebar zone.
The placement file does not seem to be the right place to configure this as I can't specifically target the Parts_Tags_ShowTags shape in the sidebar zone. Neither does it seem to be possible to create a new template like Tags.ShowTags-Sidebar.cshtml
Any suggestions on how to modify/hide a shape in one zone on a page but not the other?
You can either use an alternate (shape tracing can help with that) or take this over entirely (see this post for details: http://weblogs.asp.net/bleroy/archive/2011/03/27/taking-over-list-rendering-in-orchard.aspx)
