How to compile Linux kernel code on Windows? - linux

I want to compile and later modify a Linux kernel code but I cannot do it by installing and running separate Linux system like Ubuntu and then compiling this kernel on linux system as I am not able to work on full fledged Linux system(Laptop hardware problems).I want to do it on Windows 7.Is there a way that I can do it?

The Linux kernel source tree has different files in some directories whose names only differ in capitalization, so unpacking the source tree would have to happen in a directory where the POSIX compatibility mode was active. Furthermore, you need a cross compiler targetting Linux, and an appropriate shell environment.
It can be done within the Cygwin environment if so desired, but I suspect it is significantly easier to run a Linux virtual machine, or CoLinux.

i Think you are talking about this have a look on this site they provide a way to compile and modify and infact build a new kernel in Visual Studio hope it will help you


What do I need to compile a program against a much older Linux kernel on a different architecture?

I'm trying to restore an old DNS/DHCP appliance machine. It's from around 2009 and runs what appears to be a customized Linux 2.6 kernel.
The copy of OpenSSH installed on the appliance appears to have been modified to only allow a proprietary, restricted shell to run. Bash is available, but my usual workarounds of trying to run a command directly with ssh or setting up a subsystem that gives me a shell have been unsuccessful - the daemon just closes the connection.
Therefore: I need to come up with a replacement SSHD. This is a very memory-constrained machine, so something simple like Dropbear would be the way to go.
Upgrading the machine is not an option at this point.
The problem
I have no idea what I need in order to compile Dropbear against Linux 2.6. I've gotten a copy of the Linux sources and a period-accurate Dropbear release, and gotten it to compile as a static binary on X86 (not 64 bit), and messing around with the make command's includes to point at those sources, but file always tells me that the resulting binary is "For Linux 3.2" anyways.
I've got little C experience beyond following instructions.
What am I missing here, and what is the magic invocation to force make to use the Linux 2.6 sources instead of my work system's sources?

How to compile the Linux kernel to be as small as possible?

I'm working on a side project which requires me to configure and compile a tiny Linux System based on Ubuntu.
The result should be a tiny OS with the following features:
A Bootloader
A Kernel
A Process
A Thread
Miscellaneous (if possible)
A File System
Virtual memory
A Console
I read lots of documents about it, one of them being:
I deleted the file system, and recompiled the kernel using make xconfig. I tried to deactivate modules and configurations many times, but it's not working for me.
How can I configure the kernel for the OS with only the features I listed above? What options can I disable or enable while still having a working system?
Having the Kernel very small is not important for Ubuntu, so maybe choosing Ubuntu is part of your problem. I would use as starting point what OpenWRT does. They do a good work making the Kernel small and it is easy to get started. OpenWrt Buildroot – Usage
try Linux From Scratch. It is a step by step approach on building a minimal Linux system from which you can evolve later on.
Use Gentoo Linux distribution - it's great for practicing on creation of Linux systems. Gentoo has excellent setup documentation, for example about configuring the kernel.
And Gentoo is a little easier and faster to setup than Linux From Scratch (LFS). If you want to go deeper, then LFS may be a good learning step too.

Native windows Linux

I know about several projects for cross compiling between linux and Windows.
The Wine project is great for running windows application inside Linux.
andLinux is a linux running inside Windows.
My question is, can we compile a complete linux OS with a Windows compiler (like mingw32, visual studio , ...) in order to get a linux system which is fully compatible with the Windows PE executable format ?
As wine demonstrates, the PE format isn't really the problem with compatibility.
PE only defines how the program is pieced together at load time. Under windows, RUNDLL interprets it, loads all the program sections to memory, loads all the supporting dlls to memory and patches up the function pointers so that there is a program sitting in memory ready to go. (See for more details. Its a good read!)
There is little stopping you writing a kernel module to do all of this. With the details in the page linked above it may not be to hard and someone may already have done it.
The real issue is the fundamentals of the operating system. Even if linux could load a PE, there would be problems around the fundamental difference in file names (\ or /) as well as the permissions model which is different and the windows registry which doesn't exist under linux. That's before you get into the different windowing model for GUIs.
Therefore the task of getting a windows program to run under linux is less about the program loader and much more about emulating all of the windows DLLs under Linux. As i understand it, this is the main heart of wine.

Linux Kernel Examination in Windows

I want to examine the Linux kernel source code using Visual Studio on Windows. But I don't know how to do that. Do I need a virtual machine to run or debug the kernel or is there any special way for me to do that ???
What does "kernel examination" means to you?
Why can't you more simply study the source code of the Linux kernel?
It is free software, you cant fetch its source code from
it is extremely likely that your Linux vendor publishes either the source code of his variant of Linux kernel, or patches against vanilla kernel source code. The GPLv2 license of the Linux kernel nearly requires such a behavior.
And a Linux system gives you a lot of tools (objdump, ....) to study ELF executable image (like the Linux kernel mostly is....)
You probably won't be able to compile the Linux kernel with Visual Studio. You need GCC (or a very compatible compiler). Linux source code uses many GCC extensions.
My advice is to install a Linux system on your development machine (you can have a dual boot if you want to keep Windows for games....) and to learn it and to use Linux tools (including emacs, grep, etags etc....) to study the source code of Linux. Remember that Linux is the preferred platform to build the Linux kernel... (if your distribution is Debian or Ubuntu or similar, learn about make-kpkg)
Also read some good books about Advanced Linux Programming and about the Linux kernel (there are many of them).
BTW, you could even customize your GCC compiler, e.g. with a plugin or a MELT extension, to measure, search, or even refactor the source code of the kernel. See also cocinelle.

How do I build an app for an old linux distribution, and avoid the FATAL: kernel too old error?

I distribute a statically linked binary version of my application on linux. However, on systems with the 2.4 kernel, I get a segfault on startup, and the message: "FATAL: kernel too old."
How can I easily get a version up and running with a 2.4 kernel? Some of the libraries I need aren't even available on old linux distributions circa 2003. Is there an apt-get install or something that will allow me to easily target older kernels?
The easiest way is to simply install VirtualBox (or something similar, e.g. VMWare),Install CentOS 3 or any suitable old distro with a 2.4 kernel and build/test your app on that.
Since you're getting a "kernel too old", chances are you're relying on some features not present in 2.4 kernels so you'll have to trace down and rework that.
The error might simply be caused by linking statically to glibc, you could try linking to glibc dynamically and all your other libs statically, though to be backwards compatible you'd have to build your app on an old glibv system. Using the lsb tools to build could help too
For my use case, I can't statically link my supporting libraries. Also, current Linux distributions seem to make this difficult to accomplish for certain situations. But I needed my application binaries to run on 10-year old Linux systems.
I also didn't want to limit myself to an ancient 10-year old C/C++ compiler. I also found that the hardware I needed to use prevented me from installing a 10 year old Linux distribution for some reason.
So, I did this:
Installed docker.
Within a docker instance, install a 10-year old Linux system (I used Debian's Lenny distribution). This has the added advantage of making this build system available to any other machine that can run docker.
Within the docker instance, build the current GNU compilers (8.3.0 when I did this).
This gave me a modern compiler that compiled binaries that would run on very old Linux systems. I did this for both 32-bit and 64-bit processors.
From there, I created a series of scripts that allowed me to use the docker-contained cross-compiler to build all my supporting libraries. I made sure to set the rpath to my compiled binaries to a path relative to my binaries (using -Wl,-rpath,$ORIGIN/../lib), and a built a script to retrieve any supporting libraries from the compiler, using g++ -print-search-dirs to get the paths, ldd to get the supporting libraries I needed from my binaries, and some aggressive bash scripting to find the supporting libraries existing within the search-dirs from g++, dropping these libs into the rpath I set up.
From there, I package my binary accordingly, with all supporting libs.
Yeah, this is somewhat painful, but it results in a fully functioning binary capable of working on ridiculously old linux systems without having to install different Linux distributions on multiple virtual machines.
I tried creating a proper cross-compiler (native to the current Linux distribution hosting my docker images), but found it too difficult to work with, even with the best tools I could find to help me. Compiling the compiler within a docker image took far less of my time, and worked rather smoothly.
