Hosting a web application on an ad-hoc network in linux - linux

This is my first question on SO. Basically, I am attempting to create a sort of offline neighborhood forum. I have setup NodeBB to host a forum locally, but the problem is allowing users to connect. Eventually I plan to use a high-strength wireless router to broadcast an open network, and from there redirect all traffic to the local page. In the mean time, I was wondering if it would be possible to implement this with by means of an ad-hoc network. Broadcasting an ad-hoc network seems easy enough, but how might I redirect the traffic to the port running NodeBB? Any help or comments on the overall idea would be greatly appreciated.

By default, NodeBB listens on all network interfaces (, so if you set up an ad-hoc network, anybody connected to your machine will be able to access it via MACHINE_IP:4567.
If you have your machine behind a NAT/Router, you'll have to forward port 4567 to your machine. Alternatively, you could translate requests from external port 80 to port 4567, though that is untested for NodeBB specifically.


Docker: intercept outbound traffic and change ip:port to another container

First of all, I wanna say that I don't have much experience in advanced networking on Linux.
A have a task to deploy our .deb packages in containers, and applications are mostly tunned for operating on localhost while being designed with the capability of operating onset of server machines (DB, application, client, etc), but since components of the app have been distributed between containers, I need to make it work together. The goal is to do it w/o any pre-setup sequences that change the IP address in configs for components since target IP is uncertain and IP alias in /etc/hosts may not solve the problem.
Could I somehow intercept outbound connection to localhost:5672 and forward it to, we say, with the ability to correctly receive incoming traffic from the resource we forwarded to? Can you give me some examples of the script?

Issues SSHing to Raspberry Pi From External IP

I've been trying to SSH to my RPi from an external network for a while with little luck. I've followed all the guides and they say all the same things: get SSH set up, port forward on port 22, and then connect using your external IP address. I've been able to easily SSH to the RPi using my internal IP from the same network with no problem, but not from my external IP. This is my configuration for port forwarding:
That is the internal IP for my RPi's ethernet connection. I've tried it with the IP for WiFi as well and it just has the same effect. When I try to SSH using my external IP, it just times out no matter which internal IP is port forwarded (ethernet or WiFi). I've tried it both on PuTTY on my PC and from my Macbook using
sudo ssh pi#my.external.ip.address
It still just times out. The only thing I can think that might be happening is some issue with a firewall, but I have no idea how firewalls work so if this has been seen before and it is a firewall issue, more detailed guide would be nice.
Even if the issue is not known, is there any way to debug the SSH call and see where exactly it's failing when I use the external IP? Any kind of help is greatly appreciated.
I recently struggled through a lot of this with my pi. As alvits suggests, if you are trying to connect to the pi via the LAN it probably won't work. You need to test from an external IP address.
You shouldn't need to sudo either.
If you are still using pi/raspberry as the username and password, change ASAP. Once the firewall is open it won't take long before you start to see bots trying to log in. I think it was about 30 minutes on my machine. It was interesting for a few days, then annoying. Almost all attacks stopped when I moved off of port 22.
According to this page, it does not appear that my router supports SSH. I was able to find guides online of how to enable it using custom firmware, however I probably won't be attempting that. Thanks for the help anyways!

How do I access my node.js website from an external device?

I have a node.js website running on my Ubuntu VM. I can access it both from the host and the VM. But if I try, from an external device connected to the same network over WiFi, it doesn't work.
What I need to do to make the web site accessible to external devices on the same local network?
I've been googling this for days, and still can't find an answer...
If the host is Windows, there's two things you'll have to do. One is setting up port forwarding in your VM settings. If you're using Virtual Box check this out. Also, depending on your internal networking setup, you may need to allow inbound connections to port 80 through Windows Firewall. Check out this article from Microsoft. The process hasn't really changed since Windows 7 so it should be the same on 8 or 10.
As a side note, security through obscurity sucks but I still wouldn't recommend using port 80.

Receive realtime data from phone

I am using an android app that streams real-time accelerometer data to the specified ip address of a server. I have written a "server" in C running on Linux which is running in VMware.
I am connected to the hotspot created by the Windows7(Host machine) running the VMware Workstation.
So my question is how do I connect the virtual-machine to same network as the hotspot so that I can get the phone and the "server" program on the same network and stream data to the server program?
I use VirtualBox, but I'm guessing the settings are very similar in VMWare Workstation.
You probably need to do one or both of these things:
1) Port Forwarding. If your app is hitting port 80 (or whatever port), you'll need to tell VMWare that any hits coming in to the host machine on that port get forwarded to the VM. Of course, your VM will have to be listening on that port. I'd suggest using a high port number (over 1024) to minimize conflicts, and avoid annoying root/admin issues using a low port number.
2) Hopefully that gets you there. If not, you may need to change the virtual adapter settings on the VM. NAT mode is a good first try. If not, there are other modes (bridged, internal, host-only) you can tinker with. (Not sure if VMWare uses different names)
That's probably all you need for the topology you describe -- Android device connected directly to the same subnet as the host machine. If not, perhaps your hotspot routes all client traffic to the gateway (i.e. out to the Internet), without allowing direct access to localhost. If so, maybe there are settings for that. If not, ngrok is your new best friend.
It is SUPER easy and allows you to tunnel traffic from anywhere on the Internet to a specific service running on your machine. This would sidestep some of the issues above.
If you want to take your Android device to another network (e.g. cell network), then ngrok is absolutely the way to go, particularly for development and prototyping. This lets you avoid issues with DNS, routing, firewalls, etc.

Port Forwarding An Linux IP In Virtualbox ISSUES

Here's The Scoop,
I used SET (Social Engineering Toolkit) and made duplicite of a login page, the ip that was used was (Mind you this is on a virtual machine Virtualbox), and when I tried to view it on another computer, it says the server is not responding.I tried to port forward but it was giveing me issues.
is there anything I can do to port forward or do something like that to make the web page connected to the IP viewable on the World Wide Web of another computer.
In other words, the IP's page is only viewable on the same computer who's ip I used to host, can you make it viewable on any computers browser by port forwarding it or something that will work like that.
Use bridging networking for the guest machine. Then, that IP address should be accessible on your network if there are no firewalls enabled.
There are several issues with directly accessing this IP from a separate computer.
First, the forwarding: the computer with the VirtualMachine must accept ip forwarding. This is easy to enable:
Second, the routing: other computers must know who to ask when looking for This is the hardest part. You could try adding a special route rule on the other computer, to set the host as a gateway for, but it requires you to make this on every machine that wishes to access the VM.
As Ahmed said, the easiest way is probably to use a network bridge, where the virtual machine will act as any other computer on the network, with a visible IP.
