memory corruption while executing my code - visual-c++

# include "stdafx.h"
# include <iostream>
#include <ctype.h>
using namespace std;
class a
int d;
virtual void assign(int A) = 0;
int get();
class b : a
char* n;
virtual ~b()
delete n;
void assign(int A)
void assignchar(char *c)
int get()
return d;
char* getchart()
return n;
class c : b
b *pB;
int e;
pB=new b();
delete pB;
void assign(int A)
int get()
return e;
b* getp()
return pB;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
c *pC=new c();
b *p=pC->getp();
char *abc=p->getchart();
delete pC;
i'm a noob at c++ and was experimenting when i got to this point. I don't understand why i keep getting a memory corruption message from VS2010. I am trying to replicate a problem which is at a higher level by breaking it down into smaller bits, any help would be appreciated.

From a cursory glance, you are passing a static char array to AssignChar that cannot be deleted (ie when you type "A" into your code, its a special block of memory the compiler allocates for you).
You need to understand what assignment of a char* does (or any pointer to type). When you call n=c you are just assigning the pointer, the memory that pointer points to remains where it is. So, unless this is exactly what you meant to do, you will have 2 pointers pointing to the same block of memory.. and you need to decide which to delete (you can't delete it twice, that'd be bad).
My advice here is to start using C++, so no more char* types, use std::string instead. Using char* is C programming. Note that if you did use a std::string, and passed one to assignChars, it would copy as you expected (and there is no need to free std::string objects in your destructor, they handle all that for you).

The problem occurs when you're trying to delete pC.
When ~c() destructor calls ~b() destructor - you're trying to delete n;.
The problem is that after assignchar(), n points to a string literal which was given to it as an argument ("a").
That string is not dynamically allocated, and should not be freed, meaning you should either remove the 'delete n;' line, or give a dynamically-allocated string to assignchar() as an argument.


'PTX JIT compilation failed' from cuModuleLoadData

Below is the code:
#define FILENAME "kernel.code"
#define kernel_name "hello_world"
#define THREADS 4
std::vector<char> load_file()
std::ifstream file(FILENAME, std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
std::streamsize fsize = file.tellg();
file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
std::vector<char> buffer(fsize);
if (!, fsize)) {
failed("could not open code object '%s'\n", FILENAME);
return buffer;
struct joinable_thread : std::thread
template <class... Xs>
joinable_thread(Xs&&... xs) : std::thread(std::forward<Xs>(xs)...) // NOLINT
joinable_thread& operator=(joinable_thread&& other) = default;
joinable_thread(joinable_thread&& other) = default;
void run(const std::vector<char>& buffer) {
CUdevice device;
CUDACHECK(cuDeviceGet(&device, 0));
CUcontext context;
CUDACHECK(cuCtxCreate(&context, 0, device));
CUmodule Module;
CUDACHECK(cuModuleLoadData(&Module, &buffer[0]));
void run_multi_threads(uint32_t n) {
auto buffer = load_file();
std::vector<joinable_thread> threads;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
threads.emplace_back(std::thread{[&, i, buffer] {
int main() {
And the code used for ptx is as follows:
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
extern "C" __global__ void hello_world(float* a, float* b) {
int tx = threadIdx.x;
b[tx] = a[tx];
I m generating the ptx in this way
nvcc --ptx -o kernel.code
Im using a machine with GeForce GTX TITAN X.
And Im facing this "PTX JIT compilation failed" from cuModuleLoadData error, only when I m trying to use this with multiple threads. If i remove the multi-threading part and run normally, this error doesn't occur.
Can anyone please tell me what is going wrong and how to overcome this.
As mentioned in the comments, I was able to get it to work by moving the load_file() call to the main, so that the buffer read from the file is valid, and then pass only the buffer to all the threads.
Actually in the original code, the buffer will be deconstructed once it leaves the '{...}' scope. So when thread starts, you may read the invalid buffer.
If you put your buffer in the main, it will not be deconstructed or freed until the program exits.
So yes, it's because you pass the invalid buffer (which may have already been freed) to the cu code.

can we convert Audio (.mp3) to video (mp4) in android studio? how?

i am new in this and i am working on App of media player and recording app. in which i have shown song list of device in the listview and recording start / stop / play. Now i want to convert that .mp3 recorded file into .mp4 and one image will show on behalf of a video in that file. Help me to achive this i have no idea and i refer many links and i didnt find anything.
Please check this link for your first question:
Why can't we initialize class members at their declaration?
Usually constructor is use to initialize value to data variables of class.
For 2nd Question:
If data member is not initialize after creation of object, It will contain garbage value. So initialize or assign suitable value to as per your need.
Check below code:
using namespace std;
class swap_values
int a, b, temp;
swap_values(int x, int y){
a = x;
b = y;
temp = 0;
void swapped()
temp = b;
void print(){
cout<<"a: "<<a<<" b: "<<b<<endl;
int main()
int x =10; int y = 20;
swap_values obj(x, y);
return 0;
Everything can be done in better ways but just using your code this will work for you -
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Swap {
int a,b,temp;
void swapNums()
temp=a; a=b; b=temp;
cout<<a<<" " <<b<<endl;
int main() {
Swap s;
return 0;
You can avoid using class name as some function name. You can instead use constructor without a return type where you can initialise the member variables. swap method looks fine.
i am not able to initialize my variable in class.
class swap
int a=10; \\cannot declare here
int b=20; \\ cannot declare here
Since C++11, this is fine, you can have default member initialization.
The error is due to missing semicolon after }.
why it has garbage value with b ??
Since temp was never initialized before assigning it to b, temp has an indeterminate value.
Any usage will lead to undefined behavior.
Here's a simple Swap struct:
struct Swap
int a = 10; // default member initialization
int b = 20; // default member initialization
Swap(int a = 20, int b = 10): a(b), b(a) {}; // swap on initialization
// using member initializer list
Swap s;
std::cout << s.a // 20
<< s.b // 10
<< std::endl;
In this example, default member initialization is "obsolete" / "redundant" due to member initializer list.

Displaying results in c++

I have a question concerning working with classes in c++. I must say I'm a beginner. For example, i have this class:
class student {
char* name;
int nrcrt;
student() {
name = new char[7];
name = "Anonim";
nrcrt = 0;
student(char* n, int n) {
this->name = new char[7];
strcpy(name, n);
nrcrt = nr;
~student() {
delete [] name;
char* get_name() {
return this->name;
void main() {
student group[3];
group[0] = student("Ana", 1);
group[1] = student("Alex", 2);
group[2] = student("Liam", 5);
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
if (group.nrcrt[i] != 0)
cout << group[i].get_name() << Endl;
My question is why is it displaying different characters?
first of all your code is not working.
3.cpp:40:18: error: request for member ‘nrcrt’ in ‘group’, which is of non-class type ‘student [3]’
i is also not declared.please make proper changes.
should be changed to:
When the array is created, your default constructor is used.
When you assign to the elements, your destructor is called, deleting name.
The default constructor is assigning a literal to name, and deleting that memory has undefined behaviour.
In your default constructor, replace
name = "Anonim";
strcpy(name, "Anonim");
Your compiler should have warned you about the assignment.
If it didn't, increase the warning level of your compiler.
If it did, start listening to your compiler's warnings.
do not worry. C++ could look a bit scary as first but it is ok when you get into it. First, let's say that all classes it is good to start with upper case letters. Secondly, you have two constructors (default without parameters and one or more with, in our case one). Default consructor you need to declare an array of objects:
Student group[3];
The next important thing is that you then do not need the rest of the constructors in that case.
Remember to include ; at the end of class declaration. To put all the statements and expression throughout your interation within the same loop. Here is what I found as an errors anf fix them. Could probably have more.
class Student
char* name;
int nrcrt;
name=new char[7];
strcpy(name, "Anonim");
Student( char* n, int n)
this->name=new char[7];
strcpy(name, n);
delete [] name;
char* get_name()
return this->name;
int main()
Student group[3];
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
return 0;

Error in storing member function as function pointers in C++

I am trying to store a pointer to a member function in a structure which will be used to call the function later in my program.
Something like this:
// abc.h
namespace XYZ {
typedef void func(const uint8_t *buf, int len);
struct holder
// other members
func * storePtr;
} // end of namespace
the other file as:
// pqr.h
#include abc.h
namespace XYZ {
class pqr {
// data members and other functions
void func1(const uint8_t *buffer, int length);
void func2(func *section);
void func3();
} // end of namespace
Now my cpp file needs to store instance of this func1 in my structure member storePtr
// app.cpp
#include pqr.h
void pqr::funct3()
// Do something
void pqr::func2(func * section)
holder h;
h.storePtr = section;
But I am getting compilation error at line "func2(func1);" as
"error C3867: 'pqr::func1': function call missing argument list; use '&pqr::func1' to create a pointer to member"
I have used &pqr:: to define the scope but it also doesn't solve my problem and I am not able to understand what to do.
Pointers to member function are not the same thing as pointers to normal functions - have a look at the explanation and example here:

split a string using find_if

I found the following code in the book "Accelerated C++" (Chapter 6.1.1), but I can't compile it. The problem is with the find_if lines. I have the necessary includes (vector, string, algorithm, cctype). Any idea?
Thanks, Jabba
bool space(char c) {
return isspace(c);
bool not_space(char c) {
return !isspace(c);
vector<string> split_v3(const string& str)
typedef string::const_iterator iter;
vector<string> ret;
iter i, j;
i = str.begin();
while (i != str.end())
// ignore leading blanks
i = find_if(i, str.end(), not_space);
// find end of next word
j = find_if(i, str.end(), space);
// copy the characters in [i, j)
if (i != str.end()) {
ret.push_back(string(i, j));
i = j;
return ret;
Writing this in a more STL-like manner,
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template<class P, class T>
void split(const string &str, P pred, T output) {
for (string::const_iterator i, j = str.begin(), str_end = str.end();
(i = find_if(j, str_end, not1(pred))) != str_end;)
*output++ = string(i, j = find_if(i, str_end, pred));
int main() {
string input;
while (cin >> input) {
vector<string> words;
split(input, ptr_fun(::isspace), inserter(words, words.begin()));
copy(words.begin(), words.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, "\n"));
return 0;
There is no problem in the code you posted. There is a very obvious problem with the real code you linked to: is_space and space are member functions, and they cannot be called without an instance of Split2. This requirement doesn't make sense, though, so at least you should make those functions static.
(Actually it doesn't make much sense for split_v3 to be a member function either. What does having a class called Split2 achieve over having just a free function - possibly in a namespace?)
As requested:
class SplitV2 {
void foo();
struct space { bool operator() (char c) { return isspace(c); } };
struct not_space {
Split2::space space;
bool operator() (char c) { return !space(c); }
Use them with std::find_if(it, it2, space()) or std::find_if(it, it2, not_space().
Notice that not_space has a default constructed space as a member variable. It may be not wise to construct space in every call to bool not_space::operator() but maybe the compiler could take care of this. If the syntax for overloading operator() confuses you and you would like to know more about using structs as Predicates you should have a look at operator overloading and some guidelines to the STL.
Off hand, I would say it should probably be
i = str.find_if( ...
j = str.find_if( ...
