split a string using find_if - string

I found the following code in the book "Accelerated C++" (Chapter 6.1.1), but I can't compile it. The problem is with the find_if lines. I have the necessary includes (vector, string, algorithm, cctype). Any idea?
Thanks, Jabba
bool space(char c) {
return isspace(c);
bool not_space(char c) {
return !isspace(c);
vector<string> split_v3(const string& str)
typedef string::const_iterator iter;
vector<string> ret;
iter i, j;
i = str.begin();
while (i != str.end())
// ignore leading blanks
i = find_if(i, str.end(), not_space);
// find end of next word
j = find_if(i, str.end(), space);
// copy the characters in [i, j)
if (i != str.end()) {
ret.push_back(string(i, j));
i = j;
return ret;

Writing this in a more STL-like manner,
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template<class P, class T>
void split(const string &str, P pred, T output) {
for (string::const_iterator i, j = str.begin(), str_end = str.end();
(i = find_if(j, str_end, not1(pred))) != str_end;)
*output++ = string(i, j = find_if(i, str_end, pred));
int main() {
string input;
while (cin >> input) {
vector<string> words;
split(input, ptr_fun(::isspace), inserter(words, words.begin()));
copy(words.begin(), words.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, "\n"));
return 0;

There is no problem in the code you posted. There is a very obvious problem with the real code you linked to: is_space and space are member functions, and they cannot be called without an instance of Split2. This requirement doesn't make sense, though, so at least you should make those functions static.
(Actually it doesn't make much sense for split_v3 to be a member function either. What does having a class called Split2 achieve over having just a free function - possibly in a namespace?)

As requested:
class SplitV2 {
void foo();
struct space { bool operator() (char c) { return isspace(c); } };
struct not_space {
Split2::space space;
bool operator() (char c) { return !space(c); }
Use them with std::find_if(it, it2, space()) or std::find_if(it, it2, not_space().
Notice that not_space has a default constructed space as a member variable. It may be not wise to construct space in every call to bool not_space::operator() but maybe the compiler could take care of this. If the syntax for overloading operator() confuses you and you would like to know more about using structs as Predicates you should have a look at operator overloading and some guidelines to the STL.

Off hand, I would say it should probably be
i = str.find_if( ...
j = str.find_if( ...


Get function from x64 instruction pointers?

This is an exercise that I want to implement in real code
I send a signal to my app (x86-64 linux). My app then executes code that walks the stack and prints out instruction pointers. I'm not sure if I want only the last few or everything to main. Anyway, I'm releasing an optimized binary without debug information. I strip symbols before its distributed.
I was wondering, how do I translate it back? I don't need to translate it in the app. I can use the machine I build to go from rip's to functions. I was thinking maybe I should also distribute one with debug information and maybe have the user be able to see the function+line but I think line will be unlikely if its optimized well
Another problem I have is my code doesn't seem to walk past the signal function. backtrace figures it out but I'm trying to do this without libc. Here's some code
#include <signal.h>
#include <cstdio>
typedef unsigned long long u64;
int mybacktrace();
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void print_stacktrace(void) {
size_t size;
enum Constexpr { MAX_SIZE = 1024 };
void *array[MAX_SIZE];
size = backtrace(array, MAX_SIZE);
backtrace_symbols_fd(array, size, STDOUT_FILENO);
void mysig(int signo) {
int mybacktrace() {
p = (u64*)((u64)&p + 16); //seems to work correctly
for (int i = 0; i < 10 && (u64)p >= 1<<16; i++)
printf("%d %p\n", i, p[1]);
p = (u64*)(p[0]);
print_stacktrace(); return 0;
return 0;
int test()
return mybacktrace();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
signal(SIGILL, mysig);
return 0;

Pointer of arma::mat or arma::vet as arguments of Rcpp function for internal purpose only

I am developing an R package using RcppArmadillo. I was writing a few util functions, which manipulate arma::mat and arma::vec objects. So I was trying to use pointer of arma::mat (or arma::vec) as arguments of those functions. Just like the following C++ example (https://onlinegdb.com/mNczwaPaV), I just want to pass the address of object, then manipulate the object value:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void plus_one(int *x){
*x = *x + 1;
int main(){
int x = 1;
printf("%d", x);
return 0;
...Program finished with exit code 0
Press ENTER to exit console.
Here is a toy example I was trying. RStudio gave me the error message "called object type 'arma::vec *' (aka 'Col *') is not a function or function pointer."
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
void f2(arma::vec *v){
*v = (*v)%log(*v) + (1-(*v))*log(1-(*v));
void trim(arma::vec *v, double tol){
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::vec f1(arma::vec v){
trim(&v, 1e-8);
/*** R
I don't think v.memptr() allows me to manipulate the vector by R-like vector operations. For example,
double* v_mem = v.memptr();
does not give the entrywise addition result. (Here, I want is v+1 in R). Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you!

C++ Qt: Redirect cout from a thread to emit a signal

In a single thread, I have this beautiful class that redirects all cout output to a QTextEdit
#include <iostream>
#include <streambuf>
#include <string>
#include <QScrollBar>
#include "QTextEdit"
#include "QDateTime"
class ThreadLogStream : public std::basic_streambuf<char>, QObject
ThreadLogStream(std::ostream &stream) : m_stream(stream)
m_old_buf = stream.rdbuf();
// output anything that is left
if (!m_string.empty())
virtual int_type overflow(int_type v)
if (v == '\n')
m_string.erase(m_string.begin(), m_string.end());
m_string += v;
return v;
virtual std::streamsize xsputn(const char *p, std::streamsize n)
m_string.append(p, p + n);
long pos = 0;
while (pos != static_cast<long>(std::string::npos))
pos = m_string.find('\n');
if (pos != static_cast<long>(std::string::npos))
std::string tmp(m_string.begin(), m_string.begin() + pos);
m_string.erase(m_string.begin(), m_string.begin() + pos + 1);
return n;
std::ostream &m_stream;
std::streambuf *m_old_buf;
std::string m_string;
QTextEdit* log_window;
However, this doesn't work if ANY thread (QThread) is initiated with a cout. This is because all pointers are messed up, and one has to use signals and slots for allowing transfer of data between the sub-thread and the main thread.
I would like to modify this class to emit a signal rather than write to a text file. This requires that this class becomes a Q_OBJECT and be inherited from one. I tried to inherit from QObject in addition to std::basic_streambuf<char> and added Q_OBJECT macro in the body but it didn't compile.
Could you please help me to achieve this? What should I do to get this class to emit signals that I can connect to and that are thread safe?
For those who need the full "working" answer, here it's. I just copied it because #GraemeRock asked for it.
#ifndef ThreadLogStream_H
#define ThreadLogStream_H
#include <iostream>
#include <streambuf>
#include <string>
#include <QScrollBar>
#include "QTextEdit"
#include "QDateTime"
class ThreadLogStream : public QObject, public std::basic_streambuf<char>
ThreadLogStream(std::ostream &stream) : m_stream(stream)
m_old_buf = stream.rdbuf();
// output anything that is left
if (!m_string.empty())
emit sendLogString(QString::fromStdString(m_string));
virtual int_type overflow(int_type v)
if (v == '\n')
emit sendLogString(QString::fromStdString(m_string));
m_string.erase(m_string.begin(), m_string.end());
m_string += v;
return v;
virtual std::streamsize xsputn(const char *p, std::streamsize n)
m_string.append(p, p + n);
long pos = 0;
while (pos != static_cast<long>(std::string::npos))
pos = static_cast<long>(m_string.find('\n'));
if (pos != static_cast<long>(std::string::npos))
std::string tmp(m_string.begin(), m_string.begin() + pos);
emit sendLogString(QString::fromStdString(tmp));
m_string.erase(m_string.begin(), m_string.begin() + pos + 1);
return n;
std::ostream &m_stream;
std::streambuf *m_old_buf;
std::string m_string;
void sendLogString(const QString& str);
#endif // ThreadLogStream_H
The derivation needs to happen QObject-first:
class LogStream : public QObject, std::basic_streambuf<char> {
If the goal was to minimally modify your code, there's a simpler way. You don't need to inherit QObject to emit signals iff you know exactly what slots the signals are going to. All you need to do is to invoke the slot in a thread safe way:
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(log_window, "append", Qt::QueuedConnection,
Q_ARG(QString, tmp.c_str()));
To speed things up, you can cache the method so that it doesn't have to be looked up every time:
class LogStream ... {
QPointer<QTextEdit> m_logWindow;
QMetaMethod m_append;
LogStream::LogStream(...) :
m_logWindow->metaObject()->indexOfSlot("append(QString)") )) {
You can then invoke it more efficiently:
m_append.invoke(m_logWindow, Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QString, tmp.c_str()));
Finally, whenever you're holding pointers to objects whose lifetimes are not under your control, it's helpful to use QPointer since it never dangles. A QPointer resets itself to 0 when the pointed-to object gets destructed. It will at least prevent you from dereferencing a dangling pointer, since it never dangles.

memory corruption while executing my code

# include "stdafx.h"
# include <iostream>
#include <ctype.h>
using namespace std;
class a
int d;
virtual void assign(int A) = 0;
int get();
class b : a
char* n;
virtual ~b()
delete n;
void assign(int A)
void assignchar(char *c)
int get()
return d;
char* getchart()
return n;
class c : b
b *pB;
int e;
pB=new b();
delete pB;
void assign(int A)
int get()
return e;
b* getp()
return pB;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
c *pC=new c();
b *p=pC->getp();
char *abc=p->getchart();
delete pC;
i'm a noob at c++ and was experimenting when i got to this point. I don't understand why i keep getting a memory corruption message from VS2010. I am trying to replicate a problem which is at a higher level by breaking it down into smaller bits, any help would be appreciated.
From a cursory glance, you are passing a static char array to AssignChar that cannot be deleted (ie when you type "A" into your code, its a special block of memory the compiler allocates for you).
You need to understand what assignment of a char* does (or any pointer to type). When you call n=c you are just assigning the pointer, the memory that pointer points to remains where it is. So, unless this is exactly what you meant to do, you will have 2 pointers pointing to the same block of memory.. and you need to decide which to delete (you can't delete it twice, that'd be bad).
My advice here is to start using C++, so no more char* types, use std::string instead. Using char* is C programming. Note that if you did use a std::string, and passed one to assignChars, it would copy as you expected (and there is no need to free std::string objects in your destructor, they handle all that for you).
The problem occurs when you're trying to delete pC.
When ~c() destructor calls ~b() destructor - you're trying to delete n;.
The problem is that after assignchar(), n points to a string literal which was given to it as an argument ("a").
That string is not dynamically allocated, and should not be freed, meaning you should either remove the 'delete n;' line, or give a dynamically-allocated string to assignchar() as an argument.

Good way to tokenize line from file without using external libraries?

I am trying to tokenize a database dump separated by commas. I only need to read the first word, which will tell me if this is the line I need and then tokenize the line and save each separated string in a vector.
I have had trouble keeping all of the datatypes in order. I use a method of getline:
string line;
vector<string> tokens;
// Iterate through each line of the file
while( getline( file, line ) )
// Here is where i want to tokenize. strtok however uses a character array and not a string.
The thing is, I only want to continue reading and tokenize a line if the first word is what I am after. Here is a sample of a line from the file:
So, if I am after the string example, it goes ahead and tokenizes the rest of the line for my use and then stops reading from the file.
Should I be using strtok, stringstream or something else?
Thank you!
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
void do(ifstream& file) {
string line;
string prefix = "example,";
// Get all lines from the file
while (getline(file,line).good()) {
// Compare the beginning for your prefix
if (line.compare(0, prefix.size(), prefix) == 0) {
// Homemade tokenization
vector<string> tokens;
int oldpos = 0;
int pos;
while ((pos = line.find(',', oldpos)) != string::npos) {
tokens.push_back(line.substr(oldpos, pos-oldpos));
oldpos = pos + 1;
tokens.push_back(line.substr(oldpos)); // don't forget the last bit
// And here you are!
How do I tokenize a string in C++?
Hope this helps, though I am not proficient C/C++ programmer. For the record it would be nice if you could specify in the tags or in post language you are using.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
class Tokenizer
void Tokenize(std::string& str, std::vector<std::string>& tokens);
#endif /* TOKENIZER_H */
#include "Tokenizer.h"
using namespace std;
string seps(string& s) {
if (!s.size()) return "";
stringstream ss;
ss << s[0];
for (int i = 1; i < s.size(); i++)
ss << '|' << s[i];
return ss.str();
void tok(string& str, vector<string>& tokens, const string& delimiters = ",")
string::size_type lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, 0);
string::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
while (string::npos != pos || string::npos != lastPos)
tokens.push_back(str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos));
lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, pos);
pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
void Tokenizer::Tokenize(string& str, vector<string>& tokens)
tok(seps(str), tokens);
To tokenize a string
#include "Tokenizer.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Required variables for later below
vector<string> t;
string s = "This is one string,This is another,And this is another one aswell.";
// What you need to include:
Tokenizer tokenizer;
tokenizer.Tokenize(s, t); // s = a string to tokenize, t = vector to store tokens
// Below is just to show the tokens in the vector<string> (c++11+)
for (auto c : t)
cout << c << endl;
return 0;
