Insert a line before specific ID and renumerate ID column - linux

A file contains ID, Name and other columns. I want to insert a row containing name with details before a specific ID. Then ID column should be updated with proper ID sequence.
Sample File content:
1 AAA ...
2 BBB ...
3 CCC ...
4 XXX ...
5 YYY ...
6 ZZZ ...
I want to insert MMM ... before ID #4 i.e. before a row 4 XXX ...
Desired output:
1 AAA ...
2 BBB ...
3 CCC ...
4 MMM ...
5 XXX ...
6 YYY ...
7 ZZZ ...
I could do proper insert using following command but not sure how to update ID column with proper numbering.
sed '/^\s*4/ i 4 MMM ...' file
It would be appreciable if you could help me solve this problem.

One option can be:
awk '/^4/ {print ++i, "MMM"} /^[0-9]/ {$1=++i} 1' file
/^4/ {print ++i, "MMM"} on line starting with 4, print MMM with an incremental value.
/^[0-9]/ {$1=++i} on lines starting with number, set first field to an incremental value.
1 print line
$ awk '/^4/ {print ++i, "MMM"} /^[0-9]/ {$1=++i} 1' file
1 AAA ...
2 BBB ...
3 CCC ...
5 XXX ...
6 YYY ...
7 ZZZ ...

$ awk '/^4 /{print "4 MMM ..."; inc=1} /^[[:digit:]]/{$1+=inc} 1' file
1 AAA ...
2 BBB ...
3 CCC ...
4 MMM ...
5 XXX ...
6 YYY ...
7 ZZZ ...


How to sort and ignore spaces?

I'm trying to sort a file but I can't get the results I want.
I have this file :
742550111 aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa 2008 3 1 1
5816470687 aa a dissertation for the 933 2 2 2
Each field is separated by a tabulation, and I would like to sort on the second column.
When I try sort test.txt -t\t -k 2, the output is the same as in the file.
But the output I want to have is :
5816470687 aa a dissertation for the 933 2 2 2
742550111 aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa 2008 3 1 1
I think that's because sort ignores the spaces between the words.
So I tried with this command : LC_ALL=C sort test.txt -t\t -k 2, but it still doesn't work.
Do you have any ideas ?
Bash replaces $'\t' with a real tab:
LC_ALL=C sort file -t $'\t' -k 2
5816470687 aa a dissertation for the 933 2 2 2
742550111 aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa 2008 3 1 1

Mainframe Sort - Getting count based on field

My requirement is to get the count based on the field.
For example:
AAA 1234
AAA 111
AAA 112
BBB 123
BBB 123
BBB 333
CCC 333
Output should be:
AAA 2000
BBB 300
I am using the Sort card:
But I need the count to be left justified. Currently the count is displaying with leading spaces.
How can I make these count results left justified?

linux group by date column and show count [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Best way to simulate "group by" from bash?
(17 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
i have a CSV file that looks like this:
aaa bbb ccc, 2015-01-01
fff ggg ddd, 2015-01-01
ggg hhh sss, 2015-01-02
ddd fff aaa, 2015-01-03
sss kkk www, 2015-01-03
i want to group by the second field (date).
cat myfile.csv | sort -t, k2 |uniq -c
printed 1 next to every line which is wrong.
i want this:
2015-01-01 2
2015-01-02 1
2015-01-03 2
This assumes, as in your example, that the dates are in order:
$ awk -F, 'NR>1 && d!=$2 {print d,c;c=0} {c++; d=$2;} END{print d,c;}' myfile.csv
2015-01-01 2
2015-01-02 1
2015-01-03 2

How to replace the character I want in a line

1 aaa bbb aaa
2 aaa ccccccccc aaa
3 aaa xx aaa
How to replace the second aaa to yyy for each line
1 aaa bbb yyy
2 aaa ccccccccc yyy
3 aaa xx yyy
Issuing the following command will solve your problem.
Another way would be with \zs and \ze, which mark the beginning and end of a match in a pattern. So you could do:
In other words, find "aaa" followed by anything and then another "aaa", and replace that with "yyy".
If you have three "aaa"s on a line, this won't work, though, and you should use \{-} instead of *. (See :h non-greedy)

Add a line counter to lines matching a pattern

I need to prepend a line counter to lines matching specific patterns in a file, while still outputting the lines that do not match this pattern.
For example, if my file looks like this:
aaa 123
bbb 456
aaa 666
ccc 777
bbb 999
and the patterns I want to count are 'aaa' and 'ccc', I'd like to get the following output:
1:aaa 123
bbb 456
2:aaa 666
3:ccc 777
bbb 999
Preferably I'm looking for a Linux one-liner. Shell or tool doesn't matter as long it's installed by default in most distros.
With awk:
awk '{if ($1=="aaa" || $1=="ccc") {a++; $0=a":"$0}} {print}' file
1: aaa 123
bbb 456
2: aaa 666
3: ccc 777
bbb 999
Loop through lines checking whether first field is aaa or ccc. If so, append the line ($0) with the variable a and auto increment it. Finally, print the line in all cases: if the pattern was matched will have a in the beginning, otherways just the original line.
Use the following code. The following approach is in perl
open FH,"<abc.txt";
$incremental_val = 1;
while(my $line = <FH>){
if($line =~ m/^aaa / || $line =~ m/^ccc /){
print "$incremental_val : $line\n";
print "$line\n";
close FH;
The output will be as follows.
1 : aaa 123
bbb 456
2 : aaa 666
3 : ccc 777
bbb 999
