Changing tour bounce altitude on Google Earth Web API - kml

During a tour using a KML file, is there a way to specify the bounce altitude or height? For example, I want it to zoom out all the way to the continent level before flying into another location (which is in another continent). Is it possible to regulate that?

Use a "smooth" flyToMode instead of the default "bounce" to first fly to the continent level (you can also set the speed). Then use a second bounce (or smooth) flyTo to get to your destination from there.


How to move marker with animation along routing path?

I want to move marker along curved path.I do receive LatLong every minute.
for example A, B are received LatLong locations. I need right way to make it happen.
I could move using leaflet.animateMarker
but it moves from A point to B which is bad when the path is curved.
curved path. Please advise if you have any idea about how to move the marker along curved path? thanks in advance!
You can use lib from GitHub This. It is very commonly used to animate markers on Leaflet map. Hope this will cover your needs.
Let move your markers along a polyline.
You can zoom in/out, your moving marker will be at the right place !
You can pause or end the animation whenever you want.
You can deal with events.
You can make loop.
You can add the the point one by one.
You can add station at some points of the polyline.

What type of KML data is being displayed in this picture?

I'm trying to make a KML that displays the red lines in a similar fashion. I would like to use it for training on setting up satellites for television.
I'm not sure how to create this or what it's called. I know the Azimuth, Altitude and distance information is being displayed. I have been searching for hours and I can't find anything on how to do this or what it is called.
It is a tessellate KML. I needed to increased the altitude for each point manually by editing the file. I was able to achieve the end state this way.

Visible zoom level for GroundOverlay in KML?

First off, I apologize if this is a novice question and/or if it has been asked already. I'm new to KML and so far, searching for 'GroundOverlay' and 'zoom' hasn't helped me.
I have created a KMZ file from an ESRI ArcGIS Layer. The KMZ includes a GroundOverlay (which is a PNG image). The KMZ opens and works fine in Google Earth, but now I would like to limit its visibility. My data is for the continental 48 US States and is meant to be viewed as such. So, zooming in to a 500-mile eye alt in Google Earth doesn't do the user any good. Is there a setting for GroundOverlay that turns its visibility off when the user is zoomed in to a specific level in Google Earth?
Making features visible in Google Earth when you're zoomed in/out can be controlled by adding a Region to your GroundOverlay. Same concept works for any KML Feature (i.e., Document, Folder, Placemark, GroundOverlay, NetworkLink, etc.)
You can simply add a Region to your GroundOverlay with maxLodPixels value to make it disappear when you're zoomed in. A more advanced setup could have smaller region-sized image overlays rather than a singe continent-sized overlay where each GroundOverlay has a Region for when when that overlay is visible. The visibility of the Region is defined when the bounds of the region (via LatLonAltBox) with respect to a minimum or maximum pixel size.
Note, however, that Google Earth won't let you create or edit a Region on a GroundOverlay directly so you'll need to add that to your KML outside of Google Earth. This and other limitations in Google Earth are listed here.
To get a feel for pixel sizes on the screen and create appropriate minimum pixel size (minLodPixels) and maximum size (maxLodPixels) you can measure the "screen" pixels dimensions with the KML screen ruler. Click "Raw" link to view raw KML then save locally and launch in Google Earth.

Stop dimming / color change of overlapping placemarks on Google Earth

I'm using Google Earth to display point data as placemarks. The data is on a color-coded scale, and so it's pretty important that they keep their colors (which are set via a series of differently colored icons)
However, Google Earth seems to have a 'feature' whereby it dims some placemarks if they overlap. I can find no reference to this feature, nor any way to avoid it, turn it off, using KML or otherwise.
The question was originally asked here:!topic/earth/DTl6yGLvPvw
Where there are also screenshots of the problem.

Are there other options of enabling an irregular shaped clickable area on a web page other than image maps?

(This is a post that I'm moving from ui stackexchange.)
We have some irregular shaped areas...imagine a map of the states of the US. Imagine also that inside each state there is a rectangular region that contains graphics and text. We want to make each of the states react to mouseover/mouseout/click.
If it is a straight up HTML/Javascript page (no Flash), are there other ways to implement this than image maps?
If this is not possible, I would also consider just having the rectangular region within each state react to mouse events.
Does "straight up HTML" mean you can use Javascript? If so, consider the Raphael javascript library, which wraps SVG. Check out their homepage for a great overview of what you can do, including this example of counties (?) of Australia:
You could also consider processing.js, which is a similar visualisation library but wraps canvas as opposed to SVG.
how about coordinates? grab your map of the us, figure out the polygons that contain a state, and every time the user clicks somewhere, get the position of the click and figure out what polygon that position is in.
the only tricky part is doing the translation from logical to physical. i.e. when you get the location of a click it'll probably give you the location in global browser positioning, and you'll need to figure out where your image is using jquery's .position().
