Cassandra: choosing sstable_size_in_mb - cassandra

I have Cassandra 1.1.9 with large column family 1.5Tb of size per node. This one has a LeveledCompaction configured.
What is the most appropriate value of sstable_size_in_mb should I choose? Currently we use value of 100Mb and as a result ~20,000 files per node. What issues should I keep in mind while choosing it?

Larger is probably better. For an optimum size, some work was recently done on finding a better size than the small 5M default. The new default size is 160M. You can read about it in CASSANDRA-5727.
If you are using LCS you should consider upgrading to 1.2.x sometime for a lot of improvements there.


Is it possible to increase the size of cell in cassandra?

I want to insert a 16MB image with blob type in Cassandra.
However, I noticed that the practical limit on blob size is less than 1 MB.
(The description of blob type is here.)
Except splitting the image into multiple 1MB, I'm wondering if it is possible to increase the size of the cell to handle my requirement.
Thanks a lot.
The 1Mb limit specified in the documentation is a recommendation, not a hard limit. And it's a good recommendation, because otherwise you can get problems with maintenance operations, like, repair, bootstrapping of the new nodes, etc. - I've seen cases (on older Cassandra) when people stored 1Mb blobs, and couldn't add the new data center because bootstrap failed. Nowadays, it shouldn't be a problem, but this recommendation still actual.
Usual recommendation is to store file content on the file system and store metadata, including the file path in Cassandra. By doing that, it's easier to host your images, especially if you're in the cloud - this will be more performant, and cheaper...

Where does the idea of a 10MB partition size come from?

I'm doing some data modelling for time series data in Cassandra, and I've decided to implement buckets to regulate my partition sizes and maintain reasonable distribution on my cluster.
I decided to bucketise such that my partitions would not exceed a size of 10MB, as I've seen numerous sources that state this as an ideal partition size, but I can't find any information on why 10MB was chosen. On top of this I can't find anything from DataStax or Apache that mentions this soft 10MB limit at all.
Our data can be requested for large periods of time, meaning lots of partitions will be required to service 1 request if the partition sizes remain at 10MB. I'd rather increase the size of the partitions, and have fewer partitions required to service these requests.
Where does this idea of a 10MB partition size come from? Is it still relevant? What would be so bad if my partitions were 20MB in size? Or even 50MB?
With 10MB referenced in so many places, I feel like there must be something to it. Any information would be appreciated. Cheers.
I think that many of these advises are coming from old time, when support for wide partitions weren't very good - it was a lot of pressure on heap when we read data, etc.. Since Cassandra 3.0 the situation heavily improved, but it's still recommended to keep the size on the disk under 100Mb.
For example, DataStax planning guide says in section "Estimating partition size":
a good rule of thumb is to keep the maximum number of rows below 100,000 items and the disk size under 100 MB
In recent versions of Cassandra we can go beyond this recommendation, but it still not advised, although it heavily depends on the access patterns. You can find more information in the following blog post, and this video.
I have seen users with 60+Gb partitions - system still works, but the data distribution is not ideal, so nodes are becoming "hot", and performance may suffer.

What does 'Invalid frame size' mean in Thrift

Running cassandra 2.1 clusters here where we see few errors like below from time to time:
ERROR [Thrift-Selector_15] 2017-07-15 01:08:42,677 - Invalid frame size got (15826670), maximum expected 15728640
Wondering what might be the cause for such and their impact on clusters?
Essentially, this is telling you that the data size of your upsert is too big. You have a couple of options here:
Modify your application logic to write data in smaller amounts.
Increase the thrift_framed_transport_size_in_mb setting in the cassandra.yaml to something that better accommodates your write pattern.
Change your application to use the native binary protocol, which has a higher default frame size (256MB).
I recommend #3 for the long-term. For the short term you could experiment with #2. But Thrift has been deprecated and is disabled by default in the current versions of Cassandra, and will be removed all-together in the near future.

cassandra read performance for large number of keys

Here is situation
I am trying to fetch around 10k keys from CF.
Size of cluster : 10 nodes
Data on node : 250 GB
Heap allotted : 12 GB
Snitch used : property snitch with 2 racks in same Data center.
no. of sstables for cf per node : around 8 to 10
I am supercolumn approach.Each row contains around 300 supercolumn which in terms contain 5-10 columns.I am firing multiget with 10k row keys and 1 supercolumn.
When fire the call 1st time it take around 30 to 50 secs to return the result.After that cassandra serves the data from key cache.Then it return the result in 2-4 secs.
So cassandra read performance is hampering our project.I am using phpcassa.Is there any way I can tweak cassandra servers so that I can get result faster?
Is super column approach affects the read performance?
Use of super columns is best suited for use cases where the number of sub-columns is a relatively small number. Read more here:
Just in case you haven't done this already, since you're using phpcassa library, make sure that you've compiled the Thrift library. Per the "INSTALLING" text file in the phpcassa library folder:
Using the C Extension
The C extension is crucial for phpcassa's performance.
You need to configure and make to be able to use the C extension.
cd thrift/ext/thrift_protocol
sudo make install
Add the following line to your php.ini file:
After doing much of RND about this stuff we figured there is no way you can get this working optimally.
When cassandra is fetching these 10k rows 1st time it is going to take time and there is no way to optimize this.
1) However in practical, probability of people accessing same records are more.So we take maximum advantage of key cache.Default setting for key cache is 2 MB. So we can afford to increase it to 128 MB with no problems of memory.
After data loading run the expected queries to warm up the key cache.
2) JVM works optimally at 8-10 GB (Dont have numbers to prove it.Just observation).
3) Most important if you are using physical machines (not cloud OR virtual machine) then do check out the disk scheduler you are using.Set it NOOP which is good for cassandra as it reads all keys from one section reducing disk header movement.
Above changes helped to bring down time required for querying within acceptable limits.
Along with above changes if you have CFs which are small in size but frequently accessed enable row caching for it.
Hope above info is useful.

Distributed database, many lightly loaded nodes

I'm working on a hobby project involving a rather CPU-intensive calculation. The problem is embarrassingly parallel. This calculation will need to happen on a large number of nodes (say 1000-10000). Each node can do its work almost completely independently of the others. However, the entire system will need to answer queries from outside the system. Approximately 100000 such queries per second will have to be answered. To answer the queries, the system needs some state that is sometimes shared between two nodes. The nodes need at most 128MB RAM for their calculations.
Obviously, I'm probably not going to afford to actually build this system in the scale described above, but I'm still interested in the engineering challenge of it, and thought I'd set up a small number of nodes as proof-of-concept.
I was thinking about using something like Cassandra and CouchDB to have scalable persistent state across all nodes. If I run a distributed database server on each node, it would be very lightly loaded, but it would be very nice from an ops perspective to have all nodes be identical.
Now to my question:
Can anyone suggest a distributed database implementation that would be a good fit for a cluster of a large number of nodes, each with very little RAM?
Cassandra seems to do what I want, but talks about recommending at least 4G RAM for each node.
I haven't found a figure for the memory requirements of CouchDB, but given that it is implemented in Erlang, I figure maybe it isn't so bad?
Anyway, recommendation, hints, suggestions, opinions are welcome!
You should be able to do this with cassandra, though depending on your reliability requirements, an in memory database like redis might be more appropriate.
Since the data set is so small (100 MBs of data), you should be able to run with less than 4GB of ram per node. Adding in cassandra overhead you probably need 200MB of ram for the memtable, and another 200MB of ram for the row cache (to cache the entire data set, turn off the key cache), plus another 500MB of ram for java in general, which means you could get away with 2 gigs of ram per machine.
Using a replication factor of three, you probably only need a cluster on the order of 10's of nodes to serve the number of reads/writes you require (especially since your data set is so small and all reads can be served from the row cache). If you need the computing power of 1000's of nodes, have them talk to the 10's of cassandra nodes storing you data rather than try to split cassandra to run across 1000's of nodes.
I've not used CouchDB myself, but I am told that Couch will run in as little as 256M with around 500K records. At a guess that would mean that each of your nodes might need ~512M, taking into account the extra 128M they need for their calculations. Ultimately you should download and give each a test inside a VPS, but it does sound like Couch will run in less memory than Cassandra.
Okay, after doing some more read-up after posting the question, and trying some thing out, I decided to go with MongoDB.
So far I'm happy. I have very little load, and MongoDB is using very little system resources (~200MB at most). However, my dataset isn't nearly as large as described in the question, and I am only running 1 node, so this doesn't mean anything.
CouchDB doesn't seem to support sharding out-of-the-box, so is not (it turns out) a good fit for the problem described in the question (I know there are addons for sharding).
