How can I get my website to load? - web

I have built a few webpages on my laptop using the Homestead web based site editor. The sites load fine on all devices in my house except for my laptop. Almost every time the pages time out before they load. It does not load even partially. Initially when this started I could clear cache/cookies and it would then load. Now I can't get them to load at all in chrome, ff or ie. They load fine on my ipad and other pcs in the house.

It is issue of your laptop you just clear your temp files and try to another from data can send me URL of your site.


Static contents stuck in SendResponse after serving a video file

I'm working on an ASP.Net MVC application, running on .Net Framework 4.6.2. The application is currently deployed to a server with IIS 10.
Everything was working fine, until recently, we added some video (mp4) files into the website. Now, whenever staffs from our company browses the website and open up a video, and browse away to another page on the website before the video is completely played, the website no longer loads correctly for that user's browser.
If the video is fully streamed to the browser, then everything works as expected afterwards.
The videos are served with the HTML5 video tag, directly pointing to a physical file on the server, without any other JavaScript library:
<video src="video.mp4" controls controlslist="nodownload" disablepictureinpicture oncontextmenu="return false;" />
Note that the same behaviour happens if we directly browse to the video (browsing the src URL directly).
From IIS, I found that once a video begins to stream to a browser, if the video is not fully streamed before the user browse away, in subsequent requests there will always be a few static content files that will be stuck in SendResponse state. This causes the browser to be unable to render the page normally, giving the impression that the page would not load.
These static content files are all served with Bundling feature in ASP.Net MVC. Note that not all bundles are not able to be loaded, only some, and those are the bigger bundles of the bunch, but not necessarily the largest. Browser will eventually receive an ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR for each of those static content bundle after a while, in which the items in SendResponse state on the IIS server will go away.
Strangely, incognito mode and non-incognito mode does not seem to affect one another: if user opens up a video and no longer be able to browse any page on the website in incognito mode, they can still browse the site just fine in non-incognito mode, until they browse to a video in the non-incognito mode.
The same behaviour applies to both Chrome and MS Edge in all the PCs we've tested in our company.
However, the same does not occur to our mobile devices, or our own devices at home.
Failed Request Tracing shows no error. Everything is returning code 200. Filtering the trace to code 400 and above tracked nothing.
I'm at a loss what other methods should I use to continue troubleshooting. Any pointer is greatly appreciated.
After some investigations and trial and errors, it was finally found that the culprit is the antivirus software. A ticket was submitted to the antivirus software company, and they acknowledged that it was their issue and released a hotfix.
Applying the hotfix resolved the problem.

Web page displays on Host ie11 but not on another machine, have I missed something?

i have an web site made to simply allow people to update some sqlserver tables.
The website works perfectly on the host server in Edge and IE11.
On other machines when accessing the server like so :
It works in Chrome and Edge.
however in IE11 it displays wrong. Some colours come across, all gridviews appear correctly but layout is literally bonkers.
Is there something simple i am missing? This is my first time publishing a site in all help appreciated.

What could cause err_connection_reset one one page, and only on mobile devices?

We have a ColdFusion Server running on top of IIS. All of our pages can be viewed in desktop or mobile mode, which just changes some CSS around but shows essentially the same page. We've run into an odd situation where on one particular page of the site:
It works fine on a PC viewing the page in desktop mode
It works fine on a PC viewing the page in mobile mode
It returns a err_connection_reset on any mobile device viewing the page in mobile mode
What could cause one particular page on a website to show up fine in desktop browsers but return an err_connection_reset on mobile browsers.
This page is not large, and is made up mostly of common components that are used on other pages which are working fine. No error appears in the server logs (our own, ColdFusions, or IIS').
Google keeps returning me pages about problems with Chrome's data saver mode on pages with 302 redirections. However, this page does not redirect, and we've experienced this on Chrome, Safari, and the Android browser, on both Android and iOS devices.

Embedding (Youtube/Vimeo) Videos on a Raspberry Pi

I'm currently working with Raspberry Pi 3's to show webpages from our server, on site.
In this case, on site means about a 100 remote locations like grade schools, where we can't just walk in and update stuff (so making a site offline is a no-go, working with serviceworkers to cache is okay).
My problem is as followed:
When I try to show videos and/or images on the pages, the raspberry's browser eventually crashes.
Because the remote locations don't always have working internet and we do need to show something, we can't rely on refreshing every page.
We've tried both YouTube and Vimeo as video providers, but both crash eventually.
Can someone help or suggest some options?

flash based game stopped loading

A few weeks ago our flash based game at suddenly stopped loading, which was working fine earlier. The website it self loads, but the game window does not, all users just get a black screen.
We have made no changes to the game, DNS etc. According to our hosting company, PLayerIO, the page and files load, however the game file does not.
Since the web version is flash based, I am wondering if it is necessary to make ongoing updates to the swf file when Adobe make updates to their flash player?
I do not know if we have used Adobe Air as well in the web version, but know this is used somehow in app versions we have.
Our problem is isolated to the webversion Hosted at PlayerIO and domain registered with
How to Fix this?
With the limited information of this question, it is hard to provide any solution.
I did run a few test on your site and figured the play button is linked to a swf file.
It points to this swf file i think needs some player/wrapper for other dependent functionalities.
Have you updated your web page recently? Also FB plugins never loads!
You can check that as well.
