Embedding (Youtube/Vimeo) Videos on a Raspberry Pi - web

I'm currently working with Raspberry Pi 3's to show webpages from our server, on site.
In this case, on site means about a 100 remote locations like grade schools, where we can't just walk in and update stuff (so making a site offline is a no-go, working with serviceworkers to cache is okay).
My problem is as followed:
When I try to show videos and/or images on the pages, the raspberry's browser eventually crashes.
Because the remote locations don't always have working internet and we do need to show something, we can't rely on refreshing every page.
We've tried both YouTube and Vimeo as video providers, but both crash eventually.
Can someone help or suggest some options?


How to change where a url points locally

So I'm on ubuntu and I'm using station, a sort of web app. It grabs some of its icons from a server. However, this server is no longer maintained. Therefore some icons do not display properly and some of the UI is not very usable. So I wanted to know if there could be a way to set locally that when the URLs of that icons are "searched", my computer searches instead a file stored locally on my computer (I was able to grab the URLs so that's dealt with). My next idea would be to try to edit the source code but I'm not should I would be able to achieve that.

How Mirror webpages as Web Video Wall into another browser?

We have a video wall with some monitors. each one is plugged into a Raspberry PI 3.
Mostly we just are showing webpages into the video wall (reports, status etc)
Today we control the content of each raspberry using VNC. I was wondering if is there a web service or plugin that allows me to just configure the URL that I wish to show on each screen. Plus, Sometimes we split the each screen into 2 or more webpages.
Is there any web app, chrome plugin or web service that allows me do that?
OBS, I don't know if here is the right place to this kind of question. If is there another community where i could ask this, i will be glad to know.
I can not give a complete and exhaustive answer, since you do not provide any description of how it should look and how you want to control it.
Let's start with the fact that almost every browser at startup you can specify URL and start the browser like this:
# firefox https://google.com
Then the browser opens with the page you need.
To close the page, you can kill the browser with a command like this
# killall firefox
You can run commands on the Raspberry PI using ssh, it's much easier than running the VNC session.
Most likely you may encounter a problem when you receive a message stating that the browser can not connect to the display. This is easily correctable with something like:
# export DISPLAY=:0
In order for the browser to always be in full-screen mode and not to lose its settings, you can configure it correctly, close all the tabs and save its configuration from ~/.mozilla/ (for firefox), and then restore it from backup every time you start it.

flash based game stopped loading

A few weeks ago our flash based game at www.balutgame.com suddenly stopped loading, which was working fine earlier. The website it self loads, but the game window does not, all users just get a black screen.
We have made no changes to the game, DNS etc. According to our hosting company, PLayerIO, the page and files load, however the game file does not.
Since the web version is flash based, I am wondering if it is necessary to make ongoing updates to the swf file when Adobe make updates to their flash player?
I do not know if we have used Adobe Air as well in the web version, but know this is used somehow in app versions we have.
Our problem is isolated to the webversion www.balutgame.com. Hosted at PlayerIO and domain registered with name.com
How to Fix this?
With the limited information of this question, it is hard to provide any solution.
I did run a few test on your site and figured the play button is linked to a swf file.
It points to http://d1ro1du4c73r1c.cloudfront.net/balut-dq1cn30nkeozclazbnk7q/Balut%20Web/Balut._v3.swf this swf file i think needs some player/wrapper for other dependent functionalities.
Have you updated your web page recently? Also FB plugins never loads!
You can check that as well.

How can I get my website to load?

I have built a few webpages on my laptop using the Homestead web based site editor. The sites load fine on all devices in my house except for my laptop. Almost every time the pages time out before they load. It does not load even partially. Initially when this started I could clear cache/cookies and it would then load. Now I can't get them to load at all in chrome, ff or ie. They load fine on my ipad and other pcs in the house.
It is issue of your laptop you just clear your temp files and try to another from data card.you can send me URL of your site.

Unable to link directly to WMV video file

I have a wmv video hosted in SharePoint. I've created a Content Editor web part with a bit of custom content and I've placed a simple link to the video Click to view.
There is really nothing special going on here. Some users can click on the link and the video opens in their default video player. Other users see a range of different errors/prompts. Some users are prompted for their network credentials and others receive a generic "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage.
The same problems occur if I create a generic HTML web page (outside of SharePoint) and have users try to launch the video.
I am trying to avoid embedding the video in the HTML and just have users link directly to the video itself.
Has anyone encountered this issue and do you have any suggestions for making this work?
This appears to be a combination of browser issues and file security.
People are being asked for their network credentials because the file itself is not "public"; it requires authentication to be read, or appears to do so from your description. Different browsers will display different messages when attempting to authenticate for the file.
Additionally, the default player for a browser may not be set or the browser may not allow passoff to third party programs, both of which will generate different messages for different browsers. This will always be an issue for hot-linked videos, and there's nothing you can do about it except use some guaranteed playback platform that all consuming browsers must have installed, such as Flash or Silverlight. That comes with issues all on its own, but such is the nature of the online world.
